Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant.

Chapter 465 The flame witch Lu Mei returns with the Tai'a Sword Chapter!

Chapter 465 Flame Witch Lu Mei and Tai'a Sword return!

At first, neither party paid attention to the dazzling sunset on the horizon.

When the vast flaming cloud got closer and closer, a few people noticed something was wrong, looked over, and exclaimed in confusion.

This is not the sunset, it is clearly a sea of ​​​​fire falling quickly, with surging hot temperature.

Wherever the fire cloud passed, the grass withered, the earth cracked, and the red ground was thousands of miles away. The heat waves set off caused the surrounding temperature to rise sharply. The shrill dim light reflected by the sky pyramid was swept away, and the cold environment subsided.

Before they even got close, countless undead souls couldn't adapt and began to spontaneously combust without fire, directly burning into a pile of bone residue. When the wind blew, a large amount of ashes flew into the air.

Euryale's face changed drastically, feeling a fatal threat. Her eyes were fierce, and her unique gold-pink snake eyes were revealed, and she was about to petrify the opponent.

But it was too late, an extremely dazzling sun came down, like a blazing fireball falling.

A roar that shook the heaven and earth rang out, the scorching sun fell, and the radius of several kilometers around the pyramid was instantly reduced to a sea of ​​​​fire.

With the sun on the ground as the center, layers of brown flames swept around for nine days. Large areas of the undead were submerged in the sea of ​​​​heavenly calamity fire, and the destructive fire elemental energy was raging.

It surges out like a tidal wave, swallowing everything and being unstoppable.Endless light shows off, endless flowers bloom, and the sun shines brightly on the world.

Many monarch-level undead met the meteor, and were instantly hit hard by the devastating power.

Even the phantom of the Pyramid of Khufra was affected, becoming distorted and swaying, almost collapsing.

In the depths of the scorching sun, a graceful figure stepped forward, covered by blazing flames. Such a gorgeous posture is really breathtaking!
Lu Jun was blown away by the strong air wave and flew thousands of meters into the air before he stopped. His eyes were slightly narrowed. If his eyes had not been refined into transcendent power, he would have been blinded by the dazzling light.

When he saw the graceful woman surrounded by the endless sea of ​​red fire, he couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Sister!"

That's right, this arrogant Flame Queen, who looks like the scorching sun in the sky, is none other than her sister Lu Mei.

Lu Mei was wrapped in a ball of blazing flames, outlining a red humanoid appearance, like a fire elemental elf king. Her flawless appearance was outlined with magic patterns, full of exotic style and charming.

She stands high in the sky, dazzling and dazzling, her heavenly seed of fire filling the universe with the power of the calamity flames of heaven and earth.

The originally gloomy and evil sky has been replaced by a sky of scorched fire clouds. The sun is shining, and the light is shining down. The vast sea of ​​​​fire on the earth is burning the mountains and boiling the sea. A huge sunken pit of red crystal glass has emerged, shining crystal clear in the light.

At this moment, Lu Mei made a shocking appearance. The super-level fire element + monarch-level elemental spirit, the burst of power was comparable to that of a mid-level monarch, standing on the ceiling of the world's strongest.

Lu Mei had a cold face, looking down at the embarrassed Eurielle in the sea of ​​fire, and said coldly and domineeringly: "I will bully the few with more, let's see who dares to touch him!"

Within a few days, Lu Jun was refining the mind stone to strengthen it, and Lu Mei was not idle, constantly communicating with the sleeping flame witch Jiang Feng, and controlling the star herself.

When the super-level wind element was finally released, Jiang Feng woke up and broke through to the level of an orthodox monarch.

So she hurried over to help without saying anything.

Several Egyptian undead monarchs were not used to this strong fire, and the fire mage was too restrained to control these undead.

Lu Mei said without doubt to her younger brother who was approaching: "I will deal with the Pyramid of Khafre. You can just concentrate on fighting Euryale."

Hearing this, Lu Jun nodded and felt relieved. His sister had refined the core of the earth and her combat power had increased rapidly. She could already be of great help to him.

Just like in the past, when the siblings were in Bo City and Magic City, they worked together and grew up together, and they stood out one after another. The same is true today!
The war started again, and the twelve cyan wings behind Lu Mei spread out, creating a storm, and then involved in the thick fire of heaven and earth, showing a gorgeous cyan red, stretching for several kilometers, like a proud phoenix taking off, sweeping across the sky.

He single-handedly blocked the mirage pyramid in the sky.

On the ground, Apasi clearly understood that this was the best opportunity. There was a certain chance of keeping her sister Euryale, so she no longer held back and used all her strength to suppress several snake-scorpion Medusas with her eyes shining brightly. .

As soon as Lu Jun thought, the four monarchs roared down and surrounded Euryale. He said calmly: "No one will interfere with our battle now."

The opponent's face was ugly, and he tried his best to mobilize his own forces and allies, but to his surprise, it was still not enough.

At the same time as the war was going on here, in distant South Africa.

In the sky above the Taibai Xinjin mine, a black gold divine sword floated up and down. As it absorbed a large amount of Xinjin energy, the sword body underwent subtle changes, and traces of platinum lines spread upward.

The mineral veins on the ground were silent, unable to squeeze out much sharp white energy, and gradually dried up.Finally, the last ray of white aura rose up and gathered in the huge divine sword like a mountain in the sky.

Tai'a Sword has completely refined [Xinjin], and it has become heavier and larger. It roared continuously, as if it sensed that its master was participating in a big battle, and became excited and wanted to participate immediately.

The sword spirit activated its main body, and the Mountain Divine Sword rose into the sky, turning into a white gold beam of light that reached the sky and spread across countless cities on the earth.

For a time, the metal in the city resonated, and a large number of magic machines failed.

"In the end what happened?!"

"Just now, a sun surrounded a large fire cloud and flew by. Now there is another white-gold streamer piercing the sky. Why is the recent movement so loud?"

Everyone looked up at the sky and said in disbelief.

In the wilds of Cairo, Egypt, Lu Jun seemed to feel something and suddenly looked into the distance. A bright platinum sword light descended and a sharp whistle pierced the sky.

"Hahaha, Tai Ajian has finally been promoted."

Lu Jun smiled happily and stared at the three-foot black gold sword light floating around him. The white gold lines on the surface were intertwined, and he felt a steady stream of Xinjin sharp energy pouring into his body.

In the spiritual world, the dazzling, broad and surging platinum river expanded violently. The golden galaxy broke through a barrier, the light film shattered, and plummeted thousands of miles.

Breakthrough to the third level of advanced level!

He fell into a clear understanding in his heart, Taibai Shenzang·Taibai Yuanqi!This is the magic effect of the gold system, which is a step further than the second-level Hundred and Eight Thousand Swords. It points directly to the origin of the metal system.

[Taibai Yuan Magnetic Qi] In one thought, a torrent of golden energy rises from the sky and the earth, killing to the highest level and destroying everything. As long as it contains a trace of metal elements, it will be detonated and restrained.

In addition, the Tai'a Divine Sword refined the [Taibai Xinjin] vein and obtained an unparalleled effect, called [Sacrificial Sword]!
Since then, the gold system has smelted three kinds of metals, vibrating gold, dragon-marked dark gold, and taibaixin gold, and has three effects: [King Kong], [Death Tribulation], and [Sacrificial Sword].

The first two are solid ability and killing ability respectively, while the sacrificial sword is more magical. It brings out the characteristics of Xinjin to the fullest, becoming stronger the more frustrated it becomes.

[Sacrificial Sword], Tai'a Sword has the effect of self-healing, and at the same time, as time goes by, it absorbs the free golden elements in the void. Every ten years, a layer of [Sacrificial Sword] effect is superimposed, and the power of the golden element is doubled!
This effect can also be obtained through killing and grinding. Every time a powerful enemy is killed at a higher level, a layer of [Sword Sacrifice] effect will be superimposed.

At present, Mr. Lu's cultivation level allows him to kill a small monarch with one level of skill, but when he reaches the second level, he has to kill a medium monarch, the third level is to kill a great monarch, the fourth level is to kill a supreme monarch, and the fifth level is an emperor!
And so on.

If Lu Jun's Tai'a Sword is fully equipped with the [Sacrificial Sword] effect at this stage, it will have about seven levels from the monarch level to the emperor level. After that, it will take a long time to accumulate.

"Abnormal, the effect of the seven-layer sacrificial sword is equivalent to [seven times] the increase of the gold element. Adding [twice] the totem magic equipment, the peak is nine times in total."

"Coupled with the unique ultra-high attack power of the gold system, it is not a problem to instantly kill a sub-monarch with a high-level magic."

At this moment, Lu Jun was shocked and murmured to himself, realizing that the gold element, which had been relatively ordinary since the advanced level, had completely stood up. The most important thing is that the effect of the sacrificial sword is infinitely superimposed.

Even if he can create a second and third magic weapon in the future, Tai'a Sword will still firmly occupy the throne of the first magic weapon.

In addition, Lu Jun also remembered one thing, and that was [Praise to the Divine Seal]. He had been hesitating about which of the eight major departments this precious once-in-a-lifetime increase should go to.

It is obviously more cost-effective to place the Divine Seal Praise in the elemental system. When combined with the elemental heavenly seeds, the magic power can be increased by 24 times at its peak.

It's a pity that his water element has been occupied by [Water Avoidance Bead]. A magic element can only practice one method. If the Divine Seal Praise falls on other magic elements, it will not be that effective.

Now that Lu Jun's hesitation and scruples can be eliminated, he chooses the gold system for Divine Seal Praise!

The basic power is twice the multiplier of the sacrificial sword effect. The older the gold system is, the more invincible it becomes. I don’t know how many times it will increase in the future.

Lu Jun held the Tai'a Divine Sword in his hand and became more and more delighted. He looked down at Euryale and sneered, "I'll use you as a sacrificial sword today!"

As soon as the words fell, Euryale felt a chill in her heart. A certain sharp aura locked firmly between her eyebrows. A strong sense of crisis arose. She suddenly didn't want to fight anymore and screamed: "Wait a minute, we don't have actual hatred. ah."

 Wait for modification

(End of this chapter)

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