Traveling through the heavens from the prequel of the Lotus Lantern

Chapter 117 Yuxu Innate Myriad Formation Formation

Chapter 117 Yuxu Innate Myriad Formation Formation

Time flies, and the white horse flies by, and twenty years have passed in the human world.

Since the gods of the gods ruled the world, all kinds of gods and many heavenly soldiers and generals swept across the universe, and the human world has come to its heyday that has never been seen since ancient times.

In the human world, the gods have lived for 20 years.

The government is clear, the people are safe and the things are rich, and ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment in the human world, with ample food and clothing.

The demons and ghosts also have their own boundaries and are orderly.

Especially in the human world, nowadays there is a prosperous scene where men farm and women mulberry, the old are supported, the young are educated, the poor are supported, the difficult are helped, and the widows, widows, lonely, disabled and sick are all supported.

Even in the most remote towns in the Shen Dynasty, or small villages in the countryside, there is no shortage of agricultural harvests, sufficient food reserves, and no more suffering from hunger and cold.

On the land, roads extending in all directions can be seen everywhere, and there is an endless stream of vehicles from merchants. When traveling, they will never encounter all kinds of monsters, ghosts, wolves, tigers, bandits, etc. as before.

And the government is well-organized and the people are harmonious. There are standards specified by the emperor of the gods, and there is a 20-year prime minister responsibility system governed by ordinary people and officials.

There are ghosts sent by the ghost world to various ghost messengers to act as the city god to supervise all officials.

There are also Zhoutian gods who monitor the world and clean up law-breakers and ghosts and monsters everywhere.

As a result, the human world has truly entered a prosperous age of flowers and brocades, and raging fire.

In the Imperial Palace of the God Dynasty, on a terrace.

Yang Jiao stared blankly into the distance.

For 20 years, he took Xi Yao and Blue Nightshade to travel across the six worlds, and took the imperial palace as the last stop of the journey.

For Yang Jiao, this period of time was the most relaxing since he recovered his memory.

You don't need to be vigilant all the time, the life and death crisis that may befall you at any time, and you don't need to act with a mask and tense your mind.

Therefore, Yang Jiao can't help but unload all the burdens and travel around with all his heart.

When he came to the Shenchao Imperial Palace and ended his trip, it was as if he had washed away the lead, and his state of mind went a step further without knowing it.

At this time, a woman in blue came out of the attic, looking disappointed at Yang Jiao:

"Brother Wang, are we really going to stop traveling?"

"What? I haven't played enough yet." Yang Jiao chuckled lightly:
"As long as you practice hard in the future, how about brother Wang taking you on a tour of the scenery beyond the world?"

"Outside the world?" Blue Solanum nigrum looked puzzled.

"One flower, one world, one tree, one floating life, the world we are in is just a grain of sand in the Ganges River, a drop in the ocean." Yang Jiao said seriously:

"As long as you break through to the peak of your cultivation, sooner or later, you will be able to jump out of this world and stand among the worlds."

"Brother Wang, do you want to leave?"

Red Nightshade seems to have heard the hidden meaning of Yang Jiao, and immediately walked to the balcony resolutely.

"My cultivation has reached the limit, and it's time to leave." Yang Jiao sighed softly.

Immediately, the eyes of Xi Yao who walked out with the red nightshade darkened, but she didn't say much, just looked at Yang Jiao quietly.

"Brother Wang, don't leave Solanum nigrum, okay?" Lan Solanum nigrum looked at Yang Jiao with red eyes.

"After waiting for a thousand years, we only got 20 years of reunion. Solanum nigrum is really reluctant to part with Brother Wang."

Yang Jiao blushed and smiled:
"My silly sister, now that you have cultivated to the peak of the ancient gods, when you and Xiaohong merge into one and become perfect, you will be able to break through to the god king realm."

"After that, if you cultivate to the peak of the God King, you will have the qualification to jump out of this world. At that time, brother Wang will come back to pick you up."

"But... I just can't bear to be separated from Brother Wang." After hearing Yang Jiao's words, Lan Longkui felt a little better, but still said a little uncomfortable.

The eyes of red nightshade show the color of thinking:

"Brother Wang, even if Xiaolan and I become one, we can only break through to the early stage of the god king. After that, it may not be so easy to cultivate to the peak of the god king."

Red nightshade has governed the human world for 20 years, and has known many mysteries of the six worlds. It also knows that since the endless years, only the three emperors at the beginning were in the realm of god kings, and only their own brothers broke through to such a realm.

Moreover, she knew that Fuxi, the emperor of the day, had been in the early stage of the God King Realm for so many years.

Thinking of this, Red Nightshade was deeply afraid that he would also stand still like Fuxi, and the next meeting with Brother Wang would be far away.

"Brother Wang has already planned for you. When you break through to the God King Realm, you will be qualified to take on the important role of Heavenly Emperor."

"Then use the Heavenly Emperor as a ladder to climb to the top of this world."

Under their puzzled expressions, Yang Jiao waved his hand, showing a vivid overview of the Six Realms in front of everyone, and then he volleyed a little.

The overview map shows dense red thin lines. In a trance, Red and Blue Nightshade and Xi Yao understood that the red lines turned out to be formations covering the six realms.

And Yang Jiao also looked at the formation in the picture quite complacently. This is a formation that he created by mixing various formation classics from the main world and this world to increase the background of the world.

The main purpose is to absorb the energy of the outside world and enhance the purity of the aura in this world, thereby enhancing the origin of the world and improving the efficiency of the world's promotion.

Of course, he also added some private goods, which can also greatly increase the power of negative energy in the world, so that he can absorb the negative energy of this world even in the main world.

This can be regarded as killing multiple birds with one stone. It not only saves Solanum nigrum and Tiandao of this world countless years, but also accumulates experience for Yang Jiao in transforming the world.

After a few breaths in the world, the three women saw that the red line in the picture gradually outlines a giant formation that includes Liuhe, Wuxing, Sixiang, Sancai, and Liangyi.

Just listen to Yang Jiao slowly say:
"In this formation, the six realms are transformed into Liuhe, and the five spirit beads are used to determine the positions of the five directions, and four images are created around the sky and stars."

"At the fetal membrane of the world outside the six realms, use the three talents and two appearances as eyes to absorb the chaotic energy from the outside world to replenish the heaven and earth, thereby enhancing the foundation of this realm."

"Call it Yuxu Xiantian Myriad Formation."

"And in the eyes of the formation, there is also a dark cage, which can lock people with unforgivable crimes."

"Their cultivation and mana will follow the operation of the formation and turn into the aura of heaven and earth to feed the heaven and earth. It can be regarded as making the best use of everything and dying well."

While talking, Yang Jiao took out a book and handed it to Red Solanum nigrum, talking about the past 20 years, traveling around, and never being idle. A generation who pretends to be a fool.

You can lock them in at that time, after all, waste is shameful.

After Solanum nigrum took over the book, Yang Jiao put the red and blue Solanum nigrum into a state of meditation, and they merged into one, breaking through the realm of the god king.

After half a sound, the two women each emitted red and blue light. In the blink of an eye, their bodies trembled slightly.

Then, under Yang Jiao's spellcasting, 20 years ago, another four black suns were planted and penetrated into the light cluster formed by the two of them.

Immediately, a black-haired black-eyed nightshade wearing a red dress showed her body. Her expression was soft and majestic, but she exuded a daunting aura all over her body, which was extremely suppressed.

Yang Jiao noticed the abnormality of Xi Yao beside him, and immediately shot out a golden light to protect her.

In an instant, Solanum nigrum regained Yang Jiao's momentum that seemed to penetrate the six realms.

A golden light shining across the six realms seems to be announcing to the living beings here that another supreme being has been born in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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