Chapter 923 Zhu Zhe
Zhu Zhe walked on the way home tiredly. He had worked for more than ten hours in a row. Even his iron-clad body was a little overwhelmed at this time.

From the day he came to work in Shanghai at the age of 16, Zhu Zhe knew that with his low academic qualifications, he could only make up for his shortcomings with hard work.

Therefore, in the unit, she is always the first one to go to work, the last one to get off work, and the one who works the hardest.

The hard work has paid off handsomely. The boss talked to her today. She will be promoted next month and her salary will be greatly increased.

Zhu Zhe decided to treat himself well today, and it was a rare luxury to go out to a restaurant.

Although she decided to go out to a restaurant, she actually chose a small restaurant that was relatively close to her shared apartment.

The restaurant is called "Xiao Gang Restaurant" and is located in an alley. The dilapidated signboard, small storefront, and old tables and chairs all tell everyone that this is a fly restaurant.

Even so, Zhu Zhe rarely came to spend money in the past.

Xiaogang's restaurant has been closed these days. When Zhu Zhe was at work today, he accidentally noticed that the restaurant was open, so he came over after get off work to have a look.

The front of Xiaogang's restaurant is the dining area and the back is the kitchen. There is not a single customer at this time.

"Boss Wang, are you still open now?" Zhu Zhe looked at the time on her phone. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening. She was not sure the store was still open?

"Sorry, no business today!"

A young man came out of the kitchen. Zhu Zhe knew him. He was the son of the owner of Xiaogang Restaurant. He had met him twice before.

"Boss Xiao Wang." Zhu Zhe greeted.

The young man hesitated and said, "Are you Miss Zhu?"

Zhu Zhe asked with concern: "The store has not been open these days. Is Boss Wang sick?"

"My parents passed away in a car accident." The young man said in a calm tone, as if he was talking about someone else's family.

Zhu Zhe said in shock: "How could it be! I saw them last week?"

The original owner of Xiaogang Restaurant was named Wang. He and his wife came to Shanghai from their hometown to work hard in the early years. They opened this small restaurant and basically did it as a neighborhood business. It has received a lot of praise for its high quality, low price and authentic taste.

Zhu Zhe used to like to come over for a bowl of "Yangchun Noodles" when celebrating her birthday. Boss Wang would always give her an extra poached egg, and she became familiar with it after two visits.

Boss Wang’s family has been in Shanghai for nearly 20 years. They just bought the restaurant a few years ago and brought their son to live with them.

When Zhu Zhe chatted with Boss Wang and his wife before, he heard that his son was named Wang Gang, and the restaurant was named after his son.

When Xiao Wang's academic performance in his hometown was mediocre, Boss Wang planned to take him over, teach him his skills personally, and inherit the restaurant in the future.

Zhu Zhe never expected that the people who were chatting and laughing last week would be gone today.

"When did it happen? Why was it so sudden?" Zhu Zhe asked Wang Gang.

Wang Gang still said calmly: "My parents had a car accident on their way back to their hometown."

Zhu Zhe covered his mouth, his eyes already moist.

"Boss Wang and his wife are such good people, how could something like this happen?" Zhu Zhe said in disbelief.

"The sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortune and fortune. No one can predict things like car accidents." Wang Gang said calmly.

"Boss Xiao Wang, please forgive me." Zhu Zhe said regretfully.

Wang Gang said: "I just finished handling their funeral, and there will be no business in the store today."

Zhu Zhe nodded and said, "Okay! I'll come again next time."

At this time, Zhu Zhe's stomach rumbled, and there was a lot of movement.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten in a long time." Zhu Zhe covered his stomach in embarrassment.

Wang Gang raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment and said, "I want to eat down here, do you want a bowl too?"

"It's not appropriate!" Zhu Zhe wanted to refuse, but his stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

She has been busy with work today. She just ate a small piece of bread at noon and her body couldn't bear it.

Wang Gang saw that Zhu Zhe looked bad and had symptoms of hypoglycemia, so he said: "Just give me a handful of noodles, just wait for me!"

After saying that, Wang Gang walked directly into the kitchen without waiting for Zhu Zhe to refuse.

Zhu Zhe was indeed a little dizzy from hunger and could only find a seat to sit down.

A few minutes later, Wang Gang came out with two bowls of Yangchun noodles.

Zhu Zhe smelled the aroma of Yangchun noodles and swallowed his saliva.

Yangchun noodles are also called smooth noodles, clear soup noodles or clear soup noodles. The soup is clear and fresh, light and refreshing.

When Zhu Zhe was a child, his family was poor and he could only eat a bowl of Yangchun noodles every birthday because the spoonful of lard added to Yangchun noodles was very precious. "Eat!" Wang Gang put the noodles in front of Zhu Zhe.

"Thank you!" Zhu Zhe found that there was a fried poached egg in the noodles, just like the fried egg that Boss Wang always gave her every time.

Zhu Zhe's eyes were a little moist again.

Wang Gang sat next to him with another bowl of noodles, not at the same table as Zhu Zhe.

Zhu Zhe picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the noodles, and immediately praised: "Boss Xiao Wang, your craftsmanship is better than your father's!"

Wang Gang continued to eat his noodles and did not answer Zhu Zhe.

Zhu Zhe thought that because of his words, he thought of his deceased parents and suddenly fell silent.

The two of them ate the noodles one bite at a time without any communication.

Zhu Zhe was probably starving. He finished a bowl of noodles in less than 10 minutes. In the end, he even drank the soup and took out ten yuan from his pocket.

"It's only a few dollars, even if I treat you to a meal." Wang Gang shook his head and pushed the money back.

"It's natural to pay for noodles, so just accept it!" Zhu Zhe thought for a while, then took out 200 yuan from his bag and handed it to Wang Gang.

"I didn't know about Boss Wang before, so this money is just a little bit of my heart."

Wang Gang glanced at the money in Zhu Zhe's hand and did not accept it.

"The funeral has been taken care of, so there is no need to give any more money."

Zhu Zhe sighed: "Boss Wang took good care of me in the past. Several times when I had no money to eat, he always gave me credit.

Although this little money is not much, it is a little bit of my appreciation. "

In the end, Wang Gang couldn't resist Zhu Zhe and accepted the money.

Zhu Zhe asked again: "Boss Xiao Wang, will your restaurant continue to open?"

Wang Gang was stunned, Zhu Zhe's question actually stopped him!
"Maybe it will continue to open!" Wang Gang took a look at the old storefront and thought that he had just traveled through time and didn't know what to do, so it would be good to open a small shop to kill time.

"Your craftsmanship is so good, it would be a pity not to open a store." Zhu Zhe said sincerely.

A bowl of Yangchun noodles, although the level of a chef could not be seen, but Zhu Zhe felt that the bowl of noodles just now was the most delicious Yangchun noodles she had ever eaten in her life.

Wang Gang has this skill and can definitely inherit Xiaogang's restaurant.

The two of them were not familiar with each other, so they chatted for a few words without further communication. Zhu Zhe turned around and left the restaurant.

Wang Gang took the two bowls back to the kitchen and washed them, then sat down again and thought about the future.

Five days ago, he had just traveled through time and awakened his memory. He was in the hospital, and the next second he received bad news. His parents were in a car accident, and he was out of breath on the way to the hospital. He was lucky and only suffered a little skin trauma.

My parents in this life are both honest and dedicated small businessmen. Both have the surname Wang and are from the same village.

Twenty years ago, after their parents gave birth to little Wang Gang, they resolutely left the child with their grandparents and came to Shanghai to work alone.

The King's father and the Queen's mother are also people who can endure hardships. The King's father first worked in other restaurants to learn cooking skills. The Queen's mother started as a dishwasher and saved money step by step to open a store. The two struggled for 20 years before they finally bought a store and bought it. Got a minivan.

Three years ago, Wang Gang's grandparents were old, and Wang Gang did not study well and failed to enter high school. Wang's father decided to take the child to the magic city and teach him cooking skills in person, hoping that his son would inherit his father's business and inherit the small family's cooking skills. Just the restaurant.

Originally, the family had a hard life, but they were very hopeful. The royal father and the queen mother also wanted to arrange a marriage for their son.

Five days ago, a family of three drove back to their hometown to attend his grandfather's funeral. Unexpectedly, they encountered a driver who was driving tiredly on the road. They both stayed on the highway with their lives. That's when Wang Gang awakened to his memory.

Wang Gang lost his parents as soon as he woke up and remembered that he didn't feel too sad.

On the other hand, the grandmother back home almost lost her temper when she heard that her son and daughter-in-law were gone.

Fortunately, Wang Gang also has an uncle who has been taking care of his grandma in the countryside.

As soon as Wang finished handling his parents' funeral, he returned to the Magic City alone. He planned to close Xiaogang's restaurant and sell it.

The Queen's father and Queen's mother worked hard for 20 years and left a restaurant for their son, and the property has been purchased.

The restaurant is about 90 square meters and is divided into two floors. There are six dining tables in the front of the first floor and a kitchen in the back.

The second floor is the attic. A family of three usually lives in the attic, but now only Wang Gang is left.

The traffic police have informed Wang Gang that the other party was solely responsible for the car accident. The insurance company will compensate 200 million yuan and the car owner will pay 100 million yuan.

Two lives are worth 300 million in the end!
Wang Gang has decided to use the money to buy a house. It is now 14. Although housing prices in Shanghai are expensive, they have not yet completely taken off. Buying a house is the most cost-effective. 300 million is enough to buy a small house of 100 square meters, which is enough for him to live alone.

(End of this chapter)

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