Traveling through the heavens from the prequel of the Lotus Lantern

Chapter 795 Now that I am the Emperor of Heaven, I should reopen the world of the three realms

Chapter 795 Now that I am the Emperor of Heaven, I should reopen the world of the Three Realms

The next day.

In the huge Heavenly Emperor's Palace rising from the ground, Yang Jiao stood on a pavilion. His eyes were deep and he suddenly opened his hands.


Not only was Heaven in turmoil, but the entire Three Realms were shaken one after another.

I saw endless formations appearing in the sky within the three realms. In an instant, the heaven and earth turned into a force of six, and the five directions took up positions, creating a scene of four images around the stars. Outside the three realms, the membrane of heaven and earth appeared again. Transform the three talents and two rituals into the formation eye.

In a few breaths, an all-encompassing, all-encompassing formation appeared, encompassing the three realms and six realms.

Yang Jiao's figure suddenly appeared under the endless starry sky, and his deep yet magnetic voice sounded in the ears of sentient beings in the three realms.

"My name is Yang Jiao, and I am also the Emperor of Heaven. I once lived in the mortal world for countless lives. I was a beggar on the streets who starved to death, a lonely scholar all his life, a rich businessman whose family was ruined, a rich man whose family was confiscated and exterminated, and a powerful man who was wantonly bullied. I was born as a puppet. The young emperor who died young, the consumables for demon cultivators, the rations for monsters, and the pond fish affected by the battle between immortals and demons."

"There is no life that ends well, and there is no life without ups and downs."

"I vaguely remember that when I was a scholar, I wrote travel notes. The officials at that time said that I leaked the secrets of the country and wrote history. They said that I used the past to satirize the present and explained the art of war. They said that I instigated rebellion, wrote stories about gods and monsters, and that I led people to superstition. , and finally I rewrote celebrity biographies.”

"I don't want this famous person to lose his power, and I will be accused of being a traitor to the party, and I will end up with a bad death in that life."

"Haha, so much so that now I am quite aware of the saying that the shortcuts in the world are only opened by poor families."

"But at the end of the day, to me, the world shouldn't be like this. All creatures in the world are created equal. No one's life is more noble than anyone else's. Even gods and immortals do not have the right to be superior and unscrupulous."

"In today's world, dynasties alternate between mortal dynasties, and the cycle of chaos and peace repeats itself. Every few decades or hundreds of years, many people die innocently in troubled times."

"The gods and Buddhas of the heaven and earth either have nothing to do with them and keep things aloof, or they act willfully, or they look on with a cold eye."

"Now that I am the Emperor of Heaven, I should reopen the Three Realms."

His calm voice was a bit hoarse, gripping and moving.

"The most unworthy thing in the world is to hate those people so much and fight with them for so long, only to end up like them. There is no reason in the world worth the price of such sinking."

Yang Jiao's tone was clear, and the sound of emotion shook the world:

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I should change the three realms. I feel that the monks in the three realms do not think about their way, do not cultivate their character, and mess up the world for their own selfish interests. They ignore all living beings in the three realms and cause all kinds of disasters."

"Every living being who embarks on the path of cultivation will be accompanied by calamities at every step. He will escape from the mortal world after nine deaths and become an immortal after hundreds of thousands of calamities. This will rectify the clarity of the three realms and let the creatures in the world who embark on the path of cultivation understand that the road to enlightenment is not easy. Enlightenment is difficult, so you should accumulate virtue, do good deeds, and stick to your heart."

"So when you embark on the path of cultivation, you need to complete three thousand external skills in the mortal world, endure the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance, and understand the eight sufferings of the world. Only then can you perfect your virtues and lead disasters to become immortals."

"The calamity is a natural calamity, which requires three calamities and six calamities. That is, you must first survive the calamity of war, plague, and famine as an ordinary person. The calamity of war begins on the seventh day, the disease begins on the seventh day of the seventh month, and the famine begins on the seventh day of the seventh month. .”

"It's also difficult to overcome the obstacles of nature, karma, and mind. Let's test whether the mind of the Tao can be determined and whether you can maintain the Tao."

“Then the lightning disaster, which required seeing one’s nature and understanding the mind, and avoiding it in advance, started to burn from under the welling spring hole, straight through the mud palace, the internal organs turned to ashes, the limbs were rotten, and thousands of years of asceticism were all turned into an illusory fire. "

"Finally, it blows into the six organs from the fontanel, passes through the Dantian, and penetrates the nine orifices. The bones and flesh are thinned, and the body is freed from the wind disaster."

"Only by surviving three disasters and six tribulations can one become an immortal and obtain the fruit of immortality."

"There will be tribulations of inner demons in the future. Anyone who is an immortal or a god must maintain a clear mind. Otherwise, there will be five tribulations coming, namely birth, old age, illness, death, and suffering, which are called the five declines of heaven and man."

"However, God has the virtue of good life, and I have set up a large formation. This is the Yuxu Innate Ten Thousand Transformations Formation. Regardless of people, gods, immortals, Buddhas, demons, or demons, if a calamity of inner demons arises, all you need to do is to go to each of the formations. Within the node, the auxiliary formation accelerates the absorption of chaotic energy from outside the world, combs it into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and enhances the Tao of the world, so that you can quickly accumulate merit, clear your Tao mind, and avoid being invaded by inner demons.

"And the righteous gods in heaven will not only be able to obtain the fruition status of heaven and earth from now on, double the speed of their cultivation, abide by their priestly duties, and be dedicated to serving the public, they should not be disturbed by inner demons, and should not be worried about the five declines of heaven and man, and maintain their mind. Those who are not upright, please take care of yourself." "Now the disaster has been established, and the gods are obeying their orders."

Suddenly, many divine lights appeared from the sky, and they appeared in front of Yang Jiao one after another, saying in unison:

"The little god is here."

Yang Jiao's gentle sound echoed through the sky, alarming all sentient beings in the world.

"Since ancient times, there has been a Tao in Hongmeng, and gods and Tao are the same. We should observe the Tao of heaven, carry out the actions of heaven, take all living beings in the three realms as our own responsibilities, establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for all spirits, worship immortals and gods, and achieve peace and happiness for all living beings. "

"So from now on, the time between heaven and earth will be synchronized. You should come down to earth in person, gather all the countries into one dynasty, without establishing an emperor, without any powerful people, and who will rule the world to prosperity. You should be selected from among all the spirits. Three. Ten years come around.”

"During this period, those who have made great contributions, even mortals, have a chance to become gods."

"I hope you will understand. From now on, I don't want to see any more scenes in the mortal world where monsters act recklessly and harm living beings, or natural and man-made disasters, where children are exchanged for food, mountain bandits are rampant, and officials do nothing."

"When you wait in the lower world and gather all the countries into a dynasty in the mortal world, you should improve food crops, build roads, carry out education, and select capable officials to govern the country."

"It is said that there is a god who is three feet above the head, and then the city god of one place is used to monitor all parties."

He paused slightly:

"There are many people in the world who are in opposite directions, but there are few people who lead different paths to the same destination. Therefore, the mountains are high and the roads are far. I only hope that the autumn will prevail over the spring, and you can go on your own."

"The little god obeys."

All the gods bowed and held their hands, and their voices covered heaven and earth.

At the same time, the gods who had abandoned the gods and descended to earth were instantly confused, and the vast majority of people could not help but feel a surge of regret and regret.

There are countless monks from all over the world beating their chests and stamping their feet, and they can't help shouting in their hearts, blaming the new Emperor for his ruthlessness, indifference, and cruel methods, which are simply outrageous.

Moreover, they all thought to themselves, it's over, it's completely over, this immortal can't cultivate anymore, their faces are full of despair.

There are also countless demons and ghosts who are suddenly filled with deep fire, but because of their deep karma, they arouse their inner demons. Within a few breaths, the five degenerations of gods and humans come to their bodies, and they directly turn into ashes.

Moreover, there are many scattered immortals, or demons and ghosts, flying out of their caves in a hurry, searching for the so-called nodes of the Yuxu Innate Ten Thousand Transformations Formation all over the mountains and plains.

On the other side is the mouth of Guanjiang River.

The former True Lord Temple has been transformed into the Yang Mansion again.

In the courtyard of the mansion, Brother Mei Shan, Xiao Tian Quan, Yang Chan, and Liu Chenxiang had different expressions, and their faces were all inexplicably complicated.

Suddenly, Roaring Sky Dog looked at the sky in confusion, then looked around, and said:

"Why do I feel that the world seems to have changed. There is no flexibility and freedom as before. I only feel that the power of heaven is thick and the spirit is condensed. Even the movement skills are many times more difficult than before."

A man with a bald head, a bamboo hat and a short coat, the fourth among the Meishan brothers, the always resourceful Yao Gonglin sighed:

"Oh, I'm afraid that the one who just now has used unimaginable means to set up all kinds of disasters for the practitioners of the Three Realms. From now on, this practice will be like the Sun Wukong who sent Tang Sanzang to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures in the past. He was put under a tight curse."

He shook his head violently:

"No, this is worse than wearing a tight-band curse. Only if the curse is recited, the pain will be excruciating. However, these disasters make people fearful all the time. If you are not careful, your Taoist mind will be unstable. You may be invaded by inner demons, experience the five declines of heaven and human beings, and be in danger of death and the disappearance of Tao."

Yao Gonglin frowned again and said:

"The so-called hatred that blocks the way will never end. What that person did is equivalent to forging a deadly feud with all the practitioners in the three realms."

(End of this chapter)

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