Traveling through the heavens from the prequel of the Lotus Lantern

Chapter 400 Jing Kingdom's King and the Law of the World

Chapter 400 Jing Kingdom's King and the Law of the World

The moment the world-bending jade completely entered Yang Jiao's right eye, his body could not help but slowly hang above the sky, and a huge dark devilish energy erupted from his right eye.

While Yang Jiao's mind was turning, this dark and devilish energy was constantly being guided by him,
One thousand, 290 or six large acupoints in the human body are opened one after another. From seventy or eighty large acupoints at the beginning, they gradually increased to two or three hundred, and then quickly became eight or nine hundred.

Not long after, Yang Jiao's whole body exuded a sense of consummation and wishfulness, and it was with the help of Qingshizhiyu that the first level of perfection in "The Great Virtue Freedom of Heaven" was achieved.

It not only opens up the acupuncture points of the whole body, but also refines a god in each acupuncture point.


Immediately afterwards, Yang Jiao's body vibrated with a sense of coercion that seemed to open up the world and divide the turbidity.


There were two more loud sounds in the sky, and Yang Jiao's vitality was full again, and he saw three seemingly endless big worlds opened up in his body, which were the Lunhai Secret Realm, Dao Palace Secret Realm, and Four Extremes Secret Realm in the Shutian method.

The first stage of "Davirtue Freedom of Heaven" is the perfect circle, with the method of Yang Shen as the main body, and the second layer of opening up the universe, with the main body of the method of covering the sky.

The third level of immortality is naturally formed by the immortal system of many mythical worlds, and the fourth level of virtue is to integrate, control and sublimate all dharmas, completely transcend the world, and achieve the state of Taiyi.

In an instant, Yang Jiao frowned slightly, but when he was about to refine the source of the world-defying jade, the red jade in his right eye trembled, and a touch of the witch's spiritual sense that forged this artifact was aroused.

As soon as he perceives his thoughts, he discovers its origin through the original plot line.

Sangjiu, the only princess of the Bang clan who was born with a fairy marrow ten thousand years ago, studied fairy arts hard since she was a child. After being seriously injured by the demon god Ming Ye and fell into the Mo River, someone took out the ancient ice crystal guarding the Mo River to heal her injuries.

Once the Mohe River loses the ancient ice crystals, there will be countless deaths and injuries among the aquatic people in the river. Therefore, Sang Jiu, as the princess of the Bang clan of the Mohe River, took out his own fairy marrow to replace the ancient ice crystals to guard the Mohe River.

In this way, she and the god of war Mingye got married, and then there was another bloody love triangle story.

As a result, Tian Huan, the daughter of the former God of War, became jealous, and she directly led troops to slaughter the Mohe Shui Clan, while Sang Jiu became obsessed with revenge, and vowed to hunt down and kill the Teng Snake Clan until there was no such Clan in the world.

In the end, he even used the fairy marrow of the Teng Snake Clan that Tian Huan belonged to to refine it into the world-renowned jade. He wanted to use it to revive the people of the clan, but this method hurt Tian He, and attracted Zi Lei, the god of death, and his soul flew away. Death.

Deep in the origin of this world-bending jade, there remains a touch of spiritual consciousness demonized by mulberry wine.

"If you give something in this world, you will get something. You have made great progress in assisting cultivation, do you want to live another life?"

In the dark, Yang Jiao's thoughts aroused the spiritual consciousness of Sangjiu.

"The world is so big, but I have nothing to worry about. Even if I come back to life, I would have died a long time ago. Even now, Qingshizhiyu has been completely refined by you. Nothingness, I can also be freed from this."

Suddenly, an empty resentment mixed with a little cheerful murmur floated in Yang Jiao's heart.

Yang Jiao has always been reluctant to say anything to those who are ashamed. Since she doesn't care about her own life, why waste her tongue and persuade her.

The reason why he wished to revive the mulberry wine was only because of his love for the jade of the world.

Immediately, Yang Jiao's thoughts moved slightly, and the purple glow in his right eye gradually dimmed. After a few breaths, the phantom red jade in his eyes completely disappeared, and the violent aura all over his body also calmed down.

He clenched his fist slightly, worthy of being an artifact that can overturn the world and make the sun and the moon hang upside down. The "Dade Freedom of Heaven" has reached the late stage of opening up the universe.

If it is divided according to the realm of practice in the main world, the four realms of the heavenly scriptures correspond to the four levels of mortals, immortals, golden immortals, and Taiyi.

At the level of combat power in this world, a true god is equivalent to a golden immortal, and a demon god even has half a step of Taiyi's combat power.

As for Yang Jiao's state at this time, if it is compared with the practice system of this world, although his cultivation base is slightly inferior to that of Lingxian and Ancient Demon, but in terms of combat power, he already has the capital to match.

"Tantaijin, why do you have to be so willful and reckless? Do you know that the jade of the world is no small matter, once you die, you will be..."

Li Susu looked at Yang Jiao who had landed on the deck, and immediately scolded, but at the end he shut his mouth abruptly.

"Just what?" Yang Jiao glanced at her:
"What a fuss, it's just a magic weapon refined with thousands of immortal marrows."

He waved his hand casually, released Li Susu's shackles, and walked to the attic on the ship, while ordering:

"Bai Yu, drive them off the boat, let's continue to Jingguo."


Nianbai Yu Gongsheng took the order.

Li Susu looked at the back of Yang Jiao going away, his eyes were extremely complicated, and he thought:
"No, the little demon god is getting more and more terrifying now. I can't sit still. Fortunately, when I obtained the world-defying jade, I don't know what happened. Its power actually helped me refine a rudimentary fairy marrow in my body, and guide it. I went to the abyss to find a way to destroy the evil bones."

Thinking of this, she took the distraught Jing Lan'an off the boat before Erbai Yu took the lead in chasing them away.

Three days later.

In Jingdu City, everyone from the princes and nobles to the ordinary people is panicked.

First, Tantai Minglang, who had succeeded Jing to the throne, cleaned the court and killed the second prince, Tantai Minghan, and his henchmen.

Then Tantai Minglang left Jingdu City for no reason, and news of his sudden death spread not long after.

Now it is rumored that the King of Destiny will appear in Jingguo, the last male member of the Tantai royal family, who has been in the Shengguo as a hostage, and has exchanged his honor and disgrace for the great peace and prosperity. Tantai Jin, who has made great contributions to the country, is about to return. A new king.

Jingwang Palace, above the court hall.

Yang Jiao was still wearing a gray and white robe, sitting above the main seat, and standing below the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of Jingguo.

"It was ominous for you to kill your mother from birth, and you left Beijing as a hostage when you were six years old, and now you came back without knowing why, you are not worthy to be the king of our Jing Kingdom."

An old minister came out and reprimanded him angrily.

"You are the child of a girl from the Yiyue tribe. You are good at driving monsters. Now that you have returned to Jingguo, you must have ulterior motives."

As soon as he finished speaking, another minister stood up.

"If we were with you, how should the history books be written after the ages?"

"If you want to kill, kill it. Even if we are here today, we will not recognize you as the new king."

Immediately afterward, someone came out, echoing with iron bones.

At this moment, a stern man in his twenties, wearing a black feather robe and with horizontal stripes on his eyebrows, strode in and saluted respectfully:

"My lord, my subordinates have used three thousand crow guards to supervise the generals in the Jingducheng army."

Yang Jiao nodded to indicate that this person was the Three-Eyed Crow from before. Now, with the blessing of the Black Sun Mark, he also has an excellent practice method. .

Since Jingguo's totem was originally a three-eyed crow, and there were many three-eyed crows living inside and outside Jingdu City, so in the past few days, with the help of Yang Jiao, three thousand crow guards were refined, and twenty or thirty big monsters were born from them.

Therefore, after Yang Jiao used the black sun mark to recall Sanyan to his side, he asked him to be the commander of the crow guard to help him guard Jingdu City.

After a while, twenty white clothes walked in quickly, saluted and said:

"Your Highness, Bai Yu has led all the Shadow Moon Guards of the Yiyue Clan, and has already controlled the nobles of the aristocratic families in the city."

After the words fell, the ministers in the palace were in an uproar.

"Tantai Jin, what exactly is your intention?"

A civil servant frowned and stood up involuntarily.

"I'm not interested, and I don't have time to play power games with you. I just want to say one thing."

"From now on, I will be the king of Jingguo, and even the law of the world. It's no big deal to offend me, but if you break the law, then you should be punished and beheaded."

(End of this chapter)

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