Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant.

Chapter 448 Taibai Mine, Scorpion Lord Medusa

Chapter 448 Taibai Mine, Scorpion Lord Medusa
Based on the knowledge of the White Tiger Pendant, Lu Jun knew that Taibai Xinjin was the most suitable special metal for the Tai'a Divine Sword.

For others, it would be useless to refine it into a magic tool, but for a gold magic tool, swallowing an entire vein of minerals and refining the essence can amplify the 'sharpening' function.

Perhaps after every fierce battle, the quality and killing power of the Tai'a Divine Sword will be improved to a higher level. When paired with the initial five-level spiritual awakening magic, it is a perfect match, maximizing its ability to evolve independently.

In addition, everything in the world is divided into Yin and Yang. If there is "Xin Metal", there will be "Geng Metal".

When two metals are fused together, unexpected and mysterious changes will occur, and they are synthesized into [Taibai Geng Xin Marrow], which points directly to the supreme origin of the metal system.

So if Lu Jun chooses Taibai Xinjin for high-level metal, then the path to super-level metal will be determined.

"I decided, just this metal."

Lu Jun said to Devin easily.

"No problem." Devin agreed: "Although pure white-ground fine gold is very rare, it has a single use and is not very valuable. There is only this small vein in Africa, and I will give it all to you."

"Thank you, Lord Devin."

Hearing this, Lu Jun was delighted. In fact, it was just because the metal system was not popular. This kind of mineral vein that directly pointed to the essence of the gold element was unknown.

You must know that any magic metal is mixed with some properties of other elements.

Take Dragon Marked Dark Gold, for example, which has certain characteristics of death. Another example is the other two types of Feather Gold and Kongming Copper that Dean Xiao selected for him, which are a mixture of space system and chaos system energy.

Only Taibai Gengxin gold is pure and flawless, and the dark alloy is the original intention.

Soon, Devin asked his subordinates to get the atlas and title deeds of the African mineral veins and hand them over directly.

While Lu Jun was waiting patiently, unexpectedly he saw a mage approaching quickly from outside and whispering to Devin.

Immediately afterwards, Devin's face changed drastically, and he said to Lu Jun in a solemn tone: "Bad news, there is a small problem with the veins of the pure gold, and it is occupied by a tribe of snakes and scorpions. The original city was abolished and retreated to the Cape of Good Hope."

"I'm really sorry. Why don't you wait for a while so that we can free up our hands to repel the rioting snake and scorpion clan and then hand it over to you."

To be honest, Devin's approach was very fair and conscientious. Most people's property has been handed over to you, and any problems that arise are none of his business.

But Lu Jun frowned, with a bad feeling in his heart, and asked, "I'm in a hurry, how long will it take you to wipe out the snake and scorpion clan?"

After the words fell, Devin was silent for a while and replied: "I don't know. The situation on the African continent is complicated now. Khufu's undead empire is resurrecting, the battle for the snake and scorpion successor continues, the Sahara spreads, and more emperors are involved."

"The Cape of Good Hope Association is short of manpower, so it will selectively give up on small things like these, and then consider taking them back after the unrest has subsided."

Lu Jun understands that, especially for useless mineral veins like Taibai Xinjin, the recovery sequence may be at the bottom.

"Forget it." He thought for a moment and asked, "How strong is the snake and scorpion tribe that occupies the Baimojing Gold Mine?"

Dai Wen seemed to guess what Lu Jun wanted to do, shook his head and said: "It seems that there is a monarch-level Little Scorpion Queen. She has a hundred thousand snake and scorpion monsters under her command. If there are not five or six super mages, don't take advantage of it."

After hearing this, Lu Jun thought again and again: "Give me the address of the mine, and I will get it myself."

As soon as these words came out, Dai Wen hesitated, but finally said nothing. He had been warned in advance and he would bear the consequences.

Of course, Mr. Lu did not forget to ask for compensation from the African Magic Association. The Cape of Good Hope did not hold back for too long. It was happy that there were super wizards who were willing to hunt down the monarch demon and gave them two to three hundred million in cleanup fees.

At noon, Lu Jun returned to the room, and his sister Lu Mei asked: "How is it?" He told the cause and effect, and the two girls had no objection. They knew Lu Jun's strength well. He had killed more than one, and it would not be a problem to conquer a snake and scorpion tribe.

Lu Jun also had itchy hands. The space of the undead was empty except for the dead snake and the dead king. He continued to refining fresh corpses to replenish the undead, including the essence in the White Tiger Pendant, which was almost dry and needed to be replenished.

The three of them packed up their things, left the city, and headed straight to the Taibai Xin gold vein.

This small vein is not far from the Cape of Good Hope, just a hundred miles away.

When Lu Jun and the others arrived at the sky above the Taibaixin gold mining area, they looked down at the withered yellow ground.

Shockingly, I saw snakes and scorpions lazily basking in the sun on the undulating hillside, or crawling into the shadows of the top of the mountain to form a mass of estrus, densely packed covering almost several kilometers.

Dense enough to make you vomit.

Suddenly, Jun Yaojin pointed forward and said: "Look at the top of the mountain, it's the Scorpion Lord Medusa!"

The Lu Jun siblings glanced over. A tall beauty statue stood on the top of the mountain. The lower body was a huge brown scorpion body, and the upper body was the image of a mature human woman, with a mature and charming face and a plump and beautiful figure.

Only the beauty's hair, which is composed of squirming and dancing poisonous pythons, shows her inhuman identity. Each poisonous snake hangs down more than ten meters long, and hundreds of snake heads are flying and ferocious.

This Scorpion King Medusa is about tens of meters tall, with a heavy and majestic momentum. It stands on the top of the mountain, and the sunlight shines on the fine scales on its body, making it as majestic as a queen.

Lu Mei whispered: "He looks stronger than Mr. Jie Hai Shen."

Medusa did not notice them and fell into a peaceful sleep.

A layer of hazy blue light shrouded the three of them, Lu Jun and the others. The realm of fantasy + the fifth-level intermediate magical mind was invisible. With the cultivation of the spiritual realm, the emperor felt like he was in no one's land.

Even Medusa and Ghost, who are best at psychic magic, are no exception.

"Quickly, I will deal with Mr. Scorpion."

Lu Jun said in a deep voice, moving quickly with his hands to draw the constellations. A moon-white door appeared behind him, and more than 300 warriors, led by two or three beasts, poured out, filling the sky with mighty force.

He used the Spiritual Sculpture Technique, and this time he summoned the Wind Flame Thunder Vulture. The giant bird's wings spread out, its body was surrounded by red flames, a green whirlwind swirled, and there were flashes of lightning and floating sky like a large three-color cloud.

The nemesis of the snake scorpion monster is the giant bird monster. Birds can eat snakes as easily as eating spicy sticks.

This was not over yet. Lu Jun thought about the constellations and released the high-level curse-type Ghost Punishment. The netherworld hole above his head opened, and two huge ghost figures came out and stood under the dome.

In the end, he didn't even bring down the Summoning Dimension Summons and Contract Summons, Night Thunder Dream Beast and Mermaid Holy Spirit appeared.

The space of the undead was opened, and a thick picture of blood intertwined in the void. The torrential blood light rushed into the sky, and the majestic black snake body fell down and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Jun's three-series magic summoned a group of thugs, crowding the sky and the earth, not far from the realm of one man becoming an army.

hoo hoo hoo!
The light of the soul hidden in the air peeked out, and the terrifying roar shook the Taibai mining area. Countless enemies suddenly rushed out from the corners of the position, forming a wild torrent and attacking the snake and scorpion tribe entrenched in the mountains.

A bloody battle is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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