heaven money

Chapter 138 The Second Living Horcrux

Chapter 138 The Second Living Horcrux


Footsteps sounded in the silence and in the corridor, Harry was walking step by step towards the principal's office on the eighth floor.

"Pile of cockroaches~"

Harry said the password proficiently, and then walked into the principal's office.

At this time, Dumbledore was still staying up all night exploring Voldemort's mind, trying to find out what the remaining two unknown Horcruxes were.

Seeing Harry come in, he said:
"Harry, what's the matter? Why don't you rest at this late hour?"

Harry pursed his lips and told Dumbledore what he had just dreamed about.

Dumbledore frowned and began to think.

Seeing this, Harry didn't bother Dumbledore, and stood aside quietly waiting.

"Chirp~ chirp~ chirp~"

Phoenix Fawkes barked suddenly, attracting Harry's attention.

Harry's eyes lit up immediately, and he said in surprise:
"Principal Dumbledore, I think I know what's going on!"

Dumbledore frowned and said with a smile:

"Harry, what did you think of?"

Harry said excitedly:
"Principal Dumbledore, it's a pet. Only pets can move freely in the room when the mysterious man is lecturing. Lying on the ground, and the mysterious man is a Parseltongue, this should be a snake of Voldemort! "

Dumbledore's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he immediately understood the cause and effect and said:
"From this point of view, Voldemort should have made his pet into a Horcrux, and this created a connection with you, so you can see its perspective!
I remember that Tom has always had a snake named Nagini, it seems that he should have made Nagini into a Horcrux! "

Harry nodded excitedly when he heard the words. This was the news that he had found Voldemort's Horcrux again through his own efforts, and he was very happy in his heart.

But Dumbledore said with some concern:
"Harry, although you can get some information about Tom in this way, it's still very dangerous. You need to follow Snape to master Occlumency as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Harry, who was faintly overwhelmed, immediately calmed down.

Harry, who has become a scroll professor, is still very clear-headed and knows the gap between himself and Voldemort. If he doesn't master Occlumency as soon as possible, he may become Voldemort's bait.

Seeing that Harry had calmed down, Dumbledore's eyes flashed a look of relief, knowing that Harry had listened to his words.

Then he said:
"Alright, Harry. Let's go back. Tomorrow, you are Professor Akado's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You can learn a lot of spells against the Dark Arts, which will be of great help to you in the future!"

After hearing the words and saluting Dumbledore, Harry left the headmaster's office and returned to his bed.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, was sitting in the office, whispering in a low voice:

"Tom, have you realized that Harry is your Horcrux, that's why you made Nagini into a Horcrux? So what is the last Horcrux?"

Suddenly, Dumbledore walked to the Pensieve and entered his memory.

Here, he saw Tom's life, and even Tom's origin.

Tom has Slytherin blood, is a descendant of the Gunter family, and inherited the legacy of the Gunter family.


Dumbledore, who stepped out of the Pensieve, whispered:

"Inheritance of the Gaunt family, two relics of Slytherin, one Slytherin locket, the other is a gold ring inlaid with precious stones!"

"Tom, is this ring the last unknown Horcrux?"

With an idea in mind, Dumbledore returned to his desk and began to think about where Tom hid the gold ring and the Hufflepuff gold cup.

On the other side, Voldemort stopped the meeting of the Death Eaters, drove away everyone, and sat on the sofa in the center.

And Nagini crawled close to Voldemort's side.

Voldemort looked at Nagini in front of him. During their meeting just now, he found that there was a special soul wave faintly coming from Nagini, and there was Harry's breath on this soul wave.

He knew that it must be Nagini and Harry, two of his Horcruxes who had been connected just now.

But Voldemort not only did not have a gloomy face, but sneered and said:

"Hehe, I finally took the bait. Hmph, how can a mere fifth-year wizard, even if he has practiced Occlumency, be able to resist my Legilimency.

Old guy, you put your hopes on a little guy, that is your biggest mistake! "

As he said that, Voldemort thought of Dumbledore with white hair and beard, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The next day, at breakfast, Harry told William and the others what he had discovered last night.

Everyone was very happy to find Voldemort's Horcrux, but since Nagini stayed by Voldemort's side all the time, there was no effective way to destroy the Horcrux while he was not paying attention.

However, everyone's minds soon stopped here, because they soon ushered in the inhumane training of the devil professor Akado.

Well, in fact, Akado is planning to increase the actual combat experience and vigilance of some students, so after class, he uses his ability to incarnate into countless bats to attack the little wizard.

Let the students defend and even counter Akado with the spells they have learned before.

Although William who had advanced to Sequence 7 and above remained unharmed, other students, even members of the Tarot Society who had advanced to Sequence 8, were besieged by countless bats.

After a class, although they were not seriously injured, the skin trauma still caused them unbearable pain.

Among them, the pure-blood aristocratic students headed by Malfoy even wanted to report to their parents in order to avenge Akado's harm to them.

Unfortunately, Akado didn't care at all.Now it is the secret that the pure-blooded nobles are eager to obtain the potion. They wish that Akado would stay in Hogwarts for a longer time. How could he drive out such a golden mountain just because his junior suffered some minor injuries?

Akado is not Hagrid and Hippogriff, and has greater use value for pure-blood nobles, so it is impossible for Malfoy and the others to get what they want.

And William put his mind on Voldemort, Grindelwald and Dumbledore.

At this time Voldemort was already preparing to use Harry to plot against Dumbledore, while Dumbledore was silently collecting Voldemort's Horcruxes, trying to wipe him out completely; Grindelwald was lurking secretly, watching both sides, ready to step forward at any time Fisherman, take away Dumbledore's Elder Wand, and kill Voldemort completely by the way.

At this level, it depends on whose wrist is more clever.

And Grindelwald's brilliance lies in that after he got the resurrection stone, he quietly restored Gaunt's old house and the curse on it, and even the breath of Voldemort on it was almost exactly the same.

At the same time, he also used the resurrection stone in his hand to create an identical ring, and the breath and curse on it were still perfectly restored.

Just quietly waiting for Voldemort and Dumbledore to take the bait.

The reason why Grindelwald is so confident is also due to his ability to predict Magus.

He "saw" that Voldemort used Harry to lure Dumbledore to Gaunt's old house, and used the curse on the Resurrection Stone to count Dumbledore.

(End of this chapter)

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