Zerg is like this

Chapter 219 Rewards

Chapter 219 Rewards
According to Rhodes' instructions, Cao Lie first stated that this was the negligence of the elders' civilization, and then immediately stated the result of the handling of this incident.

That is to declare everyone innocent!
For Cao Lie's statement, the people wept with joy.

They expressed their gratitude to Cao Lie with all kinds of good words.

But the Patriarch of the Fierce Tiger Clan was dumbfounded.

How could this be?
These people robbed so many things from us, and killed so many people, how can they be acquitted directly?

Those people died when they died, but what about the supplies I lost?

Cao Lie immediately explained this question.

For all the dead, the elder civilization will provide a part of the supplies as compensation for the race of the deceased.

And for those races that suffered material losses, all the materials were also supplemented by the elder civilization.

And, from now on, the elder civilization will undergo major construction here.

Many tasks will be issued to ensure that everyone will have food and clothing as long as they work hard and are willing to do it.

They compensated what should be compensated, and they also compensated what should be compensated.

This matter was just fooled by Cao Lie like mud.

The next day, the tasks in the city began to be continuously distributed.

With the supply of massive tasks, the lives of the races outside the city immediately became better.

Although the reward for each task has been reduced a lot, the amount of tasks is large enough.

And many tasks can be settled on the same day.

Therefore, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely not have to worry about eating and drinking.

The problems outside the city seemed to have drawn down the curtain, but in fact they had only moved from the front stage to the backstage.

Now all the races outside the city, through the blood and tears of this period, have a deep prejudice against other races.

It is no longer possible for them to trust other races.

The only people who can be trusted are those in their own clan.

Gradually, because everyone's life is gradually getting better, they no longer receive all their dues.

When they have enough supplies, they will start to select tasks.

Some simple but time-consuming tasks are no longer loved.

So the task slowly began to have a backlog.

Regarding the whole problem, Rhodes immediately asked Cao Lie and others to start recruiting newcomers everywhere.

The newcomers were short of food and clothing, and the missions of these people immediately began to be looted again.

Moreover, since there is already a relatively mature administrative framework here, newcomers can quickly integrate into the group.

But these people who came here were immediately indoctrinated by the old people about the disputes and hostility between races.

Therefore, even if some people originally lived together in the same settlement.

But when they came here, they immediately started to hate their former companions under the indoctrination of the new tribe.

Occasionally, some people who are unwilling to believe this set are willing to continue to treat others with kindness.

But if he doesn't believe this, it doesn't mean others don't believe it!
After these people encountered indifference and hostility from other races several times, they were involuntarily pushed to the opposite side.

It won't work even if you don't hate them.

Because you do this, the tribe will have opinions on you.

Ever since, Rhodes' vertical work on these races was slowly completed.

Later, Rhodes opened an academy here.

There are mainly three categories in the early stage.

Service industry, medicine, agronomy.

The service industry has the highest wages and the greatest opportunities.

Medicine is more respected by the aborigines.

Agronomy is able to provide food for the aborigines.

As long as you finish your studies, you can live in the city and become a middle class.

Moreover, he can also contact superior people like elder civilization all day long and become their employees.

Under Rhodes' warning, the elders and civilized people are very good to these outstanding graduates of the aborigines.

And in every respect, respect them very much.

However, as long as the aborigines commit crimes, the elders and civilized people will attribute these incidents to the inferiority of the race.

Let these excellent aborigines lead the bottom aborigines to self-criticize and reflect.

After five years, many aborigines have lived in the entire city.

The other aborigines outside the city are also proud of learning advanced fine culture, and aim to enter city life.

Gradually, some outstanding aborigines began to look down on those low-level people outside.

They feel that they can't even get through the path of learning that everyone is equal, so they can only be inferior people full of beast thinking for the rest of their lives!

These excellent aborigines full of arrogant thinking were gradually arranged by Rhodes and others into the administrative system created later.

A ruling framework by the elite class is thus formed.

From then on, there are only contradictions between races on this planet, and contradictions between the elite and the bottom.

You say elders are civilized?
In the hearts of ordinary people, the civilization of the elderly must be good!

The adults will distribute relief food from time to time, and also provide free educational opportunities.

It's just that the elites are so bad!

The adults of the elder civilization don't understand the situation of their planet, so they can only hand over the planet to the elites for management.

But the elites unite to deceive the adults.

Occasionally, the elders and civilized adults find out the corruption or abuse of power of some elites.

Seeing these elites being dealt with, and hearing the adults repeatedly calling for the rule of law and civilization, can cause a burst of applause from the public!
Through such an approach, not only will the lower class become more loyal to the civilization of the elders, but they will also feel that the elites are really not a good thing.

But the elites are greedy too much!

The bottom both hate them and want to be them.

This kind of thing goes on and on, and the elder civilization's rule over this planet is on the right track.

outer space.

Lao Zhang held a report passed by Rhodes and couldn't help but nodded.

"Chu Yusheng's method is really good!"

A person next to him also said:
"Yeah, he did it like this, cutting the people down vertically according to race and horizontally according to class.

Our elder civilization only needs to hide behind to cause these vested interests to do anything.

The goal is clear, and all the problems that the people encounter can find an object to vent.

If the problems of the elites are not obvious, we ignore them.If the problem is obvious, we will directly dismount it.

As long as you always maintain a seemingly notarized attitude, then no matter what the problem is, it will not be a problem of the civilization of the elders, and someone will come out and take the blame. "

Lao Zhang released the report and sighed: "People like Chu Yusheng do have the potential to become a leader."

From Rhodes to the planet, every once in a while, he would report everything that happened recently to Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang almost saw Rhodes' operation from beginning to end.

He was amazed at Rhodes' various clever methods.

So Rhodes was investigated.

After this investigation, it was found that Rhodes had shown extraordinary leadership when he was still in school.

Therefore, it seems reasonable for Rhodes to make such a colonial textbook model.

After Lao Zhang thought for a while, he said to the people around him: "Return all the children back! After the military rewards are distributed, I will assign them another important task."


Zhang's instructions, as well as the staff who exchanged with Rhodes and others, arrived on this planet soon.

Rhodes didn't have any resistance to Lao Zhang's arrangement.

Very cooperative, he handed over everything he had mastered.

Long Xiangyang, who was in charge of the handover, threw all the work in Rhodes' hands.

Slowly, from being clear at the beginning, he became confused.

The more I hear the back, the more confused I feel, my mind is full of mud, and I can't stir it now.

He looked at Rhodes suspiciously.

"The foundation and research institute you just mentioned. What the hell are they?"

Rhodes pretended to be taken aback when he heard Long Xiangyang's question.

These things, the elders and civilized people have never heard of them.

As long as you get it out by yourself, it's your own.

I simply handed over the control of these institutions, but did not tell them the charter of these institutions, for this purpose.

I've put all the pussy on your face, so hurry up and spread the word!my buddy!

Rhodes then explained:
"This is what is used to guide public opinion under the banner of a third-party impartial organization.

If it has nothing to do with us, you should report it fairly and justly.

It's in our interest, right or wrong, that you hype up how good these things are.

Whatever is not in our interests, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, you have to say that there is a problem with these things. "

With that said, Rhodes handed him a booklet.

"Here are some methods I have used before. The specific methods and reasons are written in detail. Take a look."

Long Xiangyang took it and immediately opened it.

Event one:

Substitute animal fat for vegetable oil.


Slander animal fats, call on local elites to actively resist, and report on the harm of animal fats to the body, creating panic.


The price of animal oil is transparent, and the profit is not high; it can enhance the physique of the race, keep warm from the cold, and laxative.

After switching to vegetable oil, you can falsely report prices, collect private funds, and weaken the wealth of the people; sales of warm clothes, laxatives, tea and other commodities will increase significantly.

Event two:
Herbal cleansing for fragrance bath.
Follow Long Xiangyang to read them one by one.

The content recorded in it has completely refreshed his three views.

Rhode looked at Long Xiangyang who had never seen the market before, with a smile on his face.

What's the matter, little brother?

Some small capital shocks made you look like this?

Immediately afterwards, Rhodes gave Long Xiangyang all the operating brochures of newspapers, radio stations, publishing houses, art centers, grand theaters, dance troupes and other organizations.

Long Xiangyang took this pile of things, flipped through them casually, and looked at Rhodes with complex emotions already in his eyes.

Damn, isn't this person's heart too dirty?
What are these things?

If this kind of thing is used in their elder civilization.

If you operate it well, it is possible that the current ruling class will be overthrown, right?

But his thought only passed in his mind for a moment, and he immediately threw it away.

After all, Chu Yusheng had no secrets.

At the beginning, he reported all these things to Lao Zhang.

Now, he gave all the internal information to himself at once.

Chu Yusheng's approach is still very worthy of praise!
However, the operations of these institutions are so complicated, it's hard to say whether they can handle it after they take over!
If something goes wrong, wouldn't Chu Yusheng's hard work go to waste?

Therefore, these things will take time to study carefully later.

After handing over everything, Rhodes returned to the universe under the leadership of others.

As soon as Rhodes appeared on the platform, he found that Lao Zhang seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

When he saw Rhodes appearing in front of him, he immediately asked, "Are you all back?"

Cao Lie shook his head immediately, and said, "We haven't come back yet."

"Uh..." Old Zhang fell silent for an instant.

At this time, Lao Zhang didn't know how to respond.

So he just pondered for a while, and immediately skipped the topic.

He glanced at the other students behind Rhodes, and said to himself, "It's good that people are fine."

After finishing speaking, he dropped a sentence: "Come with me."

Then he walked forward with his hands behind his back.

Rhodes and others immediately followed quickly.

Follow Lao Zhang to a room full of books.

There is a sign that has been weathered and dilapidated hanging on the door.

It says library.

Although this place is called a library in name, its appearance is still that of a dilapidated wooden house commonly seen in the elder civilization.

In Rhodes' mind, the aesthetics of elder civilization is indeed very worrying.

Lao Zhang stood at the door and found a box.

When some knowledgeable students saw this box, their faces immediately showed excitement.

I saw that Lao Zhang opened the box, took out the small cards inside, and distributed six cards to each of them.

After everyone got the cards and put them in their lives, Lao Zhang said to everyone:

"Your rule on the home planet of the animal civilization is very effective, and you have also created a brand new method of rule.

Therefore, on the basis of the original, you can choose three more!There are a total of six abilities for you to choose! "


Hearing what Lao Zhang said, everyone immediately shouted excitedly.

Many students whose families have elders serving in the army clearly know that the way to acquire abilities is to rely on acquiring military merits.

In the past, for the military merits their fathers had obtained from missions, it would be considered good if they could get one ability at a time.

And this time, they can learn six abilities in one go!

Faced with such a situation like being hit by a pie, how could they not be excited?

Rhodes looked at his life record.

I saw clearly written inside:

【Military merit: 6】

【Highest in history: 6】

In a blink of an eye, I found that my companions had begun to communicate excitedly.

So Rhodes winked at Cao Lie and Tang Guoguo.

There is no need for Rhodes to say more, they all know what to do now.

Under the guidance of the two of them, the circles of boys and girls immediately began to study who the biggest contributor was based on this achievement.

There is no need for heated arguments, because Rhodes is actually the only one doing the work.

All the plans and strategies were thought up by Rhodes alone.

The others are just helping out.

Most of the time, they are in a state of doing nothing.

Only the lights in Rhodes' room were on until late at night.

Brother is really working hard!

Therefore, the impression of Rhodes in their hearts was once again strengthened after this talk about Xueoni, who had been neglected by them.

All the credit goes to Rhodes.

But Rhodes, who is the center of public opinion, has already stepped aside to read after choosing an ability.

Seeing his appearance, it seems that he didn't listen to the praise from the outside world at all, as if he was completely immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

Some people secretly observed Rhodes.

Seeing Rhode's current appearance, they all nodded silently.

Such a person who handles things well, is humble and does not take credit for himself is indeed worthy of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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