Chapter 922 Mother Yuan’s plan!

"Everyone is here, I want to announce something. I have decided on our brother Shao's marriage. She is the eldest daughter of Yangzhou Tong magistrate Sheng Hong!"

"Brother Shao, when autumn comes in a few months, your mother and I will go to Yangzhou to apply for employment. After that, if you get a wife, don't hang around with those dandies all day long!"

"A few days ago, my father asked your grandfather's old connections to find a job for you in the Five Cities Military and Horse Division. Although this position is not high, you must do your best to do the job!"

After all, he was his biological son and his legitimate son. Uncle Yuan was not an old fool, so he gave him a few words of encouragement.

This arrangement took a lot of effort. Although this small official was inconspicuous, it dragged down many old relationships with his father.

Now that the Yuan family is in decline, favors are something that should be used once and less. As the saying goes, parents order matchmakers, and Uncle Yuan only informed about this marriage.

Naturally, Yuan Wenshao had no objection. Of course, even if he objected, it would probably be ineffective. This dynasty has always governed the country with filial piety, and children have no right to choose their marriage.

"Remember your father's teachings!"

Yuan Wenchun and his wife didn't say anything, they just laughed and agreed.

But Mrs. Yuan was a little dissatisfied. She felt that her family was an Earl's Palace, how could her daughter-in-law be the daughter of a junior seventh-rank official?

Although she was sitting high in the hall with a bad look on her face, she did not express any objection because the matter had already been decided and there was nothing she could do if she disagreed.

Although the Yuan family looks good now, the Earl's Mansion is majestic on the plaque on the door, but in reality it is nothing more than an empty shell.

When the official title was restored, they were only given a house, and the other money was just symbolic. None of the confiscated land in the Earl's Mansion was returned.

In order to maintain this dignity, the family bought a lot of servants, and this alone has almost wiped out all the previous savings.

Seeing that her daughter is getting older, in order to prevent Sister Ying from being wronged when she gets married, she urgently needs external financial support, so she is thinking about her daughter-in-law's dowry.

As for the eldest daughter, Mrs. Yuan was naturally reluctant to part with her, and the eldest daughter-in-law was still her niece, so it would be difficult for her sister to explain what she did.

Then she could only wrong her second son, who was from a small family and had a better control. Anyway, he had always been filial and understood her hard work as a mother. This was all for the sake of the Yuan family.

Even in order to show off her daughter-in-law, Yuan's mother had an idea in her mind. She planned to claim her illness on the day when the betrothal gift was delivered and let the eldest and his wife take her place. This was also for the sake of the Luosheng family's face...

Mrs. Yuan was unhappy, and Uncle Yuan also wanted to go to the concubine's place to enjoy the singing and dancing. Yuan Wenshao had nothing to talk about. The five people present had their own thoughts, so they dispersed after a few words.

As he was leading people back to his yard, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Second brother, wait a minute!"

"Big brother!"

From now on, we will start a family and start a business. Instead of idleness all day long, we should share more of the burdens for our parents! "Yuan Wenchun acted like an elder brother, and there was something in his words.

Yuan Wenshao acted as if he didn't understand. He was not the original Yuxiao before. He just held the position of the Five Cities Military and Horses Division, and there was someone behind it.

This eldest brother is lazy and idle, hanging out with a bunch of scholars all day long. He is probably just waiting for his father to inherit the title a hundred years later, but now he has the nerve to teach himself a lesson.

"Okay, big brother, I will follow your example and be filial to my parents..." Yuan Wenshao started his long speech directly.

I haven’t convinced anyone yet by talking about the scene, but the meaning behind the words is very clear. Anyway, you are in front of me, so I will do whatever you want.

On the opposite side, Yuan Wenchun nodded with satisfaction at first, but the more he listened, the deeper his frown deepened, and he looked at his younger brother in surprise. It felt like something had changed, but I couldn't tell what it was. Four or five minutes had passed, and when I saw that he still had no intention of stopping, I waved my hand impatiently.

"Okay, okay, go back quickly, your sister-in-law is still waiting for me~"

There was not much talk, and the two of them had nothing to talk about. In other words, the relationship between the brothers was not very deep.

On the way back to his hospital, Yuan Wenshao was still searching the memories in his mind. The relationship between the two brothers was okay when they were young, especially before the title was restored, the two of them were as good as the same person.

But since he married this sister-in-law, and now that his title has been restored, it has become worse day by day. He is afraid that he will steal his family property. The cousin and sister-in-law have been stirring up trouble.

After returning to the house, under the care of the maid, she changed into a black outfit and went to the yard to exercise. After all, ancient medicines were limited, and appendicitis was a terminal disease, so if you want to live a long life, you must have a good body.

"Hoo, hoo~" Yuan Wenshao leaned down and did push-ups.

Although the Yuan family is a distinguished family, with three generations of famous generals, and there were many servants in the family who had been on the battlefield during their peak period, Uncle Yuan's generation has fallen into despair.

The cheap dad has never been on the battlefield, and he doesn't even have a serious job, let alone a servant, so he can only train according to his own method.

Several little maids in the courtyard over there stuck out their little heads and talked secretly.

One of them blushed: "Sister Chunhe, what are our second young masters doing? Look at this action~"

"Oh, you little girl, you still dare to interfere with the master's affairs, let's see how I deal with you~"

While several maids were fighting, Yuan Wenshao had already stood up and started doing squats.

I can't help but have a lot of thoughts in my heart. Regarding my future wife Sheng Hualan, she doesn't appear in many dramas. Although she can't be called a peerless beauty, she is still gentle and pleasant.

So I don't reject it very much. After all, I go to which temple to burn incense. There is no free love in this feudal society.

I need to mention something in the future. After all, her mother is Mrs. Wang. If this "upright" character is inherited, she will be at a disadvantage in the Yuan Mansion.

Although there are some similarities between this dynasty and the Song Dynasty, they are still fundamentally different. From the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was no drinking wine to release military power. The veterans who fought with Taizu to conquer the world have evolved into a noble group.

Some official positions are also different. For example, the Five Cities Military and Horse Division that he is going to take up was originally supposed to be established during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but it appeared in this dynasty.

The Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, also known as the Imperial City Soldiers and Horses Division, is responsible for garrisoning the inner and outer cities of Bianjing. Just hearing the name, you would think that it is in charge of the troops and war horses of the five cities.

However, it is actually quite different. The Wucheng Military and Horse Division was founded by Taizu. It is responsible for patrolling thieves, clearing ditches, preventing fires, and imprisoning light criminals in Bianjing City. The responsibilities are very complicated and are equivalent to combining the current civilian police. , traffic police, fire protection, urban management, industry and commerce, and health.

The commander-in-chief of the capital, Si Zheng, was a fourth-rank official. In terms of personnel, he was subordinate to the Ministry of War, but administrative matters were under the jurisdiction of the Kaifeng Prefecture. This was also a major feature of the officialdom of the Song Dynasty.

The so-called five cities refer to the five yamen in the east, west, south, north, and middle. The highest officer in each city is the commander. The actual rank is the sixth-rank official. The subordinate deputy commander is the seventh-rank official and the Jingcheng is the eighth-rank official.

There are a total of 42 subordinates in the five cities (seven in the middle city, eight in the east city, and nine in the south, west, and north cities). Each official is divided into a government office to patrol and detect thieves, regulate roads, and conduct inspections. Prisoners, forbidden by fire.

To put it bluntly, the Five-City Military and Horse Division, as the name suggests, is like the Public Security Bureau of the capital today. The single-city Military and Horse Division is only equivalent to a branch. Jing Cheng's position is equivalent to the police station chief...

(End of this chapter)

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