The heavens set sail from the courtyard

Chapter 1006 The wind rises in Jinling

After Lie Zhanying and Wang Gang parted ways, the soldiers with Daliang did not withdraw from the Ye Qin capital. Instead, they stayed in the capital to rest and recuperate with the help of the Ye Qin defenders.

In order to thank the Daliang army for their help to Ye Qin this time, King Ye Qin ordered a reward and brought a lot of wine and meat to the Daliang army.

According to King Ye Qin's original plan, he wanted to poison Wang Gang in the palace and put the blame on the Beidi people to stabilize Daliang's army.

Lie Zhanying accepted the wine and meat, but did not distribute it to his subordinate armies. Instead, he issued a rally order to first control the Ye Qin people who were delivering food. Then, under the command of Lie Zhanying, the Daliang army controlled the Ye Qin people from within. The capital of Qin has nine gates.

The Ye Qin defenders, who were still immersed in the joy of repelling the Beidi people, never expected that the Daliang Tianjun who originally helped them would turn their guns.

Lie Zhanying held 11 imperial troops and [-] northwest troops, with a total of [-] troops, far superior to the Ye Qin defenders. In addition, the king of Ye Qin moved a large number of troops to the palace to ensure that everything was safe, leaving the nine gates defenses empty. Created an excellent opportunity for Lie Zhanying.

Wang Gang had planned this backstab a long time ago. Even without King Ye Qin's kindness and revenge, he still wanted to take over the entire Ye Qin Kingdom.

Ever since Ye Qin betrayed Daliang and lured Beidi into the Pass, Wang Gang had already sentenced Ye Qin to death.

The reason why he helped Ye Qin defeat Beidi was because he was waiting for this moment.

In order for the plan to go smoothly, Wang Gang even took the risk of walking into the palace alone, taking the initiative to attract everyone's attention and giving Lie Zhanying a chance to capture the nine gates of the capital.

The look in his eyes when he parted with Lie Zhanying signaled Lie Zhanying to launch a plan to capture the Nine Gates as soon as possible, and then lead his troops to attack the palace to meet him.

Lie Zhanying lived up to Wang Gang's high expectations and immediately captured the nine gates. After taking control of the outer city, he immediately led an army of [-] to capture the Yeqin Palace.

Because Wang Gang made too much noise in the palace, Ye Qin's troops retreated into the palace. Lie Zhanying broke through the palace gate without much effort and led the Daliang army into the palace.

Now that the palace gate was breached and the king fell into Wang Gang's hands, Ye Qin's imperial army did not have much will to resist at all and surrendered one after another.

Two hours later, Wang Gang sat on the throne of Ye Qin Palace, looking at the secret letter written by his good fifth brother, King Yu, to King Ye Qin, and couldn't help curling his lips and saying:
"My brothers all wish that I would die outside!"

In the past, the prince sent the Zhuo family of Tianquan Villa to assassinate him. Later, Wang Youyou rebelled against King Ye Qin and poisoned him. Wang Gang, the King of Jing, was really tired of being a king.

Throwing the secret letter at his feet, Lie Zhanying rushed over to catch it and said: "Your Majesty, if you have this secret letter, you can read it when you return to Jinling."

Wang Gang said disdainfully: "Do you think you can bring down King Yu with just one letter?"

Lie Zhanying said in confusion: "King Yu united with the enemy to murder you. The evidence is conclusive. Can your Majesty still let him go?"

Wang Gang leaned on the throne, adjusted to a comfortable position, and said: "The secret letter can be forged. As long as King Yu refuses to admit it until the time comes, Emperor Liang will not kill him."

Lie Zhanying wondered: "Why does Your Majesty prefer one to another? Your Highness is also Your Majesty's biological son!"

Wang Gang snorted coldly: "So what about my son? It's not like Emperor Liang has never killed anyone. Compared with his throne, no one is important.

The reason why King Qi died was because he had threatened the throne, so he was executed by Emperor Liang because of an unfounded secret letter of rebellion. "

Wang Gang said quietly: "In the final analysis, King Yu is a chess piece introduced by Emperor Liang to balance the power of the prince. As long as the prince is not deposed, he will always be safe."

Lie Zhanying came to his senses and said, "Can't the prince replace King Yu?"

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "It's not possible now. My foundation in the court is too weak. If I barely bring down Prince Yu, I will only be benefiting the prince in vain."

The position of the prince was filled with righteousness, and sometimes it could even threaten the imperial power. Otherwise, Emperor Liang would not have worked so hard to support King Yu and balance the situation in the court.

If Wang Gang overthrows King Yu at this time, it will destroy the balance of the court and help the prince instead, which is not what he wants.

It is not without reason that after Mei Changsu in Nirvana in Fire came to the capital, he chose to be the first to overthrow the prince instead of King Yu.

Thinking of Mei Changsu, Wang Gang asked Lie Zhanying: "Has there been any news from Jinling?" Lie Zhanying shook his head and said: "I haven't received any news from Jinling yet."

Wang Gang frowned and became more determined to establish an intelligence agency.

"It is estimated that the news of Ye Qin's destruction has spread back to Jinling, and Emperor Liang will soon summon me back to the capital." Wang Gang touched his chin and said:
"I can go back, but the [-] forbidden troops cannot leave."

Lie Zhanying didn't understand the meaning of Wang Gang's words for a while. Fortunately, he didn't think for long before Wang Gang said to him:
"Although we have captured the capital of Ye Qin, there should still be many resistance forces in Ye Qin. I give you a task. No matter how happy those people are, don't destroy them."

Lie Zhanying was surprised and said: "My lord, are you telling the contrary?"

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "I need those forces to make a fuss as long as possible, so that you have a reason to stay in the northwest and control the Northwest Army and the 11 Forbidden Army. As long as I have these [-] troops, I will be able to compete for the throne. Chance."

Lie Zhanying finally understood what Wang Gang meant.

"My lord, do you want to take control of the military?"

Lie Zhanying was Wang Gang's confidant, someone he trusted completely, and Wang Gang didn't hide anything from him.

"Yes, if I want to fight for the throne, I must have military power in my hands. Killing Yue Zhongqi is also to pave the way for you to control the Northwest Army." Wang Gang revealed his ambition:
"Next, you have to find ways to provoke riots in the small northwest countries, and even lure the Beidi barbarians to attack again. The more chaotic the northwest, the better."

"I will obey your orders." Lie Zhanying was a die-hard loyalist of Prince Jing's palace. Even if Wang Gang told him to die, he would not frown.


Three days later, the battle report that Wang Gang had conquered Ye Qin's capital was sent back to Jinling. Sure enough, one stone stirred up a thousand waves.

In the court, Emperor Liang was still a little unbelievable when he saw the battle report.

"Prince Jing destroyed Ye Qin!?" Emperor Liang looked at the Minister of War in disbelief.

The Minister of War swallowed his saliva and said with a dry mouth: "According to King Jing's battle report, the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army, Yue Zhongqi, colluded with Beidi to overthrow our Daliang Northwest.

King Jing noticed it in time, killed Yue Zhongqi first, retreated to Beidi, and then killed Ye Qin. "

"Conveniently destroy the country?" The veins on Emperor Liang's forehead jumped.

The Minister of War also felt that Wang Gang's battle report was a bit magical. He had only been in the northwest for a month!

"Immediately summon Prince Jing back to the capital." Emperor Liang said in a deep voice, "and then send other people to take over the military affairs in the northwest."

Before the Minister of War could reply, Meng Zhi stood up and said: "Your Majesty, if you transfer Prince Jing back at this time, who can control the great situation in the northwest?"

Emperor Liang narrowed his eyes and finally realized that although Ye Qin was destroyed, the situation in the northwest was still unclear. It was indeed inappropriate to transfer Prince Jing back at this time.

"Send a message to Prince Jing, asking him to stabilize the situation in the northwest before setting off back to the capital." Emperor Liang hesitated for a few seconds and then said: "As for the candidate to lead the northwest army, let the Ministry of War discuss it later!"

After Emperor Liang hurriedly went to court, he immediately went to the harem to meet Concubine Jing and rewarded her with many things. He also decreed that Concubine Jing be promoted to Concubine Jing, one of the four concubines in the harem.

Many people in the palace said that Concubine Jing's mother was more precious than her son.

At the same time, King Yu finished his inspection of the fourteen prefectures in Jiangzuo and returned to Jinling.

Mei Changsu, the leader of the Jiangzuo League, followed Xiao Jingrui, the eldest son of the Marquis of Ning, and Yan Yujin, the son of Marquis Yan, and the three of them entered Jinling City together.

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