Chapter 810
  The two shameless men took advantage of the girl's reputation and started fighting in private.

Jia Dongxu's father didn't want to give up on the marriage at first, but on the day he came to the house, he "accidentally" saw the weak and crying Jia Zhang hiding in the grass. The man's protective desire suddenly came over, and he was seduced by her again, and his head felt hot. , regardless of the black face of the matchmaker, he went directly to Zhang's house carrying the gifts prepared by his parents.

As soon as this happened, the matchmaker's face turned frighteningly dark.

She has introduced marriages for so many years, and she has never been as embarrassed as she is today.

As for the Zhang family, although they originally wanted to keep their daughter at home and work for the family for a few more years, they were not stubborn and turned a blind eye to the "golden turtle son-in-law" they were about to get.

When they saw that their daughter had found a partner, and that the partner's family conditions were so good, he was a worker, and he could provide a lot of money as gifts, the couple immediately agreed to the marriage.

As for this marriage being a result of the daughter being dishonest and picking up rumors from her younger sisters, they don't care. As long as the bride price is enough, they will happily send the daughter out.

Jia Dongxu's father, on the other hand, wanted his daughter-in-law to sever ties with her parents' family, lest her daughter-in-law use the money he earned to subsidize her parents' family after they got married.

It's not right to see Jia Zhang in front of her like this. With her parents like this, she definitely has no feelings for her family.

So just like the bastard and the mung bean, Jia Dongxu's father got right with the Zhang family's parents, and they were in harmony with each other publicly, but privately they were tempted one after another by calculating the betrothal gifts and dowry.

After a lot of pushing and pulling, it finally happened. Yesterday, the Zhang family showed off their daughter's future in the village and found a son-in-law from the city.

But as soon as this happened, the little sister Jia Zhang collapsed completely and fainted because she couldn't bear the blow.

After she woke up from being pinched, she was hit again because Jia Zhang ran to her to show off how good her fiancé was.

The matchmaker felt that this was a shameful thing and came over to apologize with a guilty look on his face.

It was already too late at that point. Once this incident came out, no matter whether it was her fault or not, she had already lost face because of it, and her future marriage would definitely be much more difficult.

And not only the girl herself, but also her family members cannot avoid some gossip.

And as if she was afraid that Jia Dongxu's father would regret it, Jia Zhang spread the news on the day he came to the door, which would inevitably make it impossible for the two of them to do anything.

And Jia Dongxu's father was also immoral. For the sake of his own reputation, he directly pushed the problem onto other girls.

He even said in front of everyone that the marriage between him and the girl was not considered mutual at all. He had already rejected the girl. Who knows what the girl was thinking, but she thought that if he agreed to meet, he agreed to this marriage. marriage.

He had no choice. Besides, how could he be in love with that girl because he liked Jia Zhang? It was just some people's whims.

In response to this explanation, many people in the village curled their lips and rolled their eyes. This was to deceive them into thinking they were fools.

But some people don't believe it, and naturally there are also those who don't like others, and they shout about it everywhere.

Because of these words, the girl who could still hold on was so ashamed that she wanted to commit suicide for a time.

After being stopped by the family, the girl hugged her mother and cried bitterly, almost blinding her eyes from crying.

Fortunately, the girl's mother-in-law's parents still loved their daughter and did not blame her for bringing shame on the family, but were careful and forgiving.

None of them married off their daughters directly and hastily like some families did.

It's just that once the rumor spread, whether it was true or false, the girl's reputation was ruined by two bitches. If nothing else, families with slightly better conditions would definitely not choose her again.

The marriage affairs introduced to her were downgraded several levels compared to before.

Those matchmakers introduced her to either a dead mother-in-law who already had several children at home, and she would be her mother's widower as soon as she entered the house, or a lot of old bachelors who couldn't let the family go, or they were physically disabled, lame and deaf. Everything was good inside, and there was even a matchmaker to introduce the fool to her.

After being rejected, those matchmakers even spread the rumors that the girl was too good-natured and incompetent. They didn't even look at her own situation. It would be nice if someone introduced her to a partner. They were still so picky that they really thought of themselves as gods!
  The girl who was already on the verge of collapse couldn't hold on any longer because of these terrible matchmakers.

In the end, there was really no other way. The girl's family felt that they could not go on like this. After many twists and turns, they entrusted their daughter to relatives far away and finally left here.

Away from the original bad environment and those rumors, Aunt Lu, who was still a girl back then, slowly recovered under the care of her relatives.

After a year of recuperation, when she saw that she was well, the relative introduced her to a local marriage.

Not to mention how sweet the couple is after their marriage, it can be regarded as a husband and a wife. The couple work together and work together to make their small life prosperous.

But unexpectedly, things are unpredictable. Shortly after giving birth to his son Lu Xiaobao, the man passed away due to an accident.

Aunt Lu was sad for a while, but she finally got through it for the sake of her children.

As time goes by, many things have been put aside. Aunt Lu's biggest wish now is to watch her son get married and have children.

Seeing that her son was old, she had already inquired about girls from various families in private, and was ready to choose a suitable one for her son. Suddenly, her son was transferred to the capital city because of his good performance.

Her son had been transferred away, and there was no point in staying at home, so she followed him.

Speaking of the capital city, Aunt Lu felt a little complicated.

But after so many years, she has let go of many things.

What she didn't expect was that this move would renew her bad relationship with Jia Zhang.

It was such a coincidence that the house arranged for Lu Xiaobao was near Jia Zhang's family.

Even after so many years, the two former little sisters recognized each other at first sight.

Originally, Aunt Lu didn't intend to have a conflict with Jia Zhang because her son had just moved here and was unfamiliar with the place. In order not to cause trouble for her son, she turned around and left as a stranger.

Unexpectedly, when she took a step back, Jia Zhang didn't stop.

I don’t know if it was because Aunt Lu didn’t rush to trouble her, which made her feel that the other party had no support and was easy to bully.

Instead, she ran to Aunt Lu and started to sneer. First, she praised her son for his beauty, and then insinuated that Lu Xiaobao knew he had no future at a glance...

Aunt Lu can endure anything, but Lu Xiaobao is her lifeblood. She can't bear even a bad word said about her son.

(End of this chapter)

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