Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 38 Sea Monster

Chapter 38 Sea Monster

The lobster monster is huge in size, and its body is covered with a thick carapace. Its defense is super high visible to the naked eye.

Allen didn't want to fight this fierce sea monster.

Seeing the lobster monster crawling over, he immediately turned and ran away.

Hound pace!

Allen dodged behind the mast to avoid the monster's grasp.

From the current point of view, the lobster monster does not seem to have long-range attack methods.

Allen was in no hurry to fight back.

I plan to observe the behavior of this monster first and look for flaws.

At this time, there was the sound of chanting mantras from the other side of the barrel pile.


Fatty Flynn is quite loyal.

Alan was not left alone to escape.

Probe out from the back of the barrel and cast the 0-ring magic "Flash".

The sudden burst of strong light stabbed the lobster monster's eyes.

Allen did not miss the assist opportunity provided by Flynn.

Resolutely stimulate the poison glands to synthesize the strongest toxin!
Pushing the left palm forward flatly, towards the blind lobster monster that was still running around on the ground, blasted a black poisonous gas!
The 0-ring spell "Toxic Gas Splash" can expand the scope of toxin pollution.

Unfortunately, the physiological structure of the lobster monster seems to be quite special.

Level 3 basilisk poison actually doesn't work on it!

The blinding effect of the "flash technique" has ended, and the lobster monster regained its vision and rushed out of the area where the poisonous gas diffused.

Wielding two huge pincers, he approached Allen with a murderous look.

Flynn's second "flash technique" was unfortunately resisted by the lobster monster.

The little fat man cursed "unlucky", drew his sword, kicked his feet on the ground, and jumped ten meters high!

Allen couldn't help being secretly surprised when he saw this scene.

Even a "violent style" warlock apprentice like him who specializes in martial arts can't have such a terrifying jumping ability.

Flynn's physique and agility attributes would not be stronger than his.

The reason why he jumped so high was probably because he had a special warlock bloodline, and he had awakened a bloodline talent that greatly strengthened jumping.

Flynn turned over in the air, like a big bird pounced on the lobster monster.

Hold the cross sword high with both hands, and strike down in the air!

A cold light tore the sky from top to bottom.

The long sword slashed heavily on the lobster's head!

Cut off several thumb-thick shrimp tendrils, cut through the carapace of the head, leaving a two-foot-long scar.

Blue blood flowed from the wound.

However, Flynn's blade also collapsed.

The hand holding the sword trembled uncontrollably.

I don't know if I was hurt by the shock or because I was afraid.

At this moment, a tall and vigorous figure rushed over.

While galloping at full speed, Allen drew 9 points of magic power and launched a piercing force.

After a year of hard training, he has mastered the martial art of "Bone Penetrating Strength" to the point of perfection.

Every inch of muscle in your body can be poured into your bones as you like, and it can be used as a weapon against the enemy!
At this moment, Allen injected strength into his right shoulder.

With the inertia of galloping, he slammed into the lobster monster sideways!
Bang! !

A dull roar echoed over the deck.

The huge sea monster in heavy armor was hit by Alan's fierce shoulder, as if hit by a battering hammer!
Roll along the deck, crushing countless barrels along the way.

On the side abdomen that was hit, large pieces of carapace were shattered, and the blood flow continued.

Allen stood up straight, glaring at the lobster monster.

The whole body exudes the aura of a beast!

Through the temptations of the previous rounds.

Allen has tested it out.

The armor of the lobster monster is equivalent to level 8 armor.

9 points of magic power stimulate the bone-chilling strength, and it can break the defense steadily!
The fierce shoulder bump just now verified his judgment.

Flynn fired another "flash" at the lobster monster.

Regardless of whether he was hit or not, he turned his head and shouted eagerly.

"Hey! Guys, stop watching!"

"Hurry up and help deal with the lobster monster!"

He yelled very hard, but unfortunately there were very few people who responded.

The captain and Helent stood side by side on the balcony of the bridge to watch the battle, and they didn't intend to make a move in person.

It seems that they intend to take the opportunity of the sea monster attack to inspect the newcomers.

Most of the warlock apprentices on the ship realized that the situation was not good, and most of them hid in the cabin.

There were only two courageous teenagers left on the deck, and they ran over to help Alan and Flynn deal with the lobster monster.

Allen has some impressions of these two teenagers.

The one wearing a silver chain mail shirt is called Duke, holding a rapier, and his skills are quite vigorous.

Duke started casting spells from more than 30 meters away.


While reciting the mantra, point to the lobster monster.

An ice blue ray burst out from the fingertips.

Hitting the lobster monster immediately condensed frost.

Another boy in a black robe was named Angel.

His complexion was pale and his face was delicate.

A pair of pupils were dark golden, which impressed Allen deeply.

The plain black cloak looked particularly wide on this frail and frail young man.


Angel's lips moved slightly, chanting a spell that symbolized the "force field".

Slowly raising his left hand, a blue-purple shock wave suddenly exploded from the palm of his hand!

The power of this spell is obviously stronger than ordinary 0-ring magic.

Break through the thick carapace of the lobster monster, and blast a blood hole as big as a washbasin!

Flynn was slightly relieved when he saw someone coming to help.

He found that the lobster monster was already resistant to the "flash", so he cast another 0-level spell instead.

He raised his hand and shot an arrow made of condensed flames, causing a scorched mark on the head of the lobster monster.

Flynn's "Fire Arrow".

Duke's "Cryo Ray".

And Angor's "Magic Energy Explosion".

They are all excellent 0-ring magic.

If it is used to deal with ordinary people, it can be instantly killed casually.

But the lobster monster is not ordinary.

The vitality of this monster is amazingly tough!
The spells released by the three hit it like scraping.

At times like this, someone has to be at the front.

Allen put on "blade protection" for himself, grabbed a thick oak board used for ship repairs as a shield, stepped forward to attract the lobster monster, and provided space for teammates behind him to cast spells.

The spells of Flynn, Duke, and Angel kept falling on the lobster monster.

The damage done adds up.

As the injury worsened, the lobster monster became more and more manic.

Keep swinging down the pincers, smashing Alan who is closest to him.

Allen had to raise his shield with both hands to block.

Accompanied by a bang bang knocking sound.

The huge impact force continued to press on the body through the shield.

Thanks to the "blade protection", half of the impact damage is offset.

Allen's arm took the pressure.

It was just numb from the shock.

If the fight continues like this, if the lobster monster can't hold on for 2 minutes, it will be tortured to death by four people.

At a critical moment, a little accident happened.

The plank in Alan's hand is not a real tower shield after all.

Withstood too many giant pincer attacks, and finally shattered.

Allen had expected this situation for a long time.

Start the pace of the hound, dodge the pursuit of the lobster monster.

Taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed another thick board, held it in his hand, and calmly blocked the pincers.

The situation on the deck is back on track.

The downfall of the Lobster Monster is only a matter of time.


"That boy named Allen is bold and careful, not bad."

On the balcony of the ship building, Captain Weber held a pipe and nodded in approval.

"I also care a little about that boy, he is fit and handsome..."

Helent stared at Alan, licked his vermilion lips with the tip of his tongue, his eyes were extremely hot.


Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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