Free Days in Siheyuan

Chapter 834 Something is wrong

Chapter 834 Something is wrong

For this reason, the old dean and his wife offended all the relatives on both sides.

At first, relatives on both sides felt that since the two of them were gone, the family's property should be inherited by their nephews.

If you leave your property to them and they provide for the couple in their old age, isn't it just a matter of keeping the wealth from going to other people's fields?

Seeing that the old dean and his wife did not follow their ideas and were selling their property there just to continue to open the orphanage left behind by their daughter, the relatives on both sides immediately became anxious. It was rare for them to unanimously agree that the old dean The couple was messing around.

In order to dispel the thoughts of the old dean and his wife, those people took turns taking turns. The old ones were just playing around and giving persuasive words. I have eaten more salt in my life than you have eaten rice. , this is all for your own good. The younger one came to express his position, saying that he was willing to provide for the couple in their old age, and promised to treat them as filial parents.

Seeing that they had exhausted all their tricks, the old dean and his wife were still unable to get through. All the relatives were angrily thrown off their sleeves and left. The younger one even dropped his words before leaving. They wanted to wait and see what would happen to the old couple. Since They want to spend all their money on outsiders, so don't blame them as nephews for not being honest and not providing for them in the future.

When talking about this, Zhang Guifang's eyes were full of disdain, as were those who got something for nothing and thought about misappropriating other people's property all day long.

After talking for a long time, Zhang Guifang finally sighed and said that since her daughter and husband left one after another, it was not easy for the old director to support such a large orphanage by herself, so she would help if she could.

However, Zhang Guifang soon thought of something, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

That group of people relied on the good temper of the old dean and his wife to dare to speak nonsense there, and even deliberately spread rumors to ruin their reputation.

However, after the first batch of children in the orphanage grew up and heard gossip again, they came to the door for several days and beat those people one by one over and over again. They finally lost their memory and never dared to do so again from then on. They are talking nonsense there and spewing shit from their mouths.

Zhang Guifang showed a relieved expression as she spoke.

Finally, he turned to look at the old dean: "The old dean is seventy-six this year, and she should have been at the age to enjoy her family. If she hadn't been able to let go of the children in the courtyard, she would have been abandoned by those orphans. The children who came out of the hospital were picked up.

But it's not bad now. After what happened in the past few days, the orphanage has become famous and attracted the attention of the above.

After learning about the situation of the old dean, they immediately made arrangements and promised to send someone to take over immediately. To appease the old dean and the children, the person who took over was also from this orphanage. From now on, the old dean finally doesn't have to worry about everything. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, Zhang Guifang asked directly: "How do you know this place?"

Zhang Yu told what happened back then, focusing on the child back then.

Because Zhang Yu's description was too exaggerated, Zhang Guifang couldn't help but look at a group of children doing handicrafts there.

When she saw the face of one of the children clearly, the well-informed Zhang Guifang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, like, it's so similar!

After looking at the child carefully, Zhang Guifang smiled and said: "I have been here so many times, and I have never noticed that the child looks so similar to Brother You before. Hey, if it weren't for the age difference, I wouldn't I almost thought your eldest brother gave birth to it behind my back."

Although Zhang Guifang was very surprised that the other person looked very similar to her eldest son, she was only surprised for a while and did not take up much of her time. After all, she still had a lot of things to be busy with.

Seeing that his sister-in-law's colleagues were almost overwhelmed, Zhang Yu was embarrassed to pester his sister-in-law any longer, so he told her and went home.

When I got home, I happened to see the smoke coming from my sister-in-law's house. The door was not closed. Zhang Yu pushed it open and saw his uncle working in the kitchen.

Seeing Zhao Wenzhuo cooking, Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the watch hanging in the living room.

It's only half past eleven. How can my uncle have time to come back and cook at this time?

As far as Zhang Yu knows, his uncle has been very busy recently.

The staff in their office has been tight recently. Not only do they have to deal with petty thefts, but they also have to deal with all kinds of troublemakers. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and they need to write various files and summarize the entire year's work. That's like splitting one person in half. My son's busy.

Not to mention coming back to cook at noon, even when I go to the unit canteen to eat, I have to take turns with others, for fear that no one will be on duty.

The reason why he was able to take off work yesterday was because he had already worked overtime for several days in a row. Director Wu couldn't bear to work overtime anymore. He was afraid that he would be exhausted and ruined his body, so he forcefully kicked him out of the unit. , let him go home and rest for a day.

And early this morning, my uncle hurried to work again.

Zhao Zhuo heard the sound of the door being opened and turned to look outside. When he saw Zhang Yu coming in, he asked smoothly: "Xiaoyu, do you want some noodles? If you want to eat, I'll order more."

Zhang Yu was silent for a moment and immediately responded: ""

It just so happened that he didn't want to cook today, so he could just have a meal with his uncle.

"Okay, since you're eating, I'll order more." Zhao Wenzhuo said as he opened the kitchen cabinet and took out a handful of noodles.

Zhang Yu just watched Zhao Wenzhuo unload the noodles. After a while, he finally couldn't help but asked his doubts: "Uncle, why did you get off work so early today?"

As soon as Zhang Yu said these words, Zhao Wenzhuo paused for a moment while stirring the noodles in the pot with chopsticks, and then said like a normal person: "A few new people came to the office today and took over all the work I was doing. , I can naturally get off work on time."

As Zhao Wenzhuo spoke, he did not forget to turn to look at Zhang Yu: "What? Isn't it good if I get off work early?"

I don't know why, but my uncle was obviously smiling, and Zhang Yu felt a sense of gritted teeth from what he said.

Being looked at by his uncle like that, Zhang Yu felt the pressure doubled, and hurriedly replied: "Okay! Why not? My uncle has been exhausted during this period, so he just took this opportunity to have a good rest."

"Yes, why is it bad? Since there are people who want to work, let them do it. I will also be happy to have some free time. I can get off work early if I have nothing to do and come back to do my own thing.

You see, when I'm free, you guys can also enjoy the happiness together. After all, how can I usually have time for you? "

(End of this chapter)

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