Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant.

Chapter 439 Heading to Africa, the Big Snake of Jiehai

Chapter 439 Heading to Africa, the Big Snake of Jiehai
Lu Mei behaved like a gentle wife who didn't care and all she decided was up to you.

Lu Jun's index finger was moved. The daily schedule during these days seemed to have conquered Sister Lu Mei's body and mind, and she finally turned her back on guests and gained the upper hand.

"Hey, why are my sisters so good? They don't need me at all."

Lu Jun sighed. He also wanted to give Tang Yue some help, but the other party also refused. As a member of the Trial Council, he had repeatedly made military exploits, and he had the background of Uncle Tang Zhong.

The Xinghai Tianmai will be allocated sooner or later, not to mention the soul seeding methods of the four series. Jiuzhou has a long history and is no weaker than the Parthenon and the Holy City.

Finally, Lu Jun thought about it and decided to teach Lu Mei some chaos-based techniques, such as [Sealing Method], [Sequence Change], and [Swallowing Transformation].Paired with three series of elemental magic, it is absolutely amazingly powerful.

This method originated from the Incas in South America. He passed it on to Mo Fan, and it became brilliant on the road to the galaxy. Now he has given it to his sister.

In the next few days, the two practiced silently, accompanying each other day and night, working hard to control the stars and build a super-level magic star palace.

In the morning, Lu Jun and Lu Mei got up at the same time, looked at each other, and smiled, quite like a couple.

Lu Jun said to Lu Mei: "I have something to go to Africa for. Controlling the stars does not take a day. Let's set off first and practice while practicing."

My sister said gently: "Okay."

The two of them packed up and went to the counter to return the coastal villa, preparing to take a ship across the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean to Africa.

However, before leaving, Lu Jun always felt that he had missed one thing. When he saw Lu Mei's soft and plump body next to him, and the delicious fragrance hit his nostrils, he instantly forgot his doubts.

At the same time, on the coast of the Aegean Sea, Jun Yaojin was kicked out of the villa early in the morning. From a distance, he saw two bad men and women boarding the boat, his face full of disbelief.

"I haven't boarded the ship yet!!!"

Ahem, of course, Lu Jun still remembered it and stopped for a while to wait for Jun Yaojin to meet up, and the three of them went to Africa together.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened to everyone on the way!

On a huge cargo ship, Lu Jun and the other three people leaned on the railing and looked at the vast and deep water surface of the Mediterranean Sea. The huge waves were raging, beating against the huge ship like a small toy. It rose and fell easily, and the huge swings left and right were frightening.

The old crew members next to them looked at Lu Mei and Jun Yaojin with envy, two beauties with different charms and their own merits.

In his opinion, Lu Jun was just a descendant of an aristocratic family. Surrounded by such outstanding beauties on both sides, he would probably go back to the luxurious cabin at night to stage a drama where a dragon plays with two phoenixes.

But the old crew member didn't dare to look any further. He slapped the young crew member next to him who was staring intently and cursed: "What are you looking at? Why don't you quickly ballast the ship and prepare for the storm?"

Oops, the young crew member looked a bit like an Egyptian, with darker skin. He touched his head and muttered in his hometown language: "Just look at it, it's evil capitalism, one person occupies such a good resource."

The old crew member said seriously: "Little Piqué, I know that you are wild and unrestrained at sea, wandering among many ladies who come to the Aegean Sea for excitement, but you must not mess with these three people."

"Their magical aura is very strong, and they are not in the same world as ordinary people."

The young crew member said impatiently: "I understand, I understand, old man."

Suddenly, the sky over this sea area quickly became dark, and thick dark clouds gathered, showing layers of fish scale patterns. The violent storm and rain tilted, making the huge waves on the sea surface more and more turbulent.Bang!
Suddenly, a huge wave of more than 20 meters rolled up in front of the deck. The ship shook violently and water sprayed all over the sky. Tourists watching nearby screamed and became unable to stand still.

Young Pique kept looking at where Lu Jun and the others were, thinking that when the two ladies were about to fall, he would step forward and seize the opportunity to help them.

Hehehehe, the first contact was not successful. He had tried countless times in the past. He cared about those ladies, opened the topic naturally, and showed off a little knowledge about the sea. Everything was possible.

However, Lu Jun and the others were motionless, as if they were standing on the deck like a sea-fixing needle. They were different from ordinary magicians, and Pique couldn't help but be surprised.

Immediately afterwards, the veteran crew shouted, directing passengers to evacuate and maintain order, and kept emphasizing: "Everyone, please rest assured that our ship is a standard Commander-class passenger ship and can withstand the impact of the Commander-class monster. There is no need to worry about minor storms."

Lu Jun ignored all the movements of the people around him and whispered to the two women: "Something is wrong. This storm came too suddenly."

Just when he was about to let go of his perception of the spiritual world, he immediately discovered something strange at the bottom of the ship. He immediately sent a message from his mind to all the passengers on the ship, and said in a loud voice: "You guys should get out of the way."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud sound on the sea surface, and the sea area in front swelled in a large area. Heavy waves swept to a height of [-] meters. A huge snake head broke out of the water, causing a heavy rain. The bloody mouth suddenly opened, and one mouthful actually covered it. The area of ​​a ship's deck.

This scene was so astonishing. I saw the vast sea, heavy rain and strong winds, and a huge and narrow black shadow dancing wildly in the rain in the hazy water curtain. The snake's head and its huge mouth were like an abyss, and the shadow cast by it submerged half of the ship.

It looks like a giant snake swallowing the ship in one bite.

Peake was in the middle of the snake's mouth, with a panicked look on his face. Before the giant snake's mouth could fall, he was surrounded by dense dark green water arrows. This was the snake's magic combined with his own poison and water control power.

The young crew member couldn't wait for Lu Jun to take action. Unfortunately, a condensed dark green water arrow penetrated his forehead. He fell to the ground with a look of disbelief on his face and a gloomy look in his eyes.

In addition, a large number of tourists on the ship's deck were also affected and suffered numerous injuries. Many of them were washed directly off the deck and fell into the deep sea.

"How brave!"

Lu Jun's eyes narrowed, and when the giant snake rushed out of the sea, he quickly controlled the star, stretched out his hand, and suddenly the water element in the sea stagnated.

The torrential rain and strong winds in the sky, the huge waves of tens of meters rolling up from the sea, and the curtains of water mist and rain in all directions solidified at this moment.

The Beiming Domain spread, and the Xuanzhong effect exploded, with the ship as the center, infecting the sea surface every inch in a radius of several kilometers.

Lu Jun waved his fist fiercely, and the black water vapor around him shot up into the sky. The violent wave turned into a column of water that reached the sky, and hit the dark and bloody mouth above everyone.

The giant black snake screamed, its head raised high, and under the pressure of Xuanzhong, it hit the sea surface, as if it hit a piece of thick and hard steel, without causing any waves.

The giant wheel luckily escaped disaster, and with the help of Lu Jun's silvery eyes and huge mental control, it moved hundreds of meters out of thin air and landed smoothly on the other side.

At this time, Lu Mei and Jun Yaojin reacted, looking solemnly at the huge black snake shadow that was suppressed in the depths of the black Beiming Sea.

The old crew member was shocked, but calmed down to identify this majestic snake, and exclaimed: "Jiehai Big Snake?!"

 Woohoo, Chapter 1 is blocked

(End of this chapter)

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