Chapter 143 I am Xu Xian!

Five years later.

Because of the continuous supply from the world of Immortal Sword and Journey to the West, the Yinming Monument was finally restored to five stars today.

The moment the restoration was completed, Yang Jiao's eyes brightened. In the past five years, because of the great wish he had made.

As long as the world status of the main world is not promoted, then his strength will not be able to break through to the Taiyi realm.

And if he wanted to completely raise his status in the main world without any scruples, then the Jade Emperor in the Taiyi realm was a threshold he couldn't cross.

Therefore, in the past few years, Yang Jiao has been more distressed and has been thinking about what to do.

But now that Sleepy came to send a pillow, the Yin Ming Bei could be regarded as a solution to his urgent need.

【Three Unwholesome Roots】

[The three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance, also known as the three dirts and the three fires, these three poisons harm the body and mind, making people sink in the cycle of life and death, not subject to cause and effect, and are the root of evil. 】

[The master of the stele can split the three poisons, reincarnated in the heavens and worlds, and will not be affected by the master body, and can break through the limitations of the world. 】

A smile appeared on Yang Jiao's face, how could Yin Ming be so unchanging.

Demons are changes.

How could the Heavenly Demon, who frightens countless people in all the heavens and worlds, be bound by a mere world.

Immediately without the slightest hesitation, he appeared in front of the Yinming Monument.

Looking at the power of more than 30 world origins accumulated on the monument, with a thought, the extraterrestrial demon and the three roots of evil were activated at the same time.

Along with the broken body of the stele flickering with dark black light, a little spiritual light was cast into the black light.

Suddenly, Yang Jiao's consciousness changed.

"Sister, sister, look quickly, isn't the one standing at the bridge head Xu Xian?"

On a ferry boat, a young, beautiful, lively woman in Tsing Yi was holding a dignified, smiling woman in fluttering white clothes.

She looked into the distance with a smile and murmured in a low voice:

"Isn't it him, the betrothed Xu, the fairy of the gods."

The woman in Tsing Yi seemed to have discovered something:
"Look at that silly boy, he is still holding that broken umbrella. He must have not forgotten his sister."

"It seems that when my sister taught them the method of ruthless hammer formation, it really worked."

The woman in white clothed her autumn eyes and said with a sigh:
"It's raining today, so he naturally wants to open an umbrella. How can we say that he will remember it?"

"I see him in a trance, and his body is tired. He must have not remembered my words. He was hit on the head by that ruthless mallet, and he forgot everything."

When the woman in white said this, she saw that the man named Xu Xian at the bridge was holding a broken umbrella, which not only couldn't cover the rain, but also, when she saw a boat passing by, she just stood there, didn't know how to shout, and couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

"Since we are destined to meet again, housekeeper, let's dock first and give him a lift."

"All right, miss."

Not long after, when the boat docked, an old man came out wearing a hat to hide from the rain, and shouted loudly:

"My young lady, my lady is kind-hearted, so don't hurry up."

Xu Xian's eyes were blank, and he instinctively thanked:
"I'm going across the lake to Baozhitang Pharmacy in Shuangcha Lane, so thank you, old man."

The old butler said with a smile:

"We're going to Qingbo, anyway, because of the wind and fire, we don't use much force, so let's go together."

As soon as he entered the cabin, Xu Xian raised his head and looked at the two women in white and blue. His whole body trembled slightly, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

Yang Jiao never expected that the idiot, one of the three poisons, would be reincarnated as Xu Xian in the world of white snakes.

And now that he has had some entanglements with Bai Suzhen, he who has not awakened his memory is even more infatuated with the woman in white in front of him.

"Sister, look at him, do you think of something?"

The woman in Tsing Yi is Xiao Qing, first leaned into Bai Suzhen's ear and whispered in Bai Suzhen's ear, then quickly walked up to Yang Jiao:

"Son, what's the matter, look at you like this, do you remember me, I'm Xiaoqing."

"When I first arrived in Qiantang, how could I recognize a girl?"

Yang Jiao said apologetically, since he has recovered his original memory, he naturally takes it as his duty to be the highest in this world, and a little love will not stain his heart.

So he said sincerely:
"Girl, you must have admitted the wrong person."

Xiaoqing looked displeased:

"How could I admit the wrong person, you, isn't it that Xu."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Suzhen interrupted:
"Qing'er, stop messing around."

Then he said softly to Yang Jiao:

"It's windy and rainy outside, young master, there is no need to be formal, please sit down."

"Thank you."

Yang Jiao bowed his hands and saluted.

"Sister, I'm bored anyway, let's try him again."

After a while, Xiao Qingliu raised her eyebrows slightly and said in a low voice.

"Don't be fooled, Xu Xian is just an ordinary person."

However, Xiao Qingquan pretended not to hear, and went to Yang Jiao's side on his own:

"My lord, look, the wind and rain outside are really heavy."

"Indeed." Yang Jiao nodded.

"If the wind and rain fall too hard, the rain will not stop, but it will be a disaster."

"I hope not, otherwise, the people will suffer."

"If there is nowhere to go in the wind and rain, and the old boatman picks it up again, it might end up in a place it shouldn't be."

"Where is the place that the girl said she shouldn't go?" Yang Jiao looked at Xiaoqing in great surprise.

"Young master, have you ever heard of an inn called Banbuduo?"

Xiaoqing answered irrelevant questions, and looked at Yang Jiao with curious and expectant eyes.

"I'm a poor scholar, and I don't have much money. I only borrow a firewood house for my stay along the way, and I can't afford to stay in an inn."

"Young master, look, there is a monk, have you seen it?"

"It must have been a monk who went down the mountain for alms. He forgot to bring an umbrella, and his robes were all wet."

At this time, Bai Suzhen in the cabin saw that Yang Jiao really forgot everything, her expression darkened slightly.

However, Xiao Qing reluctantly took out a pair of chopsticks and waved them in front of Yang Jiao's eyes, pretending to be eating food with the chopsticks.

"Girl, are you hungry?"

"You are going to piss me off." Xiaoqing took out another mallet and hit the chopsticks in her hand:
"I make you forget, make you forget, I'll hammer you to death."

"Girl, what are you?"

Yang Jiao understood that what she just said was all the things that happened to them before.

In the beginning, they met at the Banbuduo Inn between the Three Realms of Human, Monster and Immortal.

Banbuduo Inn is near a place called Luoshui Town, because the local people only know how to pay homage to Avalokitesvara, and they don't respect the Dragon King, so that the Dragon King got angry and deliberately avoided it on the grounds of illness.

After being accidentally discovered by Xiaoqing, she stole the rain order talisman from the Heavenly Court to the Dragon King, and then cast spells to make it rain with the compassionate Bai Suzhen.

Unexpectedly, due to Xiaoqing's negligence, Luoshui Town was flooded by rain.

This is why she told Yang Jiao just now that too much rain would cause a disaster.

Because of this flood, Yang Jiao mistakenly boarded a ship and was taken to the land of the devil.

As for the monk, it was naturally Fa Hai who had encountered demons and collected them. In order to collect a ginseng essence that had never done evil, he first went to the Banbuduo Inn, and then chased him to the place of the devil.

On the way, they met Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing who were monsters again, and naturally they started fighting.

Finally, on the way to the human world after leaving the Banbudu Inn, she quietly cast a spell to become Bai Suzhen, so that Yang Jiao, who had never recovered her memory, was beaten into a state of amnesia by a ruthless hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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