Chapter 132 Engagement
On the lawn of the Stanford campus, Wang Gang was lying on the grass, blocking the glare of the sun with a certificate, and resting his head on Wu Fei's lap.

"Mingzhe, which big factory are you going to work for after graduation?" Wu Fei asked while stroking Wang Gang's hair.

"I want to go back to China. Now that the domestic Internet industry is booming, it's time for us to go back and show our strengths." Wang Gang said as he took away his diploma.

Wu Fei frowned, and said, "Didn't you already receive invitations from big companies? Do you know how difficult it is to get into these companies?"

Wang Gang asked back, "You don't want to go back to China?"

Wu Fei nodded and said, "I also received an invitation from a software company. Although the company is small, the salary is good. After we have a job, we can apply for a green card in the United States."

Wang Gang sat up, turned to look at Wu Fei, and asked, "Are your parents waiting for us to go back?"

"What are you doing when you go back? Our relatives and friends all know that we are staying in the United States and we don't look like people. They might not know what to say about us when we go back." Wu Fei said angrily.

"We live our lives and don't care what other people say." Wang Gang said: "Besides, I have made a lot of money as a purchasing agent in the past few years. I can go back to China to start a business. Being my own boss is no better than working for others."

Wu Fei shook his head and said, "That's your money, not mine."

At first, Wu Fei really wanted to work as a purchasing agent with Wang Gang, but as her studies got heavier and heavier, she was really unhappy, so she had to leave it to Wang Gang and Su Mingyu's brothers and sisters.

Now Su Mingyu's online store is already very famous, with monthly sales exceeding one million and profits of four to five million.

The siblings have earned millions in recent years, and Su Mingyu has bought a bigger house and a car.

Wang Gang had already paid off the money he owed Wu's father. Two days ago, Wu's father asked him if he wanted to change to a bigger house.

"I want to make a living in the United States. My parents have spent so much money to train me, so I can't marry you as a housewife after graduation." Wu Fei finally spoke his mind.

Wang Gang thought for a while, and then said: "You want to fight for your career, I have no objection, and I support it with both hands, but your parents have urged us many times, always asking about marriage."

Wu Fei laughed and said, "You have never proposed to me, who will marry you?"

Wang Gang threw away his graduation certificate, took out a small box from his pocket, and knelt down in front of Wu Fei.

Wu Fei covered his mouth with both hands, and looked at the students around him, feeling a little embarrassed.

Suddenly those students rushed over and lined up neatly in a heart shape.

"Marry me!" Wang Gang opened the box, revealing the big diamond ring inside.

Wu Fei nodded happily, but was too excited to say a word.

Those students around have been shouting "marry him".

Wang Gang stood up, put the ring on Wu Fei's hand, and the two happily embraced each other.

The people around quickly ran up, surrounded them, and took out a salute.

Bang bang bang.

The salute was fired, countless colored films were flying, and Wu Fei wept with joy.

"Did you prepare for this marriage proposal for a long time?" Wu Fei asked in Wang Gang's ear.

"I've been preparing for half a year, and it's not cheap to find these people." Wang Gang laughed.

The two hugged each other, and with everyone's blessings, they left the school holding hands and returned to Susan's house.

As soon as Wu Fei opened the door, Susan fired a salute and said, "Congratulations."

Wu Fei looked back and forth in surprise, and said, "Susan, you already knew!"

Susan laughed: "Jack told me two days ago that he proposed marriage."

Wu Fei pouted and said, "I'm the last to know about co-authorship!"

Wang Gang put his arms around Wu Fei's waist and said, "I want to give you a surprise, and there is another big surprise waiting for you in the room."

Wu Fei didn't know why, so he walked into the room suspiciously, and then cried out in surprise.

"Dad, Mom!?"

In the living room, Wu's father and Wu's mother looked at their daughter with a smile on their faces, and the family of three hugged each other.

"When did you come?"

"We got off the plane three hours ago, and Mingzhe asked someone to pick us up." Wu Ma saw the diamond ring on Wu Fei's hand, and said with a smile: "My daughter is getting married, so how can parents not come?"

Wu Fei looked back at Wang Gang suspiciously.

"We are engaged, and the parents of both parties must always be there." Wang Gang said with a smile.

Wu Fei was surprised: "Have you arranged everything?"

Wang Gang nodded and said, "My parents are on the plane at night."

Wu Fei hugged his parents happily and said, "Mom and Dad, where do you live?"

Father Wu looked at Wang Gang and said, "Then you have to ask my future son-in-law."

Wang Gang said with a smile: "I booked a hotel for my parents. We just graduated, so we can spend a few days with our parents."

Wu Ma said: "The last time I came to America, I still sent you to school. We didn't take a good look around."

Wu Fei said happily: "I'll let you have enough fun this time."

The family happily sat down and chatted about Wang Gang's proposal.

In the evening, Zhao Meilan and Su Daqiang also arrived, and Wang Gang drove himself to pick up the airport.

The car is borrowed from Susan.

After Su Daqiang got into the car, he kept looking at the scenery outside the window, and said bluffingly: "Mingzhe, this is the United States! This is the first time for me to go abroad! I feel that the road to the United States is not very wide."

While driving, Wang Gang smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, come and play for a few days. I've already booked the hotel, and Wu Fei's parents are also here in the morning."

Although Zhao Meilan was also curious about what America looked like, she still asked her son:
"Mingzhe, are you going to stay in America?"

"Feifei found a job after graduation. I may also stay in school to study for a doctorate. I won't be returning to China for the time being."

In the afternoon, Wang Gang discussed with Wu Fei that he would stay in school to continue his studies, and Wu Fei would try to go out and make a difference. If they could make a living, they would stay in the United States, otherwise they would return to China.

When Zhao Meilan heard that her son still wanted to study, she didn't object. After all, the more successful her son was, the brighter her face would be.

What's more, Wang Gang didn't have to be raised by his parents for a long time, and he could send money back every month, so Zhao Meilan couldn't control him.

"Dad, Mom, how are you doing? Do you go for regular physical examinations?" Wang Gang asked.

"I've gone, you've been watching every year, how could we not go, I just had a physical examination a month ago, I'm in good health, your mother's blood pressure is a bit high." Su Daqiang said impatiently.

"High blood pressure, have you taken your medicine?" Wang Gang asked nervously.

He remembered that in the TV series, Zhao Meilan died of a massive myocardial infarction caused by high blood pressure.

"I still need you to remind me, don't forget what I do." Zhao Meilan laughed.

Wang Gang reminded: "If you have high blood pressure, you need to take medicine for a long time, and you must also pay attention to your usual eating habits. Avoid getting too happy and angry, and keep a normal mind."

"I know, I know, as the head nurse of a hospital, how can I not know this." Zhao Meilan said impatiently.

Wang Gang turned his head and said to Su Daqiang: "Dad, you should also pay attention to your health, and have regular physical examinations every year. If there is anything, you must tell me."

"I know my body. It's great. There are many boys in the school who are not as good as me."

Wang Gang was not worried about Su Daqiang's heart, but his brain.

In the TV series, he got Alzheimer's disease, which is commonly known as Alzheimer's disease, so he had to guard against it!

The car parked on the driveway of Susan's house, and Zhao Meilan was immediately attracted by this kind of garden villa architecture.

"Mingzhe, whose house is this? It's so beautiful!"

"This is the host family of Wu Fei and me. The head of the household is Susan. She is a nice person." Wang Gang said with a smile:
"Wu Fei's parents arrived in the afternoon, and I will take you to the hotel together later."

Zhao Meilan asked: "Since you want to stay, have you ever thought about buying a house?"

Wang Gang thought for a while and said: "The house must be bought. After Wu Fei graduates, he can no longer live in a host family, but we haven't had time to look at the house yet."

Zhao Meilan asked: "Do you want us to support you to buy a house?"

Wang Gang never told his parents about the house in Shanghai, and Zhao Meilan didn't know about the cooperation with his sister Su Mingyu in purchasing.

Up to now, she still thought that Wang Gang was working in a restaurant, working part time and studying part time.

"No, I still have money, enough to buy a house." Wang Gang led his parents into the house, and met Wu's parents and Wu's mother.

The in-laws meeting was naturally lively again.

The next day, Wang Gang held a simple engagement ceremony at the hotel and received blessings from both parents.

After the ceremony, Wang Gang originally wanted to take the four elderly people to have fun in America, but Zhao Meilan was unwilling and insisted on seeing the house.

It is said that since they are engaged, they need to buy a house and have a family, and it is not a problem to live under the fence all day.

Wu's father and Wu's mother thought about it too, and it happened that the four old people were all there, and they could help their children as advisers.

As a result, the travel plan turned into a house viewing plan, so Wang Gang could only contact a real estate agency to secure the house first.

(End of this chapter)

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