Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant.

Chapter 414 Oscar night, meeting in the finals

Chapter 414 Oscar night, meeting in the finals
The American team, the Greek team, and the British team are all watching the Chinese team's game.

They are all experts, so they naturally saw the essence through the lively and dazzling appearance. The German team had no intention of fighting, surrendered and surrendered, and was maintaining its strength.

The American team's Yake cursed: "These Germanic barbarians, weaklings without courage, are too cunning."

That being said, the American team knows in their hearts that they will make this choice if they are really matched up against each other.

After all, don’t think about the championship rewards, but the rewards for No. 2 and No. 3 are also very tempting.

The next day, the Chinese team played its second game against the British team.

After hearing the news in the British team's lounge, Zerro clenched his fists and looked unhappy. He waved his hands and said: "I will not play in this battle. I will not allow surrender without fighting."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left. As a child of a great British aristocrat, he had a sense of arrogance, otherwise the original work would not have been able to achieve the No. 1 achievement in the country.

At this time, several British national tutors looked at each other and sighed helplessly. The gap was too big. What else could they do. They could only learn from the German team's strategy, retain their strength, and compete for second place.

This time it really came true, everyone is here to compete for second place.

Soon, the British team announced that captain Gerard was temporarily resting due to an injury caused by falling in the treasure hunt.

When the two teams came on the field, only Lu Jun didn't know what Zheluo said, otherwise he would have ridiculed him. How can a person who unites others to fight be proud?Just a double standard!
To put it bluntly, Zerro is the real coward. The weak should stand up and be beaten obediently and accept the humiliation of the strong instead of letting his teammates bear it.

There was no suspense about the outcome of this game, and the Chinese team won.

Just when Mo Fan teased Irene a few words on the battlefield, the Grand Duke of Victoria was not annoyed and remained calm.

Then the Chinese team played its third game, facing the French team. It was another Oscar night and they won easily.

In this way, the Chinese team won all three games, was included in the three-win group, and automatically became the defender of the finals.

At the same time, a dark horse was born in the top eight duel, and that was the Egyptian team. No one cared about it when they defeated the Canadian team by chance at the beginning.

Egypt became famous after they defeated the Greek team in the second game. In the third game, they defeated the American team. Their reputation quickly rose to the extreme, causing a lot of discussion among people who paid attention to the national competition.

So unexpectedly in the big duel, two players from the three-win group appeared, and they will directly compete in the finals in the near future to determine the champion and runner-up.

Before the start of the game, I am afraid that no one expected that the finals would be two teams that were in the top 32 in previous years. All traditional powers missed the finals.

There is no way. Even if the traditional strong teams such as the British team, the American team, and the Greek team are unwilling to give up, they have nothing to do. When the opportunity is given, they can't defeat the Egyptian team. Now they can't even compete for second place.

They are all competing for No.3.

Zerro, Yake, Astraea and others were angry and felt that the Egyptian team was unable to win, so they used the forbidden technique taken from the pyramid to awaken the infinite undead and exhausted several people to death.

Everyone is well aware of this, but this forbidden technique is still in the high-level category, and it does not meet the standards of releasing it at the cost of killing lives. Whether it is considered a forbidden technique or not is not a matter of fact. It can only be said to be a special magic tool.

At this moment, in the Egyptian team's lounge, captain Mios repeatedly watched the recording of Lu Jun's treasure hunt match against one hundred.

After reading it, she sighed: "Lu Jun's real strength is not that abnormal, but his water soul seed has a special effect that can infinitely superimpose power."

"The power of the subsequent catastrophic tsunami has reached the terrifying level of super-level three, naturally sweeping away hundreds of high-level national elites. We only need to limit him to this point and prevent his water bloom sky from spreading, and we still have to fight .”

Team member Sai Yide looked at each other, as if he had not said this.It should be noted that they were able to defeat the American team and the Greek team in succession, all thanks to the Sea of ​​the Dead Bus tactics blessed by the [Pharaoh's Fountain] treasure, the turtle in the early stage, the turtle in the mid-term, the turtle in the late stage, and the patience of the competition.

The Fountain of Pharaoh is a treasure stolen by Egyptian high-level officials who sent people deep into the crisis-ridden pyramid in order to win the national championship. It possesses the power of blessing the [Undead System] and can infinitely reorganize and resurrect the awakened undead.

The Egyptian team relies on this object to continuously awaken the undead, initially showing some of the undead natural disaster style of the Undead Curse.

And this tactic also belongs to the field-building type.

Now let them give up this tactic and compete with the Chinese team on their personal strength?It's just a short strike that lasts a long time.

If everyone in the Egyptian team had this fighting power, why would they need to rely on the Fountain of the Pharaoh? Team fighting could defeat strong teams such as Greece and the United States.

Mios obviously also knew that it was too difficult for everyone, so he whispered: "Take a step and wait and see."

The Egyptian team paid a lot of money to win the championship, but they met Lu Jun, a freak. She knew better that not only Lu Jun, but also Mo Fan, who was guarding the national team, was also very strong and swept several of them.

A few days later, the finals of the Venice Competition began, and all the celebrities in the world gathered together, looking forward to the birth of the champion.

Everyone understood that the champion was the Chinese team. There was no surprise. They just came to witness the coronation.

Lu Jun led five people to the island and looked at the nervous Egyptian team on the opposite side.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He knew the Egyptian team's trump card long ago, as he was familiar with the original novel, which was the Pharaoh's Fountain.

It seems that Lu Jun is quite interested. The huge energy of the Pharaoh's Fountain can be converted into the power of essence, which can be used to refine and upgrade the magic system's stars. It can also be refined into a super magic tool exclusive to the undead system to increase its power.

These two points are of great use, especially for him who has the armor of the ancient king and is destined to awaken an undead type at the super level. He must try to win it.

High above the island, the referee said majestically: "The final begins!"

As soon as the words fell, the players from both sides began to control the stars and release their skills.

Lu Jun was high-spirited, and the surging tide surged into the sky. It was like a big hole was opened in the sky, and the endless dark sea water poured down, covering several kilometers in radius. The water level on the ground rose rapidly, turning into a large lake.

Then, the heavy and condensed water vapor from the black lake rose, and huge water columns rose up. Thousands of water streams intertwined around the five people to form a supreme and noble Netherworld Water Mansion, with dragon patterns all over it.

Astonishingly, it is the high-level water bloom sky curtain and the Deep Sea Dragon Palace!

Zhao Manyan and others were surprised. The high-level fourth-level magic with a nine-fold increase in power was already infinitely close to a complete super-level magic. Its defensive power was absolutely astonishing.

Lu Jun was the fastest in casting magic, and he immediately controlled the second water curtain.

Roar!The inscriptions on the towering black jade Dragon Palace flickered, and a huge black dragon gathered together, roaring and swooping down, sweeping across several kilometers.

At this time, the Egyptian team finally released a resurrection of the dead technique and summoned hundreds of scattered slave-level mummies.

As a result, under the overwhelming force of the Beiming Tianhe, all the undead souls were shattered into powder.

(End of this chapter)

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