Chapter 525 Soul Variation
When Zhang Hao discovered this scene, it was already too late. Immediately, Zhang Hao stopped hiding his clumsiness and directly knocked the three Dzogchen into the air with one move. The existence of an artifact comparable to the main defensive artifact feels like it can't breathe.

And Baier was directly destroyed by Zhang Hao's move in an instant.

Following Zhang Hao's move, the space in the direction of Zhang Hao's force was directly shattered, forming a large space crack.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Hao's four powers of will were exerted at the same time, and all the dozen commanders present were instantly fixed in place. Immediately afterwards, all the dozen commanders were scattered.

Only a dozen or so golden badges were left on the ground.

But at this moment, neither Zhang Hao nor Leisijing nor Beibei cared about the badges on the ground.

Zhang Hao instantly came to Linley's side, and a strand of forest soul power instantly enveloped Linley.

At this time, Linley still maintained his final consciousness, and murmured: "Father, the boss of Yale, George's second...and, Delia, your brother will also come back, I didn't let you down!"

At the same time as the last thought came to Linley, the corners of Linley's mouth were slightly upturned, revealing a hint of a smile. Afterwards, his consciousness was completely annihilated.

Seeing that Linley fell unconscious on the ground, Leisijing had already recalled the identity of the elf woman just now.

Regins said with a gloomy face, "It's Denise!"

Hearing this name, everyone's face became gloomy. Denise, everyone present knows that this person is from the Moon Elf family and is a famous powerhouse in the heavens.

This person is proficient in the secret art of the soul, or in other words, the entire Moon Elf family is very good at the secret art of the soul.

And this Denise is one of the best. This Denise's soul attack is very famous in the highest plane. Even, in terms of the strength of the soul alone, it can be compared to the upper god of Dzogchen. Bilesjing, a natural researcher The amethyst beast of the soul is even more powerful.

If Linley could still stop him like this, then his soul attainment comparable to that of the Dzogchen High God would not be worthy of the name.

But at this time, the power of the soul had already begun to invade Linley's spiritual ocean.

Fortunately, Zhang Hao took out a drop of Supreme God's Power from the space ring in a timely manner, and then dropped it into Linley's body, so that the soul attack did not completely enter Linley's soul.

However, a small amount of soul power still entered Linley's soul, and began to destroy Linley's soul.

However, with this drop of supreme power used by Zhang Hao, and the soul stone on Linley's body, at least Linley's life is preserved. As for whether the remaining soul power can help Linley complete the transformation of his soul, then I don't know. up.

Seeing this, Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's nothing serious!"

Lei Jing and others were still shocked by the huge power emanating from the drop of Supreme God's Power that Zhang Hao took out just now, and their expressions did not recover until Zhang Hao's voice fell, and now they don't care so much.

Although he didn't know why Zhang Hao was so powerful, he quickly picked up the commander's badge on the ground, and a group of people led Linley towards the territory of the Dark God Realm.

Until Zhang Hao and the others left.

Magnus and Hemmers, who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead, quickly got up and glanced at each other, both of whom found each other's shock.

It is also understandable that the strength Zhang Hao showed just now is too powerful. Although it is only a physical attack, the power contained in it almost made them fall.

It took a long time for Baier to complete the reshaping of his divine body.

The three of them looked at each other, not daring to stay for long, and hurriedly ran towards the base camp.

To tell the truth, they thought that even the base camp was not safe anymore.

With the strength Zhang Hao showed just now, if he wanted to, he could wipe out the entire camp of light by himself.

After Zhang Hao and the others returned to the territory of the dark camp, they quickly found a cave and settled Lin Lei down.

At this moment, the few people were not in the mood to divide the spoils anymore, and they were all a little worried about Linley.

However, Zhang Hao could feel that although Linley's soul was continuously weakening, relying on his own drop of supreme divine power and the soul stone given to Linley by the Lord Bauhinia, nothing would happen to Linley.

At first, Beibei thought that Linley was dead, and he was completely confused. It wasn't until Zhang Hao told him that Linley was fine, and when he sensed that Linley's soul power was still very strong, he finally calmed down.

Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't stay calm.

The Denise who attacked Linley had already been killed by Zhang Hao, and now that she wanted revenge, she didn't know who to turn to.

Just like that, the days passed by.

Beibei was extremely anxious.

Because, three years had passed, not only did Linley not wake up, but even his soul strength was less than one-third of what it was before.

But for this, even Zhang Hao had no choice but to rely on Linley himself.

According to Zhang Hao's investigation, there was not much left of the alien soul power, and because he was the reason for the soul mutation, Zhang Hao could clearly feel that Linley was undergoing soul mutation.

For a while, Zhang Hao didn't know what to say.

This is really too weird, as if it is destined, Linley will definitely complete the transformation of the soul, everything seems to be destined.

For a while, Zhang Hao was a little confused. According to Hongmeng, only those whose fate is uncertain can escape and enter the Hongmeng space.

However, the situation of Linley was very fateful.

Is this an unpredictable fate, or a higher level of destiny?
According to Zhang Hao's calculations, the controller of the primordial realm is at least the peak of the Unity Realm, or even a powerful person in the Immortal Realm.

Such an existence, who can decide their fate.

Immediately, Zhang Hao expelled this idea. These powerful people can't even think about it, and they will be discovered if they think about it.

Therefore, Zhang Hao simply stopped thinking about it, and while cultivating, he used the highest divine power to strengthen Linley's soul and body from time to time.

And every time Lei Jing and others saw Zhang Hao using the supreme divine power, although they didn't know what it was, they couldn't stop them from being greedy.

However, this is also normal. Zhang Hao simply gave a drop of Supreme Divine Power alone. Anyway, as he became more proficient, it is not as difficult as it was at the beginning to extract a drop of Supreme Divine Power.

At the beginning, because Zhang Hao was not proficient, sometimes he might not be able to synthesize a drop of supreme divine power in a day, but now, he can synthesize a drop of supreme divine power almost instantly.

Before he knew it, Beibei was delighted to find that Linley's soul strength no longer decreased, but gradually became stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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