Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant.

Chapter 384 Signs, Asharuiya's invitation.

Chapter 384 Signs, Asharuiya's invitation.

Lu Jun wrote lightly: "It's Pooh, the secretary next to Mr. Zhu Meng."

The blue bat turned pale with shock: "You know that too?!"

"Hehe." He said, "Not only do I know about Pooh, but the problems in the Hangzhou Magic Association are more than that. For example, the other side is the dark son of Cardinal Leng Jue, and Cheng Ying, the presiding judge of the second-level Wuyishan Tribunal..."

After the words fell, the blue bat's face changed unpredictablely, and he couldn't help but look at the half-smiling eyes of the stern young man opposite him, feeling turbulent.

She originally thought that the other party controlled her in order to get information from the Black Church.

Unexpectedly, she didn't open her mouth, Lu Jun knew everything, what she knew, Lu Jun knew, and what she didn't know, Lu Jun also knew, so what's the point of controlling her?
Seeing this, Lu Jun sighed with emotion. When Su Hui was awakened at the age of 15, he was oppressed by the Black Vatican in Bo City. The reason why he didn't dare to report to the Magic Association was because the time had come to deal with these two people.

"I know you want to send a letter to the Tribunal to deal with these two people."

Lu Jun paused and continued: "But we have to wait, let me deal with Leng Jue here!"

As soon as the words came out, the blue bat was stunned, and he hunted the cardinal when he opened his mouth. This is... a big deal.

She felt that the young man in front of her was unfathomable. The other party found out the real body and beheaded Sa Long. Is it Leng Jue's turn now?

"In addition, I also know the identity of the third cardinal, hehe, let's solve it together when the time comes."

Lu Jun seems to think that breaking news is not enough, so he reveals another big secret.

hiss!The blue bat took a breath, and there was the third cardinal. I went to the past and the dragon never saw the end. How could the cardinal who caused a mess in the country be more like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered in his mouth?Beheaded at every turn.

She felt awe in her heart, and she didn't dare to move around at will, so as not to interfere with Lu Jun's grand plan.

And she secretly said: "Since the fundamental interests of this person and my general direction are the same, let's listen to him for now."

Then, the blue bat remembered something, and said to Lu Jun, "I...I have something to tell."

"Recently, the Parthenon Temple is looking for me and Yan Qiu, and it seems to be confirming the life and death of Sa Long."

"Parthenon?" Lu Jun's mind turned, and he thought, "Could it be that there are signs of that incident."

After the end of the national government, the goddess of the previous generation, Wentai's younger sister [Yizhisha], in the dark plane of the underworld, ambitiously promoted the resurrection plan, and thus joined forces with the old subordinates of the Holy City of Parthenon to launch disasters.

Yizhi Yarn's target is directed at the three goddess candidates of the contemporary Parthenon, and wants to eliminate or subdue them all. These three are Asharuya, Ander, and Pennyja.

Later, the palace mother intervened to lift Ye Xinxia to the position of the fourth candidate, and exposed her soul. She was also involved in a huge storm and almost died because of it.

After all, it is impossible for Yizhisha to let the soul be in the hands of others. This time, she will be in charge of the power of the temple after returning. There is a feeling of disapproval. Even Asha Ruiya and Ye Xinxia's two nominal nieces will be killed.

And at the beginning of the series of events, Yi Zhisha put the crime of assassinating the saint Ander on Xinxia, ​​and framed Xinxia as Sa Lang.

It's ridiculous, Yi Zhisha's elder brother is Wen Tai, can she not know that her sister-in-law is Sa Lang?That's all on purpose.

Lu Jun shook his head, guessing why a force in the Parthenon was spying on the blue bat. He probably wanted to go according to the original plan, and he didn't believe that such a great figure as Sa Lang was really dead.

"They will understand when Han Ji announces the news. I don't know if Xinxia can escape this time without Sa Lang's help."

His mind was far away, and he couldn't figure out how the incident would develop, so he could only tell the blue bat: "Don't worry about it, just hide yourself."


On the Venice River, the blue bat left quietly, and only Lu Jun was sitting on a drifting sightseeing yacht.

After a while, he drove the boat to the pier and returned it to the renter.

When Lu Jun landed, suddenly a pair of jade feet with exquisite cool high heels appeared in front of Lu Jun. The skin was white, and the toes were like grains of cardamom. When he looked up, he found that it was a beautiful woman wearing a skirt, with an elegant and noble temperament.

Lu Jun was slightly taken aback, and said, "Asha Ruiya is you?"

The woman on the bank wore a veil to cover her face hazyly, except for a pair of black eyes with deep blue eyes, full of exotic style.

Asha Ruiya smiled charmingly: "What? Is it a surprise? Come to my site, why can't I find you?"

"Hehehe..." Lu Jun shook his head and smiled, "It's nothing, I detained you in the ancient capital, I didn't expect you to dare to appear in front of me."

Hearing this, Asharuya's breathing became short of breath, and her towering chest heaved violently.

After a while she calmed down, secretly annoyed that this guy didn't open any pot and which pot he was carrying!If it wasn't for no one, she wouldn't want to come and ask this guy.

Astraea's beautiful eyes glared, and she sneered: "I already said that Europe is in my territory. Now my men have surrounded the surroundings. I will capture you immediately. Then I will pay you back a hundred times the insult I suffered!"

Lu Jun calmly let go of his thoughts and scanned the surroundings, and found that there was no one there, so he knew that the other party was stern, and immediately realized why Asharuya came to him.

Unsurprisingly, it should be Tyrant Mountain Range and his party, in order to find out whether Wentai's friend, her elder, the Black Dragon Emperor is alive.

So he mercilessly pierced Asharuya's lie, and said confidently: "If you have the ability, you can take me down!"

Asha Ruiya saw this man's reluctance, and wondered if she was a bitch, so she came to this man for help.

There is no way, she really has no one left. Although those under the Parthenon Temple respect her very much, it is limited to respect.

Even those who have sworn allegiance are not credible. I don’t know how many people are traitors. In addition, the selection of the goddess of the temple is coming soon, and the atmosphere is treacherous, so it is not suitable to quote.

The news of the Black Dragon Emperor must not be leaked, otherwise it will attract many coveted powerhouses, so she can only choose a person who has nothing to do with him and who has no knowledge of it to join forces.

Considering this person's character and strength, she found that only members of the national team from various countries could choose. In terms of familiarity, Lu Jun was the only one who didn't know each other.

"Forget it." Asha Ruiya broke the jar and said directly: "I want to invite you to take a wild adventure. How about a Thunder Soul as a reward?"

Lu Jun stroked his chin and chuckled secretly. The treatment given to him by the other party was completely different from the treatment given to Mo Fan in the original timeline.

Mo Fan still has to pay [-] million in information fees, which is a good example of someone who has to count the money after being sold.

And he easily prostitutes the top-grade thunder-type soul-species [Tyrant Wild Thunder], this is the difference between asking for others!

So Lu Jun pretended to be pondering, and said reluctantly, "I don't need a thunder-type soul-seed either."

Unspoken meaning: You have to pay more!
Asha Ruiya's silver teeth are about to be crushed, this guy... he got cheap and behaved!

(End of this chapter)

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