Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 82 Lost

Chapter 82 Lost
late at night.

A sneaky mouse sneaked into the ward.

The ward smelled of herbs.

On both sides of the aisle, there are two beds in parallel.

Locke and Jenny are both in a coma.

The mouse was lying in the middle of the aisle, with a strange red light shining in its eyes.

"Squeak! Wake up, wake up!"

The mouse suddenly spoke human words.

"The honored guest is here, why don't you entertain me?"

Jenny was half asleep and half awake, and vaguely heard conversations.

She rolled over and sat up on the bed.

Opening his eyes, he stared dazedly at the ground.

The moment he saw the red-eyed mouse, his face turned pale and he was about to exclaim.

At this time, a generous palm covered her mouth.

"Jenny, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Brother Locke!"

Jenny threw herself into Locke's arms.

"My friend, you and your girlfriend need our help."

Red-eyed mouse, whispering.

"Just do what I just said, and you're guaranteed to be cured."

"My junior brother, Alan, has his own way to cure lycanthropy!" Locke said in a deep voice, "There is no need to ask you cultists for help!"

The mouse sneered, with a shrill voice full of charm.

"Think about it carefully."

"That kid named Allen is neither a potion master nor a natural warlock."

"How much pharmacy can a mere first-order violent warlock know?"

"Did he tell you to make a medicine with belladonna?"

"Hey... as we all know, belladonna itself is highly poisonous, if you use this thing to make medicine, you dare to eat it?"

"Taking a step back, even if his medicine works, it will make you lose your powerful animal transformation ability forever, but my method can retain the animal transformation."

"As long as you obediently do what I tell you, after it's done, you'll be able to obtain a special meditation method to suppress the urge to transform into a beast, and use the blood of the beast to enhance your strength!"

"Our warlocks who worship beasts, after being infected with lycanthropy, can still maintain their sanity because of this secret method of meditation!"

"There are two roads in front of you, you can choose for yourself!"

"Isn't it obvious which one is better?"

After a while, the mouse quietly left the ward and disappeared into the gutter.

the next day.

A group of seven people continued on their way.

After these days of investigation, Allen et al. have already ascertained.

The stronghold of the Beast Cult on the island is located in the magic stone mining area.

Everyone set off early in the morning, planning to rush to the mining area before dark, raid the cult stronghold, and wipe out the cult members.

At dusk, the setting sun is like blood.

Go to an abandoned miner's dormitory.

Allen stopped suddenly and reminded his companions.

"30 meters ahead, a high-concentration virus reaction has been detected! Beware of an ambush!"

Before Allen finished speaking, Locke turned around suddenly and punched him in the face!
Hound pace!

Allen narrowly avoided Locke's sneak attack.

Meanwhile, Jenny is casting spells.

At the place where everyone was standing, he took a "greasy technique".

"Bitch! Damn you!"

Andy suddenly realized that he had been fooled, and became furious, and rushed to Jenny.

As soon as you take a step, you step on the slippery grease.

With a thud, he fell solidly on his ass!

It doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely insulting.

When everyone jumped out of the greasy area, Locke and Jenny had already run into the miners' dormitory area.

at the same time.

On both sides of the street, in the abandoned miners' dormitory, the half-hidden doors were suddenly knocked open, and groups of Ratmen rushed out.

All dressed in leather armor, armed with swords, bows and crossbows, full of murderous aura.

The elite armed forces of the Beast Cult have been waiting here for a long time!
Seeing this scene, everyone understood.

If Allen hadn't driven the "virus detection" along the way, found the ambushes in advance, and reminded everyone to be careful in time, I'm afraid he would be a fool until he fell into a trap and was killed by Locke and Jenny!

"Lock! Jenny! You will suffer retribution, and you are doomed to die!"

Pamela's pretty face flushed with anger.

The sapphire-like pupils glared fiercely at the two traitors.

Locke and Jenny seemed guilty and did not dare to look at her.

He lowered his head and hid behind the rat people.

The crowd parted, and five figures walked side by side.

Standing in the middle is a female sorceress in blue robe.

She has a graceful figure and a hideous spider mask on her face.

Through a pair of holes in the mask, there was a cold gaze.

Beside the blue-robed woman, there are two men in black robes.

Three men and one woman, all wearing mouse-head masks.

"Are you the leader of the Beast Cult on the island?"

Pamela drew out the electric shock rapier with a murderous look.

"Sign up!"

"Hehe..." The woman in blue sneered in a low voice, "People who are about to die are not qualified to inquire about our names."

With a wave of his hand, the magic power surged.

A glowing magic circle spread out on the ground under his feet, and a giant spider as big as a round table was summoned from it.

At the same time, the four black-clothed warlocks beside her were also casting spells together.

In a blink of an eye, there were hordes of mice covering the road.

Worse still lies ahead.

The four warlocks in black began to pray in a solemn tone.

"My lord Squark!"

"The Lord of the Plague!"

"Please bestow the divine power to slaughter thousands of armies!"

Four warlocks channeled divine power at the same time.

Golden light radiated from them, spreading to ten meters away.

Under their feet, the rats swarming everywhere were illuminated by divine light.

One by one seemed to be on hormones.

The skeletal muscles swelled wildly!

In the blink of an eye, they all turned into ferocious giant rats stronger than gray wolves!
Looking at the past, there is a large area of ​​darkness.

Ear-piercing screams, one after another!


Seeing this scene, the arrogant Pamela couldn't help but change her face.

"Outnumbered, retreat quickly!"

Before the words were finished, countless giant rats had already besieged them, like a gray tide, one wave after another.

There are so many giant rats that they cannot be killed at all.

If you stay here, you won't last long, you will be surrounded to death, and you will be gnawed to the bone!

Everyone had to split their heads and flee for their lives.

One escape counts as one!
At the moment of chaos, Allen wanted to take Angel with him and go with him.

He can protect the weak Angel.

Angor's genius spellcasting ability can also help him control the situation and provide richer tactical countermeasures.

Unfortunately, Pamela was ahead of him, grabbed Angel's wrist, and ran away.

Allen didn't like Pamela very much.

In his opinion, this eldest lady is just a blond bastard with a pretty face!

Domineering, arrogant and brutal, and a strong desire to dominate.

However, Allen also had to admit that Pamela was more qualified to protect Angel than himself.

"I hope they're all right."

Withdrawing his thoughts, Allen turned around and left alone.


mine area.

A big dusty brick house, stained with blood.

The giant rat was lying at the door, greedily eating the corpse of the miner.

The sound of footsteps alerted the giant rat!

He raised his head sharply, and bared his bloody front teeth at the tall boy who was walking towards him.

Allen flicked his fingers.

A "flick of the finger" hit the giant mouse, headshot on the spot.

Allen walked towards the door, planning to go in and hide for a while.

At this time, there was a slight tremor on the ground under his feet.

Allen lowered his head and looked at the ground.

Everything seems to be normal.

But in the next second...

The ground suddenly cracked, and a pair of big black hands stretched out!

Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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