The heavens set sail from the courtyard

Chapter 870 Double Food Tale

Tong Wenjie returned to the capital alone with her son Fang Yifan. She had to report to the company early the next morning. She usually didn't have time to take care of her son, so she asked her best friend Song Qian for help.

The two agreed to send Fang Yifan to Song Qian for tutoring in the morning, and Tong Wenjie would pick him up after get off work in the evening.

In the past, Fang Yifan would have gone to his grandparents' house noisily, so how could he go to tutoring?

But after returning from Fujian, Fang Yifan saw the "world" and was indeed greatly touched and began to think seriously about his life.

He found that his previous life was too happy, and he was even a little unaware of his blessings.

Niuniu wanted to go to school but couldn't. Fang Yifan enjoyed the best educational resources, but didn't know how to cherish them. He cheated and cheated all day long, which was really inappropriate.

When Song Qian saw Fang Yifan again, she clearly felt something was different about him.

When Fang Yifan was taking tutoring, he was much more serious than before, and he had fewer distractions in class. He even took the initiative to ask her questions.

Throughout the morning, Fang Yifan did not slack off once and was studying and taking notes seriously.

During lunch, Song Qian couldn't help but be curious, and asked Fang Yifan: "Fanfan, why do you have such a better attitude towards studying when you came back from Fujian this time?"

Fang Yifan put down his chopsticks and told Song Qian what he saw and heard during his trip to Fujian, especially Niuniu's family.

Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi were filled with emotion when they heard that Niuniu would help the family after graduating from elementary school.

"Fang Hou, is everything you said true?" Qiao Yingzi asked: "Is Niuniu really that miserable?"

Fang Yifan sighed: "I heard from my dad that there are still many children like Niu Niu in China who drop out of school early to make a living."

Song Qian nodded and said: "As the country develops, there are fewer and fewer children like Niuniu, so you should cherish learning opportunities more."

Fang Yifan sighed: "My dad said that just one month's tuition fee for me would be enough for Niu Niu's family to live for a year, so I decided to study hard and not let the money go to waste."

Song Qian sighed: "Your dad seems to be indifferent, but I didn't expect that his heart is quite delicate."

Fang Yifan disagreed and said, "Why is my dad so out of tune?"

Song Qian smiled and said: "I'm sorry, Auntie, I didn't mean that. I always thought that your dad would be as out of tune as Qiao Weidong if he hung out with Qiao Weidong."

This time it was Qiao Yingzi's turn to quit.

"Mom, why is my dad so out of tune? Isn't he very good?" Qiao Yingzi said angrily.

"Hmph! What's so good about him!" Song Qian changed her face and said, "Aside from spoiling you all day long and pleasing you, what else will he do?"

Qiao Yingzi said unconvinced: "My dad is busy doing business to make money! He is much richer than Uncle Fang."

"He's just lucky." Song Qian rolled her eyes and said.

Just as the saying goes that Cao Cao has arrived, the doorbell rang. Song Qian looked through the pager and saw that it was her ex-husband Qiao Weidong.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you agree not to see Yingzi again this month?" Song Qian became furious when she saw Qiao Weidong.

When Qiao Yingzi heard that it was her father, she ran to the door excitedly.

"Dad, why are you here?"

"Yingzi, open the door." Qiao Weidong smiled.

"Don't open." Song Qian stopped her daughter and said to Qiao Weidong: "Qiao, if you dare to come here without saying hello again, you will never see your daughter again."

"I'm not here this time for Yingzi, I'm here for Fanfan." Qiao Weidong rolled his eyes and said proudly.

Fang Yifan, who was eating, didn't expect to have something of his own.

"Fang Yuan asked me to help find an art exam teacher for Fanfan before. Today I will take him to meet him." Qiao Weidong explained.

"Fang Hou'er is taking the art exam?" Qiao Yingzi looked at Fang Yifan strangely.

"I don't know!" Fang Yifan looked confused.

Qiao Weidong said: "Song Qian, if you don't believe it, you can call Fangyuan! The teacher charges more than 1000 per class, and you will pay for the time lost!"

When it came to other people's children, Song Qian didn't dare to mess around, so she immediately took out her phone and called Wang Gang.

When Wang Gang received the call, he was helping Lin Leier go through the transfer procedures.

"Fang Yuan, have you found an art exam teacher for Fanfan?"

Wang Gang knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

He really wanted Fang Yifan to try the art exam, but he had agreed with Qiao Weidong to find a teacher when he returned.

Qiao Weidong must have been seeing his daughter in private under the guise of helping Fang Yifan.

Wang Gang can't reveal this yet, after all, he still needs Qiao Weidong's help!
"Yes, that's what happened. I was so busy that I forgot to say hello to you. Did Lao Qiao go to pick up Fanfan?" Wang Gang asked.

Song Qian looked much better and said, "I don't object to you finding a tutor for Fanfan to take the art exam, but you have to arrange your tutoring time reasonably. Does he have to tutor Chinese in the afternoon?"

What else could Wang Gang say, he could only hold his nose and wipe Qiao Weidong's butt.

"Sorry, I'm almost crazy busy here in Fujian. I didn't plan the time. I won't do it next time." Song Qian gave Wang Gang some face and didn't dwell on the matter too much. She opened the door and let Qiao Weidong come up.

"Take Fanfan and come back quickly. He has Chinese lessons to do in the afternoon." Song Qian said to Qiao Weidong with a bad face.

Qiao Weidong saw the food on the table and said, "Did I come by accident? You are having lunch? How about I wait until you finish eating."

Qiao Yingzi rolled her eyes and asked her father: "Dad, have you eaten?"

"No! I was in a hurry just now and didn't bother to eat." Qiao Weidong said.

"Then come and eat with us!" Qiao Yingzi invited.

"No." Song Qian refused excitedly: "I didn't cook for him."

"I just need to eat less." Qiao Yingzi took her mother's arm and said, "We can't let my dad go hungry!"

"He's so fat, he won't die from starvation." Song Qian said with a sigh.

Qiao Yingzi said: "Dad will drive Fang Hou soon. What if he becomes dizzy due to hypoglycemia? It's very dangerous."

To say that Qiao Yingzi is a top student, her reaction ability is top-notch and she can think of reasons in an instant.

Song Qian glanced at Fang Yifan and said with a somewhat relaxed tone: "I really don't cook that much."

Fang Yifan saw Qiao Yingzi's cryptic look and immediately said, "It doesn't matter if I eat less."

Song Qian reluctantly agreed to eat with Qiao Weidong at the same table.

"Oh, I haven't eaten the food you cooked for a long time." Qiao Weidong sat down at the dinner table and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hurry up and leave after eating." Song Qian put down the bowl and chopsticks fiercely.

Qiao Yingzi sat down next to her father with a smile and served him a bowl of soup herself.

"It's a pity that it's not your specialty durian chicken soup." Qiao Weidong sighed.

"Do you like to eat or not?" Song Qian said with a dark face.

Qiao Weidong smiled, stopped talking, and concentrated on cooking.

Qiao Yingzi felt so happy when she saw a family of three eating at the same table again. It would have been better if Fang Yifan wasn't next to her.

Song Qian came to her senses after taking two bites and asked Qiao Weidong: "The art exam teacher you found for Fanfan can't be that mistress, right?"

Qiao Weidong was excited and said: "No! I found Fanfan a formal art exam tutoring institution. Today I am going there for an interview to see if Fanfan has any talent in this area.

Fangyuan said that Fanfan has a strong sense of rhythm and can learn the dances on TV after watching them twice. "

Song Qian's face softened slightly.

"Fang Hou dances really well." Qiao Yingzi said: "I saw him dancing better than many professional dancers. Wang Yidi in our class also said that Fang Hou has talent."

"Wang Yidi, is that the girl who wants to take the Nortel exam?" Song Qian has an image of Qiao Yingzi's classmates.

"Yes, that's her. Wang Yidi has been learning dance and vocal music since she was a child. She said that Fang Hou is very talented and it would be a pity not to take the art exam." Qiao Yingzi said.

"Fanfan is so powerful?" Qiao Weidong asked curiously: "How about you give us an impromptu performance?"

Song Qian said angrily: "Why are you here? The child is eating!"

Originally, Fang Yifan was still a little eager to give it a try, but when he heard what Song Qian said, he immediately stopped.

"That's right, you shouldn't do strenuous exercise after eating a full meal. That's what you told Yingzi all day long." Qiao Weidong smiled and concentrated on eating.

After eating, Song Qian couldn't wait to rush Qiao Weidong away.

"What's the rush? I just finished eating and can't take a break." Qiao Weidong said coquettishly, "I just have time to talk to my daughter."

Song Qian threw away her chopsticks and said angrily: "Qiao Weidong, what on earth are you doing here today!"

"Why are you so anxious? Why don't I leave?" Qiao Weidong saw that Song Qian was really angry, so he greeted Fang Yifan and walked out of the house.

Before leaving, Qiao Weidong winked at his daughter and said, "Yingzi, I'll take Fanfan back later, and we'll talk again."

Song Qian was about to get angry again when she heard this, but Qiao Weidong had already rushed out, followed closely by Fang Yifan.

Qiao Weidong didn't take Fang Yifan far, just to his own home.

Xiaomeng is waiting for them.

"Old Qiao, why did it take you so long to come back? Come and eat."

Fang Yifan was about to say that Qiao Weidong had eaten, but he stopped him.

"I made something delicious today. I'm almost hungry."

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