Chapter 566 The child is lost!

"I know master, you can watch my performance in the future!" Cao Jianjun said and put the last two dumplings in his mouth.

After that, he put the lunch box on the table, picked up the disposable water cup, burped after drinking all the water, and then got up and walked to the single bed on the right side of the entrance to the director's office without seeing anything else.

Without even giving a chance to refuse, he lay down directly and said, "Master, I feel sleepy after eating, I borrow your bed to sleep for a while!"

"You and Song Hong dare to sleep with me!" Wang Shou cursed with a smile. This long-lost scene brought his memory back to the past in an instant.

When they were the deputy directors, Cao Jianjun, who just came to report, and Song Ju, who is now, always liked to take a nap in their office, but they only shared the same bed, and they often quarreled because of this matter...

After a while, the instructor Ye Wei came to talk about work. When he came in, he saw Cao Jianjun lying on the bed, and his eyes were a little surprised. She is also an old man in the institute. She has been in Balihe for almost 20 years, from the household registration police all the way to the current instructor.

He knew that the director liked this apprentice very much, but he also felt deep love and deep responsibility. He was afraid that something might happen to his flamboyant personality, so he kept suppressing his achievements. In fact, Ye Wei didn't agree with this in his heart.

Because everyone is watching from the sidelines, not rewarding meritorious deeds is too easy to dampen the enthusiasm of others, but it is estimated that the prestige of the director is relatively high.

So far, she hasn't noticed the bad phenomenon of not working hard, so she doesn't say much. After all, she is just an instructor, and her qualifications are relatively low. Even Director Song is someone else's apprentice.

So he sat on the chair and talked about the purpose of coming here: "Director, the police academy cadets in this year's bureau have been allocated, so we don't have our share this time!"

"Oh, this Bureau Song, he is also from our Balihe. He knows that we are short of people, and now they are in Jianjun New City, and they are going around all day long!"

"Even you, the trainer, have to answer the police calls from time to time. Last year, one Xiao Li was assigned, but this year is not bad, and there is no one. This is simply too much!"

As soon as Wang Shou mentioned it, he remembered that the trainer was also a lesbian, which was afraid of causing misunderstanding.

He quickly added: "Of course I'm not saying that girl is bad, she's doing very well, mainly I want a boy who can work!"

Ye Wei, who was sitting across from him, just smiled and didn't answer the question. After all, he is directly under the leadership, and the director of the department can complain a few words, but he shouldn't make trouble for himself.

"I'll have to talk to Bureau Song later on. Balihe is his natal family no matter what. Even if it doesn't take special care, at least a bowl of water must be flat!"

Here Ye Wei has finished talking about his business, and he really can't hold back his curiosity.

"Director, who are you and Jianjun?"

Wang Shouyi didn't think it was a big deal, so he briefly described what happened just now.

"This kid just admitted his mistake to me, saying that last night with their family Zhou Hui..."

Ye Wei pursed his lips after hearing this, and then said with a smile: "Director, you have been worrying about what will happen to Jianjun's character before, so this time, it's all gone!"

"From now on, don't we need to suppress it anymore? We always don't reward people for their merits. As an instructor, I'm too embarrassed to talk when I see Zhou Hui!"

Wang Shouyi turned his head to look at the sleeping apprentice, sighed and said, "Who knows if this kid is just talking, or he can really do it in the future!"

"Don't worry, I've been here for so many years. I know Jianjun a little better. He's more face-saving!"

"Since he can take a nap here with you, it means that his personality must have changed. After you became the director, he didn't even call him master, because he was afraid that others would gossip!"

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Wei got up and went back to her office. She also had a lot of work to do. Now that the manpower is tight, the police reception hall is too busy, and sometimes she has to go to help...

Here Cao Jianjun was soundly asleep, feeling someone kicked him, slowly opened his eyes, and saw the old face of his master Wang Shouyi, looking at him with a smile.

"Sleep for a while, go down and help!"

"Okay!" Although he only slept for less than 40 minutes, Cao Jianjun also felt revived.

Back to the downstairs office, there is no police situation, so I looked at the surveillance cameras I brought back earlier, looking for any clues, it would be best if I could solve the theft case directly.

But I went through all the surveillance videos of nearby businesses, and couldn't find any useful information, but I wasn't in a hurry.

There were a few more police calls in the middle of the trip, all of which were trivial matters. Balihe is located in a special location, at the fringe of urban and rural areas, and there are many resettlement houses.

I used to live in the countryside, but I may not be quite used to being a city person. I buy vegetables in the vegetable market because a green onion can be beaten up...

In a blink of an eye, it was six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was already setting. Cao Jianjun had just finished dealing with a neighborhood dispute, went back to the office and sat down, packed up his things and was about to leave work.

Seeing that Chen Xincheng had just come back, he suggested, "Brother Chen, you should rest tomorrow too. You have nothing to do tonight. Let's have a drink?"

"I..." Chen Xincheng, who was drinking water here, was about to agree.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the instructor walking over in a hurry, still holding the police report in his hand. Knowing that he had a mission, he quickly swallowed his words.

Ye Wei came over and looked at the two of them separately, but in the end he still sympathized with the old comrade.

"Jianjun, you work hard and work overtime. Go to Laodong Park immediately. Someone there called the police and said that the 3-year-old son was lost. There is a lot of traffic during this time period. Take a few more people!"

"In addition, the mother who lost her child is more emotional. Let Xiaoli go with you. She answered the call just now, so she understands the situation better!"

"Don't worry!"

After Cao Jianjun heard that, he felt like he was facing an enemy. He didn't talk nonsense after receiving the alarm, and hurried there with four or five people.

Laodong Park is not far from the Balihe Police Station. It took 15 minutes by car to get there in 9 minutes. After all, if a child is lost, it is a matter of family life.

Parked the car at the gate of the park, and saw a middle-aged woman crying anxiously, knowing that this should be the child's mother.

I wanted to ask about the situation first, but I guess it was because the child was lost and I was more anxious, and the words were a bit incoherent, and I didn't understand them for a while.

In desperation, Cao Jianjun could only turn his head and told his female colleague, "Xiaoli, please comfort this mother first, and see if you can ask about the situation by the way!"

"Okay Brother Cao!" Xiaoli pulled the middle-aged woman aside to comfort the child after she finished speaking.

Here, Cao Jianjun took out the park plane and began to make deployments, pointing to the location on the map and saying:
"Xiao Liu went to the security room to check the monitoring, Xinhua, you and Wu Yong went to the shops in Ximen to adjust the monitoring, Xiao Zheng followed me to make records, and the others immediately dispersed into the park and listened to my instructions at any time!"

"Understood!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time, Cao Jianjun saw his female colleague Xiaoli approaching. The situation was urgent and he did not wait for her to speak.

Asked one after another: "Have you asked the situation clearly, do you have any pictures of the child, what kind of clothes are you wearing?"

"Brother Cao, there is a new situation now!" Xiaoli was a little embarrassed, even very embarrassed.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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