Wang Gang carried two bottles of Maotai and came to Popohou Hou's home, and happened to see his daughter Hou Su'e also at home.

"Dad, can you lend me some money? My family really doesn't have money to eat." Hou Su'e said to Bao Pohou in a low voice.

"Get out, you are not welcome in my home." Bashahou didn't look at his daughter well.

"Sister Hou." Wang Gang saw Hou Su'e and took the initiative to say hello.

When Hou Su'e saw outsiders present, she was embarrassed to ask for a loan again.

"Chunming is here!" Hou Su'e was about to leave in embarrassment.

Wang Gang put down the Maotai wine, then sent Hou Su'e out and gave her ten yuan.

Hou Su'e almost cried when she took the money.

"Brother, this is what my sister lent you. I will pay you back when I have the money." Hou Su'e said movedly.

"I won't wait for the money. I'll wait until you have more money." Wang Gang smiled and sent Hou Su'e out.

In fact, Wang Gang and Hou Su'e knew each other a few years ago, and he bought his priceless old tobacco pipe from Hou Su'e.

It is actually quite interesting to talk about the father and daughter Hou Su'e and Poor Hou.

Bapohou Hou lost his wife in his early years and never remarried. He raised his daughter by himself.

Originally, the relationship between father and daughter was very good. Unfortunately, 20 years ago, Bashahouhou had an affair with a man named Liu Sihai.

Liu Sihai falsely accused Bao Baohou of being a traitor. Later, in a rage, he burned down three rooms in Liu Sihai's house and spent three years in prison.

What's interesting is that Hou Su'e, the daughter of Shapohou Hou, eventually fell in love with Liu Sihai's son.

After Baolanhou was released from prison, he learned that his daughter was going to marry the son of his enemy, and he was so angry that he almost carried her away.

From then on, the father and daughter no longer interacted with each other.

Hou Su'e was also a hard-luck woman. Not long after marrying into the Liu family, the Liu family began to decline due to the events of the special era.

Later, Hou Su'e's husband fell ill and almost lost all his family's wealth. Hou Su'e asked her father to borrow money several times, but was rejected by Popohou Hou.

Wang Gang knew that Baoshahou didn't care about his daughter, but he just couldn't save his face. He once secretly resold several antiques to his daughter.

But this Hou Su'e really didn't live up to expectations. She didn't even learn a thing about rags, and she didn't even know that she was guarding the treasure mountain in vain. All the valuable things in her house were sold as rags. Didn't Wang Gang just find an old cigarette stick?

As soon as Wang sent Hou Su'e off, he returned to the poor Hou's house and found that he had already opened the Maotai wine he had brought.

"Bashahou, please smell the Maotai I brought. Is it real or fake?" Wang Gang said with a smile.

"You don't have to smell it." The Bad Lord sat on the chair carelessly, took a sip of wine, and said: "If you bring fake wine for me to drink, you will be the disciple of the nine admirals."

Wang Gang laughed, sat across from Popohou, and said, "You have done me a big favor this time, and these two bottles of wine are my return gift."

Poor Hou snorted and said, "I report it and come back, not to help you!"

Wang Gang asked curiously: "I'm surprised, why would you meddle in such nosy matters? Has Cheng Jianjun offended you?"

Bao Baohou's face darkened and he put down the wine glass in his hand.

"Cheng Jianjun didn't offend me, the people who offended me were the people who sold him fake wine."

Wang Gang suddenly said: "Cheng Jianjun was arrested because of you."

Bashaohou ate a peanut and said, "He deserves it. The shop has been sealed, and he still associates with that group of people. If not, who will arrest him?"

Cheng Jianjun was still at the police station at this time. Cheng's father went to fish for anyone but he couldn't fish him out. Boss Yan's counterfeiting gang was very big and he was caught by the police. Cheng Jianjun suffered an unjust disaster. injustice.

After the police understand the situation, they should release Cheng Jianjun back, but he will have to endure hardship at the police station for a few days.

Wang Gang can only say that he deserves it.

"Bashahou, I'm just wondering why that counterfeiting gang offended you!" Wang Gang gossiped.

Baolan Hou snorted coldly and said: "What I hate most in my life is people who are counterfeiting and deceiving the world and stealing their reputation. Those people made fake antiques and deceived many people."

Wang Gang squinted his eyes and said uncertainly: "From your point of view, there is no way you will be deceived by them. Could it be Sister Hou?"

Bao Baohou blushed and took another sip of wine.

"I don't care if she was cheated or not," Baoshahou said firmly.

Wang Gang probably guessed what was going on.

Hou Su'e must have been deceived by Boss Yan and his gang. Popohou said he didn't care, but in fact he only took action against Cheng Jianjun and Boss Yan for his daughter.

This can only be said that Cheng Jianjun was unlucky and was implicated.

But having said that, Cheng Jianjun was not unjust. If he had run the hot pot restaurant honestly, he would not have provoked Boss Yan and his group.

"Bashahou, don't you want to pass on your skills to Sister Hou?" Wang Gang asked tentatively.

"Her?" Poor Hou said disdainfully: "She's not that material, and it's useless to learn." Wang Gang said again: "What about your grandson?"

Popohou Hou angrily slapped the case and roared: "I will never pass on my skills to the Liu family!"

Wang Gang pouted and said, "Don't forget, half of the Hou family's blood is on your grandson.

And what happened back then, what a big deal, Liu Sihai offended you, but his son didn't offend you. "

"Hmph." Popohou reluctantly sat down.

Wang Gang poured a glass of wine for the broken man and said, "I recently got a pair of authentic Sansu. Do you want to exchange it?"

The topic turned to antiques, and Popohou looked much better.

"Has your master seen it?" Baolanhou asked.

"No, I'll check with you as soon as possible." Wang Gang smiled.

Bao Baohou is so proud, his face looks better now.

After coming out of Bashao Hou's house, Wang Gang didn't go anywhere. He went back home, but he didn't expect that the house was quite lively. Not only the Han brothers were there, but even Meng Xiaoxing came.

"Hey, there are enough people today. Mom is making dumplings?" Wang Gang said with a smile.

Mother Han said with a worried look: "Xiaowu, come here quickly, your eldest sister and second brother are anxious."

"What's wrong?" Wang Gang sat down strangely and poured himself a glass of water.

"Cheng Jianjun was arrested and his hot pot restaurant was completely sealed." Mother Han glanced at Meng Xiaoxing and said.

"Brother Wuzi, please save Jianjun!" Meng Xiaoxing suddenly ran to Wang Gang, knelt down and begged.

"If you have something to say, tell me. What are you doing?" Wang Gang quickly helped Meng Xiaoxing up.

Meng Xiaoxing cried and said: "Cheng Jianjun was arrested. The police said he was caught red-handed in a counterfeiting den. The problem is very serious."

Wang Gang raised his eyebrows and said, "Did he participate in the fraud?"

"How is that possible? He doesn't have the courage!" Meng Xiaoxing said excitedly: "He just bought some fake wine from that group of people, but his crime will not lead to death!"

Wang Gang sneered in his heart, what else did Cheng Jianjun dare not do.

"In that case, then you believe that the police can find out and Cheng Jianjun will be released by then." Wang Gang said nonchalantly.

Meng Xiaoxing cried: "That group of people insisted that Cheng Jianjun was an accomplice, but now he can't even wash it off after he jumped into the Yellow River."

Wang Gang was stunned and soon understood why Boss Yan wanted to drag Cheng Jianjun into the water.

Boss Yan must have thought that being caught this time must have something to do with Cheng Jianjun, so he wanted to drag him to be buried with him.

After all, Cheng Jianjun had just arrived, and it didn't take long for the police to come to the door. How could such a coincidence happen in the world.

Cheng Jianjun is really in trouble and can't tell you!

"What did Cheng Jianjun's father say?" Mother Han asked Meng Xiaoxing.

Meng Xiaoxing cried and said: "His father has nothing to do now. He was so excited that he fainted at the police station. Now he is still lying in the hospital. The doctor said he had a stroke and may be hemiplegic."

Han's mother couldn't help but sigh when she heard the words, the Cheng family's life is not easy!

Wang Gang said to Meng Xiaoxing: "Let me tell you, Cheng Jianjun is going to jail this time. Don't be confused. Divorce him quickly and don't get yourself involved."

Meng Xiaoxing looked at Wang Gang in shock, not expecting that he would persuade her to divorce at this time!

Mother Han frowned and said, "Xiaowu, the Cheng family is like this, why are you adding insult to injury?"

Wang Gang said: "This is not to add insult to injury, but to abandon the car to protect the commander-in-chief. Cheng Jianjun is about to go to jail, and his father is like that, and he may have to rely on others to take care of him for the rest of his life.

Do you want Meng Xiaoxing to stay with the Cheng family for the rest of her life? "

Mother Han stopped talking. After all, Meng Xiaoxing was a relative, while the Cheng family were outsiders. There was no reason to turn their elbows outward.

Meng Xiaoxing collapsed on the ground in confusion, and for a moment she ran out of ideas.

Sister Han didn't care about her and said to Wang Gang: "Xiao Wu, Cheng Jianjun's store is not going to survive. Do you think we can get back the 1000 yuan that my second brother and I invested?"

Brother Han looked at Wang Gang expectantly.

"I definitely won't be able to get it back." Wang Gang said firmly.

Sister Han and Brother Han's faces darkened when they heard this, and they suddenly started crying.

"What evil did we do, why did we believe in Cheng Jianjun, and worked so hard to save some money all our lives, and now it's all gone."

Sister Han and Brother Han cried directly in front of Wang Gang.

"If you want to cry, go home and cry. Why are you pretending to be in front of me?" Wang Gang said impatiently: "Don't you just want me to bear this debt?"

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