I made up the global era of cultivating immortals

Chapter 133 The Birth of the Holy See of Light

Chapter 133 The Birth of the Holy See of Light


The battle of the past few days.

Let the damage here be very serious.

Restoration work has now begun.

Construction workers are rebuilding the square and nearby buildings.

However, the most severely damaged cathedral in the conflict and war is not included in the reconstruction process, and only some small-scale repairs and rectifications will be carried out on the existing basis.


"Is this the miracle created by Saint Longinus?"

"Since the legendary saints really existed, then Jesus God must have really existed!"


People face the cathedral.

All showed awe and even fanaticism.

The once magnificent cathedral is now divided into two from the middle, one half of which is still quite intact, while the other half is full of cracks, and the heavy structure has disappeared.

The church still stands.

Isn't this a miracle?
No matter how gorgeous the appearance is, no matter how brilliant the design is, it is not as worshipable as the dilapidated church in front of you, and it has become the most sacred holy place of the Holy See.

Pope Lucerne is being briefed by two cardinals.

One of the cardinals cheered up: "Although this battle has caused the Holy See to suffer a lot of losses, but because of the appearance of Saint Longinus, the influence and reputation of the Holy See have not decreased but increased."

Another cardinal continued: "We have received donations from hundreds of countries, companies, consortia, and private families around the world, and the cumulative amount has exceeded 50 billion euros so far."


The report of the two bishops.

It's a mixed blessing for Ruceni.

The revival of the Holy See depends on nothing more than the powerful strength of Saint Longinus. These national forces are not so much trying to make friends with the Holy See, but rather trying to please Saint Longinus alone.

Although the strength of this crown prince is unfathomable, even if he is strong, he is only personally strong.

The future is the era of practitioners.

The Holy See does not have its own inheritance of practitioners.

So sooner or later, we cannot avoid the fate of being eliminated by the times.

Luceni suddenly felt something, and suddenly stood up from his seat, leaving the two cardinals in front of him confused.

"His Majesty is calling me!"

"I want to enter the underground palace immediately!"

The expressions of the two cardinals changed upon hearing this.

After Saint Longinus was resurrected, he did not show his face in public, but continued to lie dormant underground, and only the contemporary pope was eligible to meet him.

Feel the calling now.

How dare Luceni neglect?

He hurriedly stopped all the work at hand, first entered the cathedral catacombs, and then went deeper through the crypt tunnel.

"Where will His Majesty be?"

Luceni had never entered the final resting place of St. Longinus. Facing the dark tomb passage in front of him at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little confused, but the confusion didn't last long. There were many firefly-like lights in the dark space.

It is a guide!
Luceni followed the flow of light and moved forward.

Finally entered a very hidden underground space.

Luceni has never been here, and church books have never recorded such a place, which is at least 100 meters deep from the surface.

Walk into it.

Luceni was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

What appeared in front of his eyes was actually a vast wilderness, the scale of which was larger than the Vatican itself!
Luceni knew very well that such a large place could not appear under the church. This should be a hidden space similar to a secret realm, so it has not been discovered in the past.

Glowing golden and white flower bushes abound here.

The dim light emitted by millions of flowers alone is enough to illuminate the space.

This underground space is very high, and it is impossible to guess how high it is. A special layer of dust cloud covers the top of the head, and the light of the stars makes it look like the bright galaxy in the real night sky.

Luceni felt a trance.

I just feel that I have come to the wild under the night.

He almost forgot that he was in a closed underground space.

There is a sacred tree tens of meters high, standing in the center of the sea of ​​flowers formed by the flowers, with a thick trunk and countless branches. The leaves are extremely lush, and the breath of life is vigorous.

The body of St. Longinus appeared on the big tree, bound by thorns and vines, as if it had been integrated with the tree. The light emitted from his broken body turned the whole tree into a It has a holy golden and white color.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Luceni knelt down without thinking.

This is the real miracle, and no fancy words can describe what happened.

Although he couldn't understand everything that happened here, he knew that the root of all this came from the existence in front of him.

above the sacred tree.

Xiao Yu opened his eyes.

He wears the skin of St. Longinus.

Appearing here again to pretend to be a ghost.

After all, this vest has a natural identity, so it would be a pity not to use it to do something.

"Get up!"

Luceni stood up quickly.

He cautiously came to the sacred tree:
"Your Majesty, I suddenly summoned, do you have any orders?"

Xiao Yu said: "Even if you didn't call this time, you would take the initiative to ask to see me soon."

Luceni nodded: "As the great majesty said, I have been very confused about the future of the Holy See, and even my faith these days. Now in the world, only your majesty may be able to answer my doubts for me."

Xiao Yu said: "I will be in a deep sleep for a while, and before I officially enter the deep sleep, there are some things that must be completed, and by the way, I can also answer your questions."

heard this.

Luceni trembled with excitement.

There are no pretense or euphemisms.

He asked bluntly: "If God is not the omnipotent God who created all things, the beliefs of believers will be fundamentally subverted. Does the Holy See really have any meaning to continue to exist?"

Unlike some sanctimonious church leaders of the past.

Lucerne was a truly pious pope with firm beliefs.

He is not a rigid, brainless fanatical old stubborn who cannot ignore what has happened in the world in the past two months, ignore more and more evidence and objective facts... The God who is not omniscient and omnipotent is likely to be Just a practitioner!

Xiao Yu said: "Although your understanding of God is biased, it does not mean that people's beliefs are meaningless."

Luceni: "However, the existence of God itself has been denied. What can we use to condense our beliefs?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer this question directly but instead asked: "What is God?"

Luceni said truthfully: "God created the world, God created life, God sheltered believers, God made laws, people abide by them and distinguish between good and evil, making this world really orderly."

Xiao Yu then said: "Then do you know that the biggest reason why Yawei became one of the strongest in the ancient cultivation era is that he obtained a mysterious inheritance that is trillions of years older than the existence of the world itself. "

Luceni was taken aback.

There is such a thing?

He had heard the saying that heaven and earth were reborn.

According to St. Longinus, this inheritance must have come from the previous or even older world.

Xiao Yu continued: "This great existence that created inheritance has the power to tear apart chaos, open up the world, and reverse the long river of time. It can evolve a new world with a single thought, and wipe out thousands of worlds with a snap of its fingers. Do you think he can do that?" Can't be called a god?"

Luceni swallowed hard: "This kind of power that breaks through the imagination of mortals, of course, there is no doubt that only gods can do it!"

In fact.

Heavenly Father as portrayed in the Bible.

In this world, it may not really be omniscient.

Otherwise, there will be many paradoxes, such as why there is a hell Satan, and why is he angry at every turn, punishing his disliked or failed creations?

As for the existence described by St. Longinus, he can not only create a brand new world at will, but also destroy thousands of worlds with a snap of his fingers. He is probably more powerful than any god described in religious books.

The so-called gods are cultivators who are extremely strong!
Luceni suddenly had a glimmer of insight, "Is there a name for this great existence?"

Xiao Yu: "His name has been annihilated before the reincarnation of countless epochs. Because of a coincidence, I obtained part of his inheritance, so I am willing to call him the Lord of the Holy Light."

Lord of Light...

Lucerne has figured it out.

Religion is also undergoing continuous evolution and evolution from the moment of its birth.

Today's three mainstream Christian sects also originated from Judaism. From Moses to Jesus to later Muhammad, they all reinterpreted and revised teachings as prophets or messengers to cause major changes.


Today it is today.

The church needs a revolution!
God has always existed, but the description is not precise enough, so there will be deviations in belief.

The first sentence God said in Genesis was "Let there be light." Perhaps this sentence is not completely fabricated by later generations, and it is likely to hide a deeper meaning.

Xiao Yu felt that the time was almost up.

He continued: "I am going to create the law of the holy light, let the holy light spread in this world, and make it the only belief in this world and even the heavens and myriad worlds, are you willing to be the first apostle to convert to the law of the holy light! "

Luceni was shocked.

His Majesty Saint Longinus is going to give the Holy See an exclusive inheritance?

Although this cultivation inheritance seems to be very different from the general inheritance, as long as it is a inheritance that can be popularized by the church, it will undoubtedly have the effect of rebuilding the church and rebuilding the faith.

Not to mention.

It is from God Yahweh.

It is a cultivation method derived from the Lord of the Holy Light!
Thinking of this, he knelt down again without hesitation: "I would like to follow God and take refuge in the Holy Light!"

Xiao Yu nodded in satisfaction. The platinum runes kept stirring inside his shattered body, and a drop of platinum-like blood condensed from his fingertips, which was directly ejected into the center of Luceni's eyebrows.

"I have given you the law of inheritance of the Holy Light and part of my Holy Light power!"

"This will answer all the confusion in your heart, and it will also allow you to directly possess a part of the power of the Holy Light."

"From today onwards, you are the only Pope of the Holy Light. Your mission is to spread new teachings and spread the laws of the Holy Light and the power of the Holy Light to every corner of the world."

"Hopefully next time I wake up."

"I am satisfied with your performance."


After receiving the Holy Blood of Lucerne.

immediately fell into a coma,

In this process, the huge amount of knowledge, memory, and energy are constantly fused with the body, and the words of the saints are constantly echoing in the brain and ears.

I do not know how long it has been.

Luceni woke up with a jerk.

The saint's eyes were closed, his breath was completely restrained, and he seemed to have merged with the big tree, becoming a lifeless statue.

Lucerne knew that St. Longinus had fallen into a deep sleep under his crown, and that he was able to be resurrected because of the blood of the ancients, which was probably accidentally obtained from Jesus the Messiah.

Just now.

He gave himself a drop of the holy blood.

This drop of holy blood not only contains powerful energy, but also carries countless ancient inherited knowledge.

Luceni is over seventy years old and is close to 80 years old. At this moment, because of the relationship between being bestowed with the holy blood and inheritance, he has undergone a rebirth in an instant.

Although her hair was still as pale as snow, the wrinkles on her face had completely disappeared.

The once dry body also became full and strong.

If one ignores the gray hair, Luceni looks at most 50 to [-] years old at the moment. Not only does he exude a holy atmosphere, but he is also shrouded in a vigorous breath of life, as if he is in the heyday of the most wisdom and energy in his life.

"So this is the Holy Light!"

"Thank you St. Longinus crowned!"

"Luceni will live up to your expectations!"

"The law of the Holy Light will surely be carried forward through the Holy See!"

Lucerne is very clear about this.

What a chance St. Longinus has given himself.

This great existence is the true successor of the Lord of the Holy Light, and there are probably only two such existences in history, and the first one is the Holy Yahweh of the Age of Dawn.

That's right!

It is Saint Yahweh.

rather than God.

God still exists.

There is nothing wrong with the Holy See belief itself.

Because after obtaining the inheritance of the law of the Holy Light and knowing more and more precise truths.

The God and God in Lucene's mind has become the Lord of the Holy Light countless years ago, or the pure Holy Light itself. Yahweh, Jesus, and Longinus in front of him are all the descendants of the Holy Light
They should be equal!

Be true saints!

As for yourself?

Luceni has already understood his mission, he is an agent elected by the saints, and he is also the first Pope of the Holy See!
My mission is to successfully complete the reform of the Holy See, re-modify the teachings and the new Bible, and lay the foundation for the spread of the law of the Holy Light!

This is not an easy task.

Because for fanatical religious elements, heresy is sometimes ten thousand times more evil than heretics!
If Lucerne came out now and said that Longinus and Yahweh are saints with the same status, I am afraid that it will immediately cause fierce opposition from a group of staid and fanatical believers all over the world.


It doesn't matter!
The Holy See is different today!

Today's pope has also been reborn!

The church in the future will have the law of the Holy Light as a source of strength, so it will become more confident and not afraid of challenges and doubts!
After worshiping the preaching saints again.

Luceni stood up, and then a burst of pure white light was released from his body, causing his body to slowly fly into the air.

"Is this the power of the Holy Light?"

"My cultivation base has reached the fourth level of the Mortal Transformation Realm!"

Luceni felt very excited. He didn't expect that the gift of holy blood would bring about such a big change, making him directly the top powerhouse in the world!
Of course.

If you look closely you will find it.

The color of the holy light released by Luceni is different.

The holy light on St. Longinus is golden, more precisely, the color of platinum. This color of holy light is the most orthodox, original and powerful holy light.

At present, Luceni can only activate the power of ordinary holy light, so the color will appear pure white.

even so.

He is not to be underestimated now.

Ruceni quickly left the space and immediately ordered the complete sealing of the catacombs, and no one was allowed to enter them, so as not to disturb the saint's deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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