Chapter 1018 Yuqingguan Theme Hotel!

"Go and call him over to me. I want to ask him myself!"


Aunt Qi was a little embarrassed, how could she dare to call someone in front of her master.



Mrs. Yuan threw things, and she became angrier as she thought about it.

In her opinion, the children of the Yuan family, who were concubines, were naturally not as good as the nephews from their mother's family, so she was so angry, thinking that the second son's elbow was turned outward.

But Yuan Wenshao, who was drinking with his father in Haitangju, didn't think so. Each of those uncles was more promising than the last, and the sons they raised were all virtuous, and they were very aggressive and arrogant.

In ancient times, family honors were valued, and every gain and loss would lead to loss. Therefore, if these younger brothers were educated well in the future, they could also contribute to the family.

Of course, he also had his own selfish motives. He couldn't write the word "Yuan" in this stroke, otherwise they would come to him when they were down and asked for help. As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

Finding jobs for them now is better than wiping their butts later. They are all young people and they are still malleable. If they don't obey, they will be beaten severely. I guess the cheap dad can't say anything. I'm afraid I have to follow him. Beating.

"Come on, Erlang, drink!"

"Father, please~"

It was not convenient for Zhao to show up, so Yuan Wenxu stood aside to serve.

Uncle Yuan had drank three rounds of wine and had five dishes, and he was somewhat drunk at this time.

With blurry eyes, he said: "Brother Xu, you should thank your second brother more, and you should do your job well, otherwise, don't tell me that I will break your legs~"

"Don't worry, father, I will definitely listen to my second brother and never cause him any trouble~"

Ms. Zhao hid behind the screen, looking at her son's performance, and nodded happily. She was already over thirty years old, but she was still favored by Uncle Yuan, and it was naturally not because of her appearance.

Her EQ and IQ are extremely high, so the son she raised, Yuan Wenxu, is not much different in how he behaves...

A few days later, Yuan Wenshao learned that his count's mansion had been completely repaired, so he accompanied his wife Hualan to visit.

In fact, there is nothing to repair. I originally wanted to move here directly after being knighted. After all, there were people living here before and everything was complete, so there was no need to waste that much effort.

But Sheng Hualan disagreed. She meant to change the furniture, change the layout, etc., and then choose a good and auspicious day to move.

"Guardian, this place is so big!"

Hua Lan couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear as soon as she came in. She walked all morning without even looking around. This house was several times bigger than Earl Zhongqin's mansion.

"Well, it's finally less crowded~"

Yuan Wenshao, who was looking around, was quite satisfied. It was indeed inconvenient to have so many people crowded in the yard after returning.

How nice this big house is now, especially the garden at the back, which is bigger than some modern small parks. The rockery must be more than ten meters high, the pond is like a small lake, and there is an island in the middle similar to the lake. pavilion.

It is estimated that the previous owners have been very attentive, and the scenery along the way is pleasing to the eye. The flowers and plants are very beautiful, but now they are all taking advantage of Yuan Wenshao. Who can let the contemporary earl fail...

Now that the house has been repaired, it is time to move. Yuan Wenshao has had enough of the feeling of staying in that small home.

After choosing an auspicious day, they began to move one after another. At the same time, the Yuan family, including Yuan Wenying, who had married into her aunt's family, came with her husband to visit the new mansion.

"Mom, this house is really grand. I'm a little tired after walking around!"

When Mrs. Zhang spoke, her eyes were full of envy.

Mrs. Yuan is not like this. This is the style that the Earl's Mansion should have, and she has the urge to move here.

But this is against the rules. Although both of them are biological sons, as the eldest wife of Earl Zhongqin's Mansion, even if Lao Yuan returns to the west, she can only live with his eldest son Yuan Wenchun.

It's a bit sour to speak.

"Hualan is so lucky~"

"Mom, please come more often..."

Hua Lan just wanted to be polite.

Seeing this, Yuan Wenshao had quick hands and quick eyes. He still wanted to have two days of leisure, so he quickly interrupted: "Mother, we will definitely take the children back to see you more often in the future!"

"Hmph!" Mrs. Yuan was still angry about what happened to her mother's nephew. She snorted coldly and left with her maid.

But Uncle Yuan is quite happy, looking around and enjoying himself. Now that the Yuan family has risen, what he likes most is to attend some party and receive compliments from everyone.

So he asked expectantly: "Brother Shao, since we have moved here, when are you going to have a drink, and which guests are you going to invite?" "It should be five days later. My son is taking a bath that day, and there are only a few guests. Colleagues and friends, Prince Huan’s family should also be there by then!”

"Gudong~" Uncle Yuan swallowed nervously.

"You mean, Huan...His Royal Highness King Huan will also come?"

"Well, that's for sure. Hualan and Princess Wu have been friends since they were in Yuzhou. Uncle Shen already said he would come over at the housewarming party two days ago!"

Yuan Wenshao's reply was quite normal.

But Uncle Yuan was so nervous. After all, everyone in the government and the public knew that Prince Huan was basically the crown prince. After all, he was not only the eldest son but also had outstanding abilities...

On his first night in his new home, Yuan Wenshao naturally slept in Hualan's bed. This big bed was more comfortable than the previous one, at least it didn't creak any more.


Hualan, who had a rosy complexion after a break from the wind and rain, was lying on the bed panting slightly. She stretched out her white and tender arms from the quilt, picked up a facekerchief and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

She has finally become a real lady. She was so excited that she took the initiative today, which also made her very tired. Thinking of her craziness just now, her face turned red from shyness.

Not to mention Yuan Wenshao on the side. After all, he only had exhausted oxen and no plowed fields. He also performed exceptionally well when he was excited and had already entered the state of a sage.

After calming down for a while, he hugged Hua Lan and whispered.


The move-in celebration of Yong Dingbo, a new noble in the court, was a very lively event. All the dignitaries in Bianjing City, no matter how envious or jealous they were, came to congratulate him in person with their smiling faces.

The reason is also very simple. King Huan and his family came in person, and people from the palace even sent people to send congratulatory gifts. Who among them would dare not to come now?

But now that Hua Lan is in charge of her own affairs, everything is more convenient. She can just go back to her parents' house to sit down and give her mother some peace of mind.

Normally, if Yuan Wenshao was busy, she would go back by herself. Today, it was early to go to court because she had nothing to do, so she came back with him.

The carriage at the Earl's Mansion was unusual. It needed two tall northwest horses to pull it. The huge wheels were so high that they almost reached the maid's neck. She had to step on the bench to get off the carriage.

The space inside is very spacious. Yuan Wenshao can lie down even if he wants to. It is very comfortable for a family of five to sit in it, without any cramping like the previous pony car.


After the family of five arrived at Sheng's house, Hua Lan got off the carriage and saw Mrs. Wang waiting at the door. She hurried over and held her hands intimately.

"You go back to your parents' house every day, and you almost eat up all the food at home~"

Although Mrs. Wang was very happy to see her daughter, she still pretended to be unhappy and blamed her.

Hua Lan smiled and said: "Mom, these children all miss their grandmother~"

"Grandma, grandma!"

At this time, Brother Shi and Sister Ning, who were carried out of the carriage by Yuan Wenshao, ran over and hugged Wang Ruofu's thigh.

Mrs. Wang immediately smiled, reached out to touch this and kissed that, and then took Brother Chen from the nanny's hand.

He smiled and said: "Let's go in quickly, grandma has prepared some cakes for you~"

"Okay, okay!" The two children jumped up and down happily.

Yuan Wenshao also came over to say hello.


"Hey, let's go!"

Mrs. Wang is very satisfied with this son-in-law. He has a good family background and is capable. He is already an earl at a young age, and he also holds a high position in the Five Cities Military and Horse Department.

Of course, the most important thing is that he and Hua Lan are in harmony, which can be seen from the look on his daughter's face.

But when several people entered the hospital, a figure stood in the corner. Mo Lan was wearing maid's clothes for some reason, and looked at Hua Lan's pomp with envy.

"Tch, what are you showing off for?"

"When I marry into the Earl's Mansion, my life may not be worse than yours~"

After muttering to himself full of jealousy, he took advantage of the unoccupied window at the door of the house, hurriedly walked out of the door, and then walked towards Yuqing Temple...

(End of this chapter)

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