Chapter 909 Zhou Xiaofeng deserves to be singled out!


"You uncle Zhou Laosan, how dare you vomit in my car. I just had a complete car maintenance yesterday, oh my God!"

"Brother, are you okay? Please wipe it quickly~"

Fang Xiaoran, who was sitting in the passenger seat, first glared at her complaining husband with dissatisfaction, then took out two pieces of paper, turned around and wiped his brother's mouth.

Wu Mingfan had to drive without drinking, so when he was holding the steering wheel in the driver's seat and saw the scene in the back row through the rearview mirror, he frowned and quickly opened the windows.

The word "disgust" was written all over his face, because with this guy's current expression, if nothing else, he must have been heartbroken.

Zhou Xiaofeng was seen spread out on the seat in the back row. His side-parted hairstyle, which was originally very awkward, was now slightly messy, and an aura of decadence was exuding from the inside out.

And he hasn't stopped since he got in the car, and has been mumbling drunkenly to himself.

"Chen...Chen Yue, what does she mean? She actually...wants to...break up~"

Fang Xiaoran only half understood the inarticulate drunken words. There was a traffic light coming soon. He quickly wiped it twice and sat back down.

"Husband, what's wrong with my brother? I noticed something was wrong with him when we were eating!"

"There's no need to guess. It must be me, my uncle, who broke up with your internet friend, Lawyer Chen!" Wu Mingfan replied with raised eyebrows.

Later, when he saw that his wife was still confused, he explained again.

"I'm not sure about Chen Yue. Even though I'm already 37 this year, I'm going to be middle-aged soon, but in fact this is still my first love, so I won't be sad for a while~"

"Ah?" Fang Xiaoran blinked, now he had realized what he was doing.

But I just find it a bit hard to accept: "Why did they break up so quickly!"

"Little Yueyue was chasing me to death before, and even dragged me to be a dog-headed military advisor. It seems that they haven't been here for half a year, right?"

Wu Mingfan didn't think there was any surprise. All this was inevitable. It would be strange if these two people could reach the end.

First of all, the personality is inappropriate. Judging from the formal style of Attorney Chen, she is the kind of person who can do anything to achieve her goals as long as the law allows it. But Zhou Xiaofeng is obviously not like this.

But he didn't say that directly, but replied from the other side: "When a woman chases a man, it seems a bit nonsense to say how much Chen Yue loves your brother. I guess she was just curious at the beginning!"

"Don't you think that my uncle's cold and melancholy expression sometimes makes him particularly popular with little girls?"

"Hehe, it seems to be true, my brother's appearance is indeed online~" Fang Xiaoran said with a smile.

"So, now that time has passed, the two of us have to deal with daily necessities of food, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Our doctor profession is quite special. Whenever we receive a call, we have to rush back immediately, so Chen Yue is tired of it~"

"Oh, I can't figure it out anyway, so I'll call Xiao Yueyue and ask~"

Wu Mingfan spoke up to stop his wife, because it was not easy for even her biological sister to make this call, and Zhou Xiaofeng had to solve all problems by himself.

"Xiao Ran, let's not get involved in the relationship between the two of us. Your phone call is like calling an army to investigate!"

"Actually, what my uncle did was inappropriate. You see, since Director Bai's downfall, there has been a chain effect in the Department of Cardiology!"

"Well, most of the people with titles of senior, deputy senior or above have been admitted. It's not easy for him as the deputy director of administration. Now I heard that he has started to be on duty at the chest pain center every day again. I guess he has really left people out in the cold!"

"Oh~" Fang Xiaoran sighed. She was a person who listened to advice and felt that what her husband said was reasonable, so she put the phone back into her pocket.

But when he looked back, the worry on his face was obvious.


Time is flowing like water. Now on a sunny day in Dongjiang, you can already wear short-sleeved shirts. Zhou Xiaofeng seems to have gotten over his breakup and is busy working all day long. The main reason is that the two of them broke up peacefully, and neither party was at fault. Lawyer Chen's character is particularly decisive.

After the separation, they went straight to the UK to study, leaving Director Xiaofeng to passively accept this reality.

Something was strange. Zhou Xiaofeng never mentioned his breakup, but his colleagues at the heart center seemed to know about it.

When they were eating in the cafeteria at noon that day, Little Taiyang was pouting and sulking, so he put a piece of braised pork in her bowl.

He said with a smile: "What's wrong? Who dares to provoke our Xiao Ran?"

"Hmph!" Fang Xiaoran slammed her chopsticks on the table.

He said angrily: "Tell me about my brother. He might as well stay single for the rest of his life. I had a phone call with Xiao Yueyue yesterday. Breaking up is really not his problem!"

"Chen Yue is about to undergo an operation, and he is still in our hospital. Why can't he go over and accompany him? In the end, he didn't even show his face. If I have to break up with him, this straight man's cancer is simply untreatable~"

"It's probably something urgent. There are two or three big cats and kittens in their cardiology department. There are some emergencies that Zhang Zhen can't handle, so your brother can only go and take a look in person!"

But even though Wu Mingfan said this, he still felt that Zhou Laosan did something wrong. After his relationship with Chen Yue ended, he also had big problems himself and he really deserved to be single.

Because even if there is an emergency, there is still the top leader, Director Qian. After all, you are just a deputy, why do you have to take everything on yourself?

This is not to find a job for oneself. This is to say that the rich man is about to retire and is too lazy to engage in the struggle for power, otherwise it will probably be a thankless effort.

In the final analysis, Zhou Xiaofeng still does not pay attention to Chen Yue and does not put his girlfriend first. Everything else is just an excuse...

Wu Mingfan has to be on duty this weekend, but when he has nothing to do, he just sits in his office and writes medical papers.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in~"

After Lin Chu opened the door and came in, he said anxiously: "Director Wu, Director Lin's eldest brother has been hospitalized in the Department of Cardiology. I heard that it is due to cardioectasia. It seems to be in the advanced stage~"

"Let's go and have a look!"

In any case, they are still colleagues, and the relationship is quite acceptable. Since they have come to the heart center for hospitalization, they still have to show their faces.

As soon as I entered the ward, I saw Lin Yi, who was usually full of fighting spirit, but now he was sitting there with his head hanging down.

Lin Hai, who was still lying on the hospital bed, saw someone coming and patted his brother's hand.

"Eryi, someone is here~"

"Director Wu!" When Lin Yi stood up and spoke, the look of grief on his face was obvious.

Because he is an excellent surgeon, he understands better than anyone that with current medical methods, dilated cardiomyopathy is a terminal disease.

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I took the basin out from under the bed.

Slightly choked, he said: "Brother, I'll go to the water room to get some water~"

"Go ahead, I'm fine here. Besides, Director Wu is still here, don't worry as he is here!"

"Brother Lin, how are you feeling? Do you need a pain reliever?"

Wu Mingfan next to him could tell that although Lin Hai had been smiling when he spoke just now, he should actually be in pain now.


(End of this chapter)

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