heaven money

Chapter 25 Preparation

Chapter 25 Preparation
William looked at his current "balance", thinking about the plan to deal with Voldemort in his mind.

First of all, although Voldemort can't directly attack, Professor Quirrell's magical attainments must be very superb, because Professor Quirrell was also a top student of Ravenclaw back then, and he can be said to be his senior.

Since it is dealing with wizards, the best way is assassins.

Considering that Voldemort is a dark wizard, and now there are only remnants left, then the power of the sun path should be the best choice.

"So now I should need the Extraordinary items made by the 'Assassin' and 'Sun Priest' Extraordinary characteristics. At the same time, considering the life-saving ability, I also need the Extraordinary items of 'Witch' or 'Magician'. It is best to have both. I and Hermione alone!"

Now William has finally experienced the happiness of a rich man. There is nothing to say, just buy, buy, buy!

In fact, William knew that as long as he got the Lingling General, he would definitely be able to defeat Voldemort, but after all, the system is different, and the Lingling General also needs time to practice, so he didn't involve it for the time being, but focused on the blessing of the secret system.

Therefore, the next night, in the Room of Requirement, William used alchemy to create four Extraordinary items.

"Witch's Necklace: Possesses the abilities of an assassin, an instigator, and a witch. Possesses the ability to be invisible; has a preliminary grasp of various black magic, can cast curses through blood and other media, is good at interfering with other people's divination; manipulates black flames and frost, and can mirror doubles method, the wand substitute method."

"Magician Gloves: Hands are more dexterous and movements are more agile. With quick spell casting skills, Extraordinary people don't need to chant spells or infuse spirituality. They can cast corresponding spells or spell-like abilities with just one simple action. Has damage Teleportation, flame jumping, air bombs, paper doll stand-in, manipulating flames, creating hallucinations, drawing paper as soldiers and other abilities."

"Sun Cross: Increase physical fitness, resist diseases and harsh environments; spells and sacrifices in this field have been greatly improved, and the mind is filled with divine-like knowledge. It can summon holy light, create holy water, bright fire, purify Slash, Immune to Fear, Holy Oath, Sun Halo."

"Psychiatrist's Bracelet: Improves physical health, strength and speed. Vision has improved, and items hidden in the dark can be seen clearly. Sense of smell can distinguish more subtle smells, so as to grasp the truest emotions of the target and thoughts. Extraordinary abilities include deterrence, frenzy, psychological suggestion, comfort, mind reading, etc."

Although William is not a craftsman, with the help of money from the heavens and alchemy, he has produced extraordinary items that can perfectly display the ability of this path.

Later, William gave Hermione the "Witch Necklace" and "Psychiatrist Bracelet", hoping to improve her combat effectiveness and survivability.

The "Magician's Gloves" and "Sun Cross" were reserved by William for his own use. The ability of the Sun Path can restrain black magic and remnant souls. Rate.

It can be said that William is fully prepared.

And just as William and Hermione were leaving the Room of Requirement with their Extraordinary Items, they happened to run into Harry and Ron who wanted to go to the roof.

The two of them were wearing invisibility cloaks. If it weren't for the money from the heavens, William might not have been able to find them.

William walked past the two of them calmly, but he knew that neither he nor Hermione could escape, because Malfoy secretly reported to Professor McGonagall tonight, which caused Professor McGonagall to come to inspect in person.

If you don't use some means, it will be difficult to escape from Professor McGonagall's nose; but if you use your ability to escape, you may be noticed by Dumbledore who is watching here secretly.

So, the next day, the little wizards at Hogwarts discovered that Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw had deducted one hundred points, fifty points, and one hundred points respectively.

In this way, Hufflepuff, which was originally low-key, instantly became the closest academy to the Academy Cup.

Fortunately, since the beginning of school, William and Hermione have won a lot of extra points for Ravenclaw, so Ravenclaw ranked second with a five-point advantage, Slytherin ranked third, and Gryffindor ranked second. fourth.

If he didn't know in his heart that Dumbledore would help the Savior and Gryffindor cheat at the end of the term, William would really think that this year's Academy Cup might become Ravenclaw's pocket.

That night, Filch brought William, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Malfoy to Hagrid's hut, and handed them over to Hagrid who was standing at the door with a big dog. This is a punitive measure for their nocturnal excursions.

After arriving here, William and Hermione put up all their energy and carefully sensed the movement around them, for fear that Voldemort would hit the shadows unexpectedly.

Hagrid said "kindly":

"Recently, there have been some changes in the Forbidden Forest. We need to investigate carefully, and you should also be careful."

Malfoy looked at Hagrid, who was a half-blood giant, in disgust. As a pure-blood nobleman, he didn't want to stay with Hagrid.

Therefore, in the end, the crowd was divided into two groups, one group was Hagrid, Ron and Harry; the other group was Malfoy, William, Hermione and Hagrid's big dog.

Although Malfoy was unwilling, his dislike of Hagrid and Harry had the upper hand, so he was no longer willful, and obediently followed William to the Forbidden Forest.

It's not that Malfoy has changed his temper, but that when Malfoy used "Mudblood" to insult William, he was severely taught by William with a curse, and Malfoy, who realized that he was not William's opponent, was relieved. divided.

Several people followed behind "Yaya", suddenly Yaya yelled crazily at the bushes in front of him, as if there was something terrible inside.

William and Hermione fixed their eyes, and immediately knew what was going on ahead.

Hermione immediately used her "witch's necklace" to become invisible, and used the assassin's ability to hide in the shadows, ready to kill.

William, on the other hand, was calm and calm, and slowly pushed aside the grass, and found a black figure lying on the unicorn with silver blood all the time.

The black shadow also found William and Malfoy, stood up, and approached William and the others maliciously.


A gunshot came from William's mouth, but an air bullet in front of William quickly attacked the shadow, and its power was similar to that of a pistol.

Sensing the danger, the black shadow immediately dodged to the right, narrowly dodging William's air cannon.

But William didn't let the shadow go.He knew it was Voldemort, and he couldn't give him a chance to breathe, so he quickly cast a spell with the wand in his hand:
"Except your weapons!"

But Sombra is worthy of being Voldemort, he reacted extremely quickly, immediately raised his wand and shouted softly:
"Armor protection!"

Except that the light of your weapon was blocked by a layer of transparent armor, it didn't hit Sombra's body.

However, William snapped his fingers quietly with his left hand, waved his wand with his right hand and shouted in a low voice:

"Burning flames!"

Heiying heard the spell and was about to step forward to cast it to resist, but his feet suddenly slipped and fell to the ground in an instant, and the spell he was preparing was interrupted.

It was the "falling technique" that William secretly performed to make a contribution!
A huge fireball hit Sombra directly on the face, "Ahh..." Sombra let out screams.

(End of this chapter)

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