Chapter 183 Why Are You So Bad Like a Human?

It's a pity that because of the anger of the arm-armed ape, the Wan Yao Queen successively gave him the most precious treasure of the Wan Yao Kingdom, the Wan Yao Golden Pill, and the Wannian Nei Dan that had been refined.

He just hoped that when the arm-armed ape died, but he would feel anger in his heart, he would finally be able to stay with her in the kingdom of ten thousand monsters for life and life.

However, the two are separated by life and death, and everything is empty.

Afterwards, the Bird Fairy, also known as the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons, will do anything to avenge her beloved.

Leading thousands of monsters to retaliate, thereby angering the Heavenly Court, but still doing everything possible to not change his mind.

However, when the Wan Yao Queen saw the dead and reincarnated arm-armed ape, she finally broke her defense.

Looking at this crouching tiger arhat who has penetrated the world of mortals and converted to my Buddha.

Thinking of the promise made by the arm-armed ape in his mind, after defeating Monkey King, he will come back and stay with her for thousands of years.

Immediately, I felt heartbroken.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Demon Queen has already lost her heart, I will become a demon for you, but what is waiting for you is that you will become a Buddha immediately, and the so-called putting down the butcher knife.

It wasn't that the arm-armed ape became the arhat who subdued the tiger.

It's that I became a demon for you, but you kept it from me to become a Buddha. I don't blame you for becoming a Buddha, but why didn't you bring me with you when you became a Buddha.

The fate of him and the Wan Yao Queen in the original timeline kept appearing in Yang Jiao's mind.

There was a complex and unpredictable emotion in his eyes, and he didn't know why, his incarnation of the three poisons always had an inextricable relationship with love in the world.

Could it be that his usual dedication to the Tao is an illusion, or it was because he was suppressed too hard that he didn't find out.

At this moment, Yang Jiao couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Suddenly, a trace of spiritual thought came, ordering him to return to Maitreya Dojo immediately.

Heaven and earth.

A suspended fairy island surrounded by fairy spirit and full of Buddha charm.

A Kappa-headed, chubby Buddha in cassock is holding a fragrant watermelon in a melon field brimming with aura, and pats it gently.

"Master, I don't know what is the order for calling disciples."

Yang Jiao appeared in front of the fat Buddha.

"My watermelon is ripe, and I want to ask you to taste it."

"Master, you think that I am too harsh on those mortals."

Yang Jiao went straight in.

In the past, the Buddha lit the lamp, now the Buddha Tathagata, and the future Buddha Maitreya is the leader of the Buddhist gate in this world, an existence standing at the peak of the Three Realms.

Therefore, Yang Jiao knew very well that as a disciple of Maitreya Buddha, he must pay close attention to his every move.

After all, in addition to being one of the catastrophes for those who are destined to go west to learn Buddhist scriptures, he is also the future Buddhist arhat.

"The so-called planting melons and reaping melons, as a master, I understand. Disciple, you think that you saved these mortals from the fire and water back then, but now they are ungrateful, so you are doing it like this."

Maitreya put the watermelon in his hand on the ground, and looked at Yang Jiao earnestly:

"Don't forget to repay your kindness, even so, so what, the bad luck you cast on those mortals is far from being able to bear, is just adding a bit of murder for nothing."

"Why can't you forgive them? Maybe if you understand it with reason and move it with emotion, they will know their mistake instead."

"Master, you have been a Buddha for countless years, don't you know that human nature is inherently evil, and the darkness of human beings has no end."

"This is human beings. Isn't that what human beings are like? What could be worse than human beings?"

Yang Jiao said softly with no expression on his face:

"In the mortal world, people often call pigs and dogs inferior. In Tu'er's view, this is an insult to pigs and dogs. How could they be so bad?"

He asked himself and answered:
"Master, do you know how monsters from the lower realm scold each other?"

"Why are you as bad as a human being?"

Hearing the words, Maitreya Buddha was speechless, his eyes fixed on Yang Jiao, and he felt that the arm-armed ape in front of him was different from the past, and did not play cards according to the routine.

After a few breaths, he said in a deep voice:
"Disciple, don't worry about it, I'm afraid what you really care about in your heart is that your divine monkey general pavilion has turned into a great holy pavilion."

"I even became angry with Sun Wukong, thinking that he snatched the sea god needle, revised the book of life and death, and made a big disturbance in the heavenly palace. He can learn scriptures and make meritorious deeds, and become a fairy and a Buddha."

"And I have made so many meritorious deeds, not only is my reputation not as good as him, but even now, I haven't got a chance to get a real result."

When Yang Jiao heard this, he couldn't help sighing, after 500 years of getting along, Maitreya Buddha is very accurate in his unawakened past.

"Master, do you think that even though I have done many good deeds and take it as my duty to do good deeds, I still have nothing to do with my reputation."

"I think I still have something to hold on to the name, and I have some attachments in my heart, so I became angry with Sun Wukong."

Maitreya Buddha's eyes were puzzled, and he heard Yang Jiao calmly say:
"When there are a group of children playing by the river, only one child decides to follow the elders' instruction and play on the bank of the river, while the other children choose to jump into the river to play."

"A big boat is coming fast, and it is about to crash into those children in the river."

"At this moment, we can only cast a spell to make the big boat hit the shore. In this way, the children who have been playing on the shore will be sacrificed, and a group of children in the river will be saved."

When Yang Jiao said this, he asked Maitreya Buddha slowly:
"If it were you, would you be able to cast spells?"

Although Maitreya Buddha didn't know why his disciple would ask such a question, he still thought about it a little.

From the point of view of the problem itself, it is the most rational choice to save a group of children in the river by sacrificing only one child on the shore, both morally and emotionally.

However, for Maitreya Buddha, who overlooks all living beings in the three realms, there is no difference between one life and multiple lives.

In the world, no one's life is more important than another's. After all, in the eyes of the Buddha, all living beings are equal.

"No shot."

After a while, Maitreya Buddha said decisively.

"Yes, why should a child make the right decision, but pay the price for a group of people who made the wrong decision."

Yang Jiao looked at Maitreya Buddha and said word by word:

"Master, since you are very clear in your heart, why did you warn me like that before?"

"It's obvious that those mortals are ungrateful first, but they want me to let go of the past, let go, and bear everything."

"Is it because I am your apprentice that everything should be taken for granted!"

"Is that fair?"

Maitreya swallowed his words, he didn't expect that today's arm-armed ape speaks like a sword, even he can't stand it.

Moreover, from the time of the conversation, he didn't realize that his apprentice was dealing with things and people, and he didn't have any grievances towards Monkey King.

"In this world, the few always sacrifice for the benefit of the many."

"No matter how stupid and ignorant the majority may be, no matter how farsighted and wise the few may be."

Without a trace of emotion, Yang Jiao said indifferently:

"If the child who chooses not to play in the river with other children is sacrificed, no one will shed a tear for him except his relatives."

"Because most people in the world think this decision is right."

"After all, the right decision is not always the one everyone supports, and what everyone supports is not always the right one."

"As for me, the arm-armed monkey, I have worshiped under your disciples for 500 years, and the master and apprentice are one. Not only do you not think about me, but you want me to let go, and you also say that I have never had any relationship."

"Could this be the so-called Buddhism, the so-called compassion."

(End of this chapter)

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