Chapter 853: Doctor Trouble!

"Director Wu, looking at our situation, Mr. Yan, can you consider minimally invasive surgery in internal medicine? Does this eliminate the need for open chest surgery?"

Medical consultants have to consider their employers, so Ye Yang, who was sitting next to him, made a suggestion when he saw that his boss didn't want to open his chest.

Incidentally, I also want to show off and prove that I am not just a freeloader.

Upon hearing this, Yan Hui perked up. For him, as long as he didn't open his chest, nothing was better, so he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yes, yes, it's the kind of incision on the thigh, using a catheter to push the valve in. It seems that this kind of technology exists in China, right~"

Wu Mingfan, who was sitting there, frowned and glanced at the medical consultant when he heard this.

He nodded and replied: "Uncle Yan, there is this technology now, TAVI is transcatheter aortic valve implantation!"

"But at this stage, domestic clinical technology is not yet mature, so older patients are generally considered. Your age is not suitable!"

"If you must have this surgery, my suggestion is to go to a big city, such as Shanghai, Beijing, or Yangcheng. These first-tier cities have more doctors who are good at this technology."

"Or you can simply go abroad to do the surgery in one step. UCLA Health Medical Center in the United States is rated as one of the best cardiology and heart surgery hospitals in the United States!"

"It's not that I admire foreign countries and foreign countries, but there is still a big gap between Dongjiang and there, whether it is east or west."

"I don't know anyone in the capital or Shanghai, but Professor Furnas from the United States is my uncle. He is very good at TAVI surgery. If you want to choose this treatment method, I can help you contact him there!"

Several members of the Yan family were confused after hearing this, and their minds were filled with questions. However, they understood the general meaning. There was no problem with the TAVI surgery, but if they wanted to do it, it was best to go to a big city.

"Xiaoye, I don't quite understand. Are the medical centers in the United States really better than those in China?"

"Mr. Yan, Director Wu is right, UCLA Health in Los Angeles..."

Wu Mingfan felt that he had said what he should say. Nowadays, rich people cherish their lives, so they must think about it for a while.

I don't have anything to do now, so when the food is served, I don't have to be polite when it comes to eating and drinking. I hugged the six-pound Olong and gnawed it. In 82, Lafita stepped on the box and drank.

Anyway, it’s better to have money. This meal costs tens of thousands and I can’t afford it...

There was an outpatient clinic the next day, and it was another busy morning.

"Oh, I'm almost finished watching it~" Zhang Jia, the attending physician, stretched lazily.

Then he joked: "Director Xiaofeng said that he would like to treat guests to dinner tomorrow. Aren't you also the deputy team leader? This is also a promotion. Why do you need to set up two tables?"

"I'm just kidding, this deputy team leader is just a name. Besides, I don't want to be the one in the first place. The surgical department is too busy for even one-third of an acre~"

"You kid, don't always worry about eating. Pay attention to your thesis. You have been an attending physician for more than two years. It's not that easy to get high!"

"I see you..." Wu Mingfan stopped chatting when he saw that the patient who had just been examined had returned.

The person who came in was a man in his 40s, but he looked older, with messy hair, heavy dark circles under his eyes, and some slovenly clothes. His actual age should not be that old.

When he came in, he staggered and looked pale, as if he was seriously ill. He sat down and handed over the inspection report in his hand tremblingly.

He spoke very politely: "Doctor, this is the electrocardiogram I just checked. Can you check if there is anything wrong with me?"

Wu Mingfan took it and took a closer look and found that all the values ​​​​were fine.

So he said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, judging from the inspection results, everything is good. Please pay more attention to rest after you go back~"

"Doctor, I always feel uncomfortable with my heart, and it beats suddenly when I wake up in the morning. I usually get very flustered when playing mahjong. I have never had this situation before!" "Please take a closer look at me. My body is really bad." Is everything okay?" The man looked anxious as he spoke, as if he was worried about being terminally ill.

"Oh~" Wu Mingfan was helpless. Everyone in the hospital could see anyone. Isn't it better if he wasn't sick?

Although he was speechless in his heart, he politely reassured him: "Mr. Liu, this is really not a big problem!"

"Everything is fine on this report card, and the stethoscope didn't find anything wrong just now, so I'll keep a good schedule when I get back!"

"Don't stay up late all the time, pay more attention to exercise, and then avoid smoking and drinking for a while. It's best to eat lighter, and you should be fine~"

When normal people hear this, they should feel relieved and leave happily, but there are always a few abnormal ones.

"Bang!" Patient Liu Shun slammed the table hard and raised his mobile phone to take pictures.

He also had a little 99 in mind, so he wanted to make a fuss and ask for some compensation. This person and that person were also habitual offenders, and they often had to braid their hair in various places for no reason.

In order to keep things quiet, many departments were afraid of the negative impact of spreading the news online, so they often chose to compromise in the end, which also fueled his arrogance.

So at first I was feeling weak, but now that I heard that I was not sick, my whole condition changed.

"Young man, then I'm not sick. If you ask me to do any examination, your hospital will just cheat you out of money, right? You can get a good meal in a restaurant for just a few hundred yuan, and it's even more wasted than this!" "

"You are just a bunch of quacks, and Dongli Hospital is just a shady shop. Please refund me the money for the examination, or else I will file a complaint against you~"

"Damn it, I finally got the registration, but in the end I was told that I'm not sick, and I can't do things well because I don't have a hair on my lips. If I can become the deputy director at such a young age, I must have gone through the back door!"

Although Wu Mingfan didn't have a smile on his face, and although he was a little angry in his heart, he didn't say anything as he sat there, because these days when conflicts break out between doctors and patients, it's usually the doctor who suffers.

Those keyboard warriors on the Internet don't care about the whole story. It's wrong for your doctor to beat and scold the patient. Don't be bullied by the Internet again.

Trying to be as calm as possible, he said: "Sir, please go out now. If you have any questions about the diagnosis you just made, you can contact the medical office after you go out!"

Liu Shun stood up suddenly, his attitude became even more arrogant when he heard what he said, and his voice became louder and louder.

"I'll contact your grandma and refund my money right away. You guys know how to deceive ordinary people!"

"Is it easy for us to make some money? We had to wait in line all morning to do this test and that test, and spent hundreds of dollars on the test. In the end, you didn't even prescribe any medicine. It's simply too much~ "

Before Wu Mingfan said anything, Zhang Jia, the attending physician sitting opposite, became unhappy.

Filled with righteous indignation, he said: "Mr. Liu, please be more respectful!"

"Director Wu just said that there is nothing wrong with you, but you were worried and insisted on going for a check-up!"

"Then after the examination, you should prescribe some medicine for me. My money did not come from the strong wind..."

Wu Mingfan was too lazy to pay attention to him. If a dog bites him, he can't bite him back. He has to have two medical troubles every three to five years. He has become accustomed to it in the past two years.

"Xiao Zhang, call security~"

"Okay Director Wu, I'll make a call right now!" Zhang Jia said as he took out his cell phone and started to dial...

To be continued!

(End of this chapter)

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