Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant.

Chapter 563: Exploration in the Holy City, Birth of Fusion

Chapter 563: Exploration in the Holy City, Birth of Fusion

Lu Jun is well known to the senior officials in Egypt.

Not long after the end of the Kingdom two years ago, he traveled to Africa and had a conflict with the Viper clan. There was a big commotion. More than twenty monarchs were dispatched, North Africa was shaken, and Cairo, Egypt, was affected by the war, causing great losses.

At that time, they did not dare to provoke the two. Now that Lu Jun was involved in the battle to kill the emperor, although Jiuzhou was suspected of exaggerating, he could not ignore it, let alone offend him rashly.

Ethan suddenly spoke and said lightly: "Did you know about the changes in the Pyramid of Khufu a while ago? The first Pharaoh Khufu invaded the ancient capital of Nine Continents and was repulsed. The Sphinx died and the evil boy died too. "

As soon as these words came out, the other four people were shocked and looked over.

They knew that the fifth leader, Ethan, was colluding with the demons. They turned a blind eye and had no choice but to find another way out for the small country.

Now Ethan has the best information about demons. After all, the Pyramid Undead and the Snake Tribe are allies, and information flows between them.

Someone was silent and said: "It seems that Mr. Lu cannot be ignored, even undead snakes and scorpions can't do anything to him."

The Egyptian high-level officials still have their wits about them. If they can't defeat the undead snakes and scorpions, can they defeat Mr. Lu?

Then, Ethan added: "It's just the Stardust Magic Weapon, the profit is average, the strategic position is not important, the key is the manufacturing of Nebula and Galaxy Magic Weapons."

The short old man was about to say something when suddenly the secretary outside the door knocked quickly and came in, whispering in his ear.

Immediately, he waved his secretary to leave and sighed: "That's all, the South African Magic Association came here with a message, saying not to use force easily."

The five people present shook their heads and agreed that it was not appropriate to provoke Mr. Lu.

"That's it." Haken said with waning spirits: "We will focus on commercial encirclement and suppression, and try our best to crack down on the internal sales of Jiuzhou. We will not force it, but we must not let Jiuzhou's Stardust magic weapon be sold internationally, and try our best to kill the sales of the Nebula and Galaxy magic weapon. Create breakthroughs.”

He sneered and said: "If those schools and aristocratic families in Jiuzhou dare to break the contract, don't sell the Nebula Magic Weapon and Galaxy Magic Weapon to them."

A few people nodded. They couldn't use force for the time being, so they would just use sanctions.

Ethan stopped talking and wondered when Lu Jun had a relationship with the Cape of Good Hope Intercontinental Magic Association?
Egypt's giving up, to put it bluntly, does not involve the most fundamental interests, so it will wait and see.

On the other side, the Asian Magic Association Burj Khalifa.

Su Lu received the news that the Stardust Magic Weapon was manufactured by Jiuzhou Lu Jun's Military Strategy Office. His expression condensed and he snorted: "Jiuzhou's national power is getting better and better."

"Forget it, I don't have time to intervene. I'll wait until I gather the power of the Magic Association and then we'll make further calculations. We must force Jiuzhou to make the Stardust Magic Weapon public."

At this moment, Su Lu's eyes were cold, and he lowered his head to look at the map. Various complicated texture depictions circled the Tyrant Mountains, and it turned out to be a super magic formation.

He thought that the most important thing for now was to enslave the Black Dragon Emperor. In the past two years, he had finally raised enough money to set up a large formation.

"Come on, come on, soon I will be a veritable emperor of Asia."

The last holy city.

A woman looked at the Alps in the distance, looked back and ordered to a middle-aged mixed-race man: "The ancient capital of the ancient eastern country has given birth to many generations of great empires. The name of the first generation is Qin, which is of great significance."

"Not long ago, the fallen Emperor Qin Shihuang went out wantonly to take away the soul of Parthenon, which shocked the people of the Western world and caused them to lose their faith. As a result, the Titan clan has become increasingly rampant in recent days. We must control it."

The mixed-race middle-aged man Katsunye nodded: "No problem, head." "Why did the deceased emperor leave the territory without authorization? What are the secrets of the ancient capital? The holy city must be investigated. You can go to the ancient capital to investigate after a while."

Hearing this, Katsuno grimaced and sighed in agreement. The ancient king was not easy to mess with, even if he was a forbidden curse, he was extremely taboo.

At the same time, he also understood what Tou meant. If Parthenon, the healing soul, could not be defended, then they would have to take control of the Holy City. If they found it, it would belong to the Holy City.

Katsunye thought about it, feeling awe-inspiring in his heart. He felt that this operation was not that simple. If his organization could not be used easily, there must be an archangel who gave the order. Who was going to reveal his true name?
"By the way." The woman asked: "What do you think of Mr. Lu? According to the information, everything is normal, but I am wondering something is wrong. Can he participate in the battle of emperors? He happens to be in the ancient capital, so you can check it out when you have the chance."

After saying this, Katsunori was startled, stopped thinking, and nodded: "I understand, it's easy."

"Also..." The woman seemed to know that there was too much going on, but she still said coldly: "The ice-type disaster victim who was exiled from Tianshan ten years ago has been quiet for so long. Let's deal with it smoothly and eliminate the root cause."


Katsunye was used to it, this organization was like this, they were shady and acted without scruples.

He sorted out the three purposes of this trip, in order of importance. The latter two were not dangerous, but just troublesome and involved too much.

As expected, the woman said sternly: "You know the purpose of our Holy Shadow Organization. If the matter is exposed, you will be no longer there."

There are also changes in forces from various parties, including the Five Continents Magic Association, the United States, Greece, the United Kingdom, etc., all focusing on Jiuzhou.

At this moment.

Lu Jun from the ancient capital was watching in Feng Zhoulong's laboratory.

Old Feng took out a pair of gloves and said happily: "The fusion magic is out. The first step of the experiment has been refined. This pair of gloves can store one magic and then release another magic to promote the perfect fusion of the two."

Seeing this, Lu Jun's eyes showed a strange look. Although it was a little far from the integration of all laws he imagined, the initial integration was finally achieved, which was the rough product of Mo Fan's original timeline, much earlier than the original work.

He was not polite and decisively took it and put it on his hand.

Feng Zhoulong explained: "You first use foreign objects to adapt to the fusion magic. Once you are familiar with it, you can slowly break away from the assistance of the fusion gloves and perform the fusion method alone."

"Finally, I will extract the fusion substance from the bodies of Bei Jiang and the Four-Colored Demon, so that all your magic systems can be integrated into one."

Lu Jun praised: "Okay, the magic society will enter the next magic revolution."

Immediately, he couldn't wait to experiment with the effects of fusion magic.

But Lu Jun has so many magic systems, with dozens of skills that can evolve into hundreds of abilities, that he didn't know which two magic systems to practice first.

He pondered for a while and decided to start with the two systems of life and death, the two most incompatible systems. With his certain expectation, the fusion of life and death. Is the integration of life and death a shortcut to eternal life? !

Lu Jun didn't know, so he combined them decisively. With a thought, the star paths intertwined, and the primary magic of the life system, the healing light, and the primary magic of the death system, the resurrection of the dead, were released one after another. The difference was almost indistinguishable at the extreme speed. It's like both appear at the same time.

There is a milky white soft light ball in his right hand, with a touch of emerald green in the depths, and a pitch black dead light ball in his left hand, with a trace of grayness lingering in the core. The two should be tit for tat, but they slowly blend together with the help of the fusion gloves.

(End of this chapter)

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