Chapter 276
Hearing that the Jianghuai waterway was blocked, Shi Qingxuan immediately frowned.

If the waterway is blocked, you can only go by land, not to mention crossing mountains and ridges, it will take a lot of time.

After observing the words and expressions, Shen Luoyan continued to say:

"Not only that, the Jingchu Yangtze River Basin has also been blocked by Zhu Can's troops, and no ships are allowed to pass through."

Among the many rebels, the one with the worst reputation is none other than Zhu Can.

This person called himself "King Garuda", and his notoriety among the people was even higher than that of Du Fuwei's Jianghuai Army.

Most of the cities he conquered were plundered, and even the people were not spared.

Because Zhu Can really feeds on human flesh, he is called the "Ogre King" by the local people.

As a result, once Zhu Can's soldiers were short of food, they would arrest the nearby people to satisfy their hunger.

Such a conscienceless and inhuman behavior is naturally outraged by the heavens and people, and is cast aside by all the heroes in the world.

Thinking of the Yangtze River waterway being blocked by this "ogre king", Shi Qingxuan's mood sank again.

It seems that we really have to go overland.

She couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of her heart, but she turned her head to look at Shen Youzhi beside her, and gradually felt relieved.

Even if the mountains are high and the waters are far away, accompanied by a bosom friend, discussing the rhythm and studying the melody all the way, it will not be boring and lonely.

On the other side, hearing that there were many barriers ahead, Shen Youzhi still calmly looked at the "beautiful military adviser" in front of him, and said softly:

"Thank you, Junshi Shen, for telling me the details. Shen can save me."

Shen Luoyan saw that there was no panic in his words, let alone the slightest embarrassment, a pair of beautiful eyes immediately showed surprise.

Her original intention was to throw out the problem first, and then let her help solve it, so as to sell favors.

She didn't want the other party's reaction to be completely out of her expectation, as if they didn't pay attention to Du Fuwei, Zhu Can and others at all.

"Mr. Shen is so calm and relaxed, but he thought of a countermeasure?" Shen Luoyan couldn't help being a little curious.

"Ha." Shen Youzhi smiled freely, and said casually, "There is no countermeasure."

"Create roads when you encounter mountains, and build bridges when encountering water."

"If you meet Du Fuwei, ask him to sell thin noodles and lend me a boat."

Shen Luoyan heard the words, carefully looked at the white-clothed man in front of him, and confirmed that he was not a lunatic with unscrupulous words, then he recovered his smile, and said softly:
"Mr. Shen, don't joke with Luo Yan."

"Du Fuwei has always been a domineering man. Since he ordered his subordinates to block the waterway, how can he be lenient?"

"I heard that even the merchant ships of the Song Clan were stopped by him."

She has already said this very euphemistically, if it were someone else, hearing Shen Youzhi's "rhetoric words", I'm afraid she would have to say something sarcastic on the spot:
Even the Song Clan's face doesn't matter, so what are you, wanting Du Fuwei to sell you?

"He doesn't need to give Song Que's face, but I always have to give it to me."

Shen Youzhi's tone remained calm.

A simple sentence, but Shen Luoyan, who is extremely resourceful, was amazed:
Du Fuwei is highly skilled in martial arts, and the Jianghuai Army under his command is even more powerful. Even Mi Gong is unwilling to offend easily.

This person is alone, but he doesn't pay attention to him at all. Could it be that he wants to resist thousands of troops with his own strength?

"All right."

Shen Youzhi's patience was exhausted, she had no intention of answering Shen Luoyan's doubts, but instead said in a cold voice: "Mr. Shen, if you have nothing else to do, please leave."

"The two of us have to make some adjustments here."

Hearing this, even the sharp-tongued Shen Luoyan was at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer.

This is Xingyang, the base camp of her Wagang Army. Logically speaking, she, Shen Luoyan, is the master, but right now, she seems to have received an expulsion order.

This kind of experience that I have never had before is really very depressing.

Having said that, but thinking of Shi Qingxuan's identity, and considering that both inside and outside Wagang were in an extremely sensitive period, Shen Luoyan didn't want to make trouble.

After putting on a polite smile, she led the sergeant out of the restaurant.


In the wing room, Shi Qingxuan's eyes flickered, staring at Shen Youzhi closely.

"What's wrong?" Shen Youzhi asked softly.

"Qingxuan is just curious about how Mr. Shen is going to ask Du Fuwei for a boat."

Shi Qingxuan made no secret of her thirst for knowledge.

Shen Youzhi first smiled back, and then explained:
"Wen wants three cups of tea, and Wu wants a three-foot sword."

"It depends on whether Du Fuwei wants to drink tea or try his sword."

Hearing this, Shi Qingxuan's beautiful eyes widened immediately, her heart was terrified.

"Does Mr. Shen want to fight against the Jianghuai Army with one man and one sword?"

Although martial arts are mysterious and have the effect of strengthening the body and even keeping the face young, there is a limit after all, and it is impossible for one person to compete against the army.

Even great martial arts masters like Ning Daoqi, Bi Xuan, and Fu Cailin would die of exhaustion if they were surrounded by thousands of troops.

It has never been heard that someone can defeat the established golden horse and iron horse with personal force.

"There are tens of millions of soldiers and horses, but only one life." Shen Youzhi said.

Naturally, his strength alone is no match for thousands of troops, but it is still possible to take the head of a general among thousands of troops and retreat calmly afterwards.

Because Shen Youzhi's body skills have already surpassed the limit of martial arts, and stepped into the unpredictable and extraordinary realm, which is even better than Shi Zhixuan's "Seven Illusions of Immortality".

Even in a battlefield with thousands of troops, he can come and go freely without any damage.

Even if the Jianghuai army fired all their arrows, and the arrows were like rain, they would never want to get a piece of Shen You's clothes.

Even though Shi Qingxuan knew that Shen You's martial arts were unfathomable, but seeing that he was so calm and confident, treating all troops as nothing, he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

Just at this time, the waiter in the shop brought delicacies.

The chat between the two was temporarily suspended.

The delicious food was served, but Shen Youzhi was not in a hurry to move his chopsticks, but looked at Shi Qingxuan leisurely.

"What's wrong?" Shi Qingxuan asked softly.

"Shen is just curious, how Qingxuan plans to taste the delicious food through the veil."

Shen Youzhi smiled slightly.

In just a few moments, the identities of the questioner and the person being questioned were changed.

"Mr. Shen was joking, Qingxuan doesn't have that ability."

Shi Qingxuan's voice was as soft as ever.

As she spoke, her jade hand suddenly stretched out to her earlobe, and slowly removed the hazy veil on her face.

This peerless beauty also showed her true face in front of Shen Youzhi for the first time——

The clear and distinct cheek contours are as sharp as a knife, and the beauty of the lines is astonishing.

The dark and beautiful eyes are as bright as gemstones, exuding an eternal, mysterious and fascinating demeanor.

The only pity is that the nose is slightly thick and ugly, which destroys the overall beauty.

If not, it could be called flawless.

"Does Qingxuan's true appearance disappoint Mr. Shen?"

Shi Qingxuan's expression was slightly sly, like a naughty little fox.

Shen Youzhi chuckled lightly, and asked back:
"Qingxuan knows, what is Shen's most confident ability?"

Shi Qingxuan glanced at the long sword in his hand and Yaoqin who was put aside, and tried to answer:

"Isn't it swordplay and rhythm?"

Shen Youzhi shook his head slightly and explained:
"Among my skills, swordsmanship can be ranked second, and temperament can be ranked fifth at most."

"As for the most confident."

Pointing to his own eyes, Shen Youzhi continued, "It's these eyes."

As soon as these words came out, Shi Qingxuan subconsciously looked at those eyes, only to feel that they were as clear as a stream, but as vast as a starry sky.

In other words, those eyes can clearly reflect everything about other people, but on the other hand, no one else can see its whole picture no matter what.

The moment Shi Qingxuan met her gaze, she understood that her little trick had already been completely seen through.

"Mr. Shen knows that the tricks of the daughter's family cannot be easily exposed."

Shi Qingxuan slightly frowned, pretending to be resentful.

"Even if you know it in your heart, you don't say it."

"Haha." Shen Youzhi smiled heartily, and said, "So there is such a taboo, I really don't know."

"Thank you Qingxuan for reminding me, Shen will definitely pay attention to it in the future."


Shi Qingxuan snorted coquettishly, and made a proud gesture of being a teacher.

This natural and agile reaction was just in her nature.

(End of this chapter)

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