Time flies in the world of film and television

Chapter 344 Xie Hongzu's Grievance

Chapter 344 Xie Hongzu's Grievance
After exchanging pleasantries, Han Tao and Mr. Chen ended the topic one after another, and looked at Ye Jinyan together. Mr. Chen even talked about today's topic directly.

After Ye Jinyan heard what he said, he smiled and asked: "Okay, let's talk about business first, and we'll talk later. You just saw our Dongli house, how is it, is it okay?"

"It's not the first day we met, can your old Yejian's house be worse?"

Mr. Chen made a joke, then unbuttoned his suit, leaned on the sofa, and continued: "But after looking at it, it's the first set on the twelfth floor, the one with 420 square meters is better, because this I want to live in the house by myself."

Hearing Mr. Chen's words, Ye Jinyan turned to Yang Ke and said, "Mr. Yang, let them remember it!"

"Okay!" Yang Ke nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen is really sharp-eyed, this apartment type is the best in our place.

Its characteristic is that one door enters and it is divided into two households. This is very rare in other real estate. "

Seeing Mr. Chen looking at Yang Ke, Ye Jinyan suddenly reacted and said, "I almost forgot, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Yang of our company, who is in charge of the sales department!"

As he said that, Ye Jinyan stood up and pulled a chair for Yang Ke himself in order to show respect for his subordinates.

"Thank you Mr. Ye, I will come by myself,"

Seeing this, Yang Ke quickly took it by himself, and then sat beside Ye Jinyan.

Mr. Chen is Ye Jinyan's old friend. Seeing his performance, he said politely: "Mr. Yang, you have worked hard!"

Hearing what Mr. Chen said, Yang Ke responded with a reserved smile: "Mr. Chen is too polite, you should!"

Since today's purpose is to buy a house, or to cheer for friends, Mr. Chen didn't drag his feet, and decided directly:

"Let's just take the 12C set. It happens that my mother and wife live separately. It's convenient for everyone to live in peace. It saves me making plywood."

When Zhu Suosuo heard that Mr. Chen had chosen this house, he immediately pulled Yang Ke's arm with his hand. She had said that this house had already been delivered to Xie Hongzu.

So when he heard that Mr. Chen wanted to buy 12C, he wanted to ask Yang Ke to help him explain, but Yang Ke, who is so sophisticated, ignored Zhu Suosuo's reminder at all.

This made her a little anxious, and she looked at Han Tao again, but before she could express, Ye Jinyan said, "Old Chen, aren't you here to look?"

"Don't look at it. You Lao Ye asked me to look at the house. Is there any reason for me not to take it away? What's more, I can be neighbors with Lawyer Han. There is no reason to refuse."

Mr. Chen and Ye Jinyan are old friends for many years, and they have different business fields. There is no competition, so the relationship is very good.

Moreover, the two of them knew each other well. Han Tao helped Ye Jinyan keep the Kyoto branch and avoided a crisis as soon as he took office, so he also planned to get to know each other.

Entrepreneurs like them believe in professional people doing professional things. In recent years, large domestic companies have been strengthening the strength of their legal departments, or deepening cooperation with various large law firms, in order to avoid risks in advance.

But today he has other arrangements, and the time is not enough, so he can only wait for the next time to arrange a time to meet him, otherwise he will not be able to talk through in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen looked at the time and said, "That's it, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I'll leave first, and let the lawyer sign the contract in the afternoon."

"Okay, you are a busy person, you can only make an appointment to get together again!"

Ye Jinyan nodded and got up to see him off.

Seeing that Han Tao was also seeing him off, President Chen hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Lawyer Han, stay a little longer, we will be neighbors in the future, so don't be too polite. Later, Lao Ye has made arrangements. Let's have a good chat. I'm sorry today! "

"No problem, I'll wait for calls from Mr. Chen and Mr. Ye at any time. What's more, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, so we will keep in touch in the future!"

"Yes, Lawyer Han said it well, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and we will often move around in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Chen shook hands with Han Tao, and then walked out.

After Han Tao and Ye Jinyan sent him out together, Zhu Suosuo pulled Yang Ke and said, "Manager Yang, I promised Xie Hongzu this house and kept it for him. How can I explain to him now!"

"I don't know how to explain it. First, he didn't sign the contract, and second, he didn't pay the deposit. How do you keep it?"

Yang Ke was also a little helpless, Xie Hongzu was his first client for Zhu Suosuo, and now he has such a big oolong, he is also very embarrassed.

Hearing what she said, Zhu Suosuo said anxiously: "Then I'll call Xie Hongzu and ask him to sign the contract now."

"Don't you dare, that's Mr. Ye's friend. If you pry this house, we will be scolded, and Mr. Ye will lose face. No one can protect you, and the sales department will also suffer!"

"Then I'm going to break my promise. Although he didn't sign the contract, Mr. Chen didn't either. Someone must come first, first come first!"


While Zhu Suosuo and Yang Ke were talking, Han Tao followed Ye Jinyan to deliver Mr. Chen and returned to the lobby of the sales office.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit abnormal, Ye Jinyan thought it was because there were too few people visiting the house, so he looked at Yang Ke and said:
"Mr. Yang, Mr. Han and I have finished discussing the situation for you. Some of our acquaintances will come to see you in the afternoon. You should make a good reception. We will see you all show your talents in the future!"

Yang Ke responded with a smile: "Thank you Director Han and Mr. Ye, thanks to your support, we will leave the rest to us!"

"You're welcome!" Ye Jinyan smiled, turned to look at Zhu Suosuo who was frowning, and asked:
"Didn't you say Xie Jiayin's son, Xie Hongzu wants to buy a house? Why hasn't he come yet? Do you still want to buy it?"

"He has a problem at home, and he said he would come over later. But it's useless even if he comes, since he can't buy any more anyway."

Hearing Zhu Suosuo's low voice and unhappy expression, Ye Jinyan was a little curious: "I can't buy it, why?"

Zhu Suosuo said bluntly: "Because the house he fancy was just bought by your friend."

Hearing her answer, Ye Jinyan knew about Yuan Wei, so he looked at Han Tao, and then said with a smile, "Haha, did you miss your performance?"

Seeing that Zhu Suosuo still couldn't hold back, and was a little unhappy, Yang Ke hurriedly smoothed things over and said:

"No, Xie Hongzu said yesterday, but he still didn't come at this time today. I guess that's all he said. It's not sure if he will buy it or not. Thank you Mr. Ye and Mr. Han for opening the market today!"

Fan Jingang didn't understand Zhu Suosuo before, but later he found out that she was doing it for his best friend Jiang Nansun, but Mr. Ye's friends couldn't come to cheer him on, and he couldn't refute his face.

So after thinking about it again and again, he couldn't help persuading him: "Suosuo, don't think that a rich second generation like Xie Hongzu can live in it. He usually buys a sports car, eats and drinks well, but for such a big thing as selling a house, he still needs her." Mother Xie Jiayin nodded.

So don't get too entangled, Director Han has already placed the first order for you, so there is no need to worry about it, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Besides, even if he comes, this house won’t work and there are others. No. 12 is the building king, and the eighth to sixteenth floors are all of this type. If 12 and 16 are sold, let him choose other floors! "

"I know, but I've..."

Just as they were talking, everyone heard the roar of the engine coming from outside, and then they heard Xie Hongzu shouting: "Is anyone there? Miss Zhu, Xiao Zhu?"

After Zhu Suosuo heard it, he hurried over and greeted him: "Mr. Xie, I'm sorry, I just received customers!"

"I'm sorry, something was delayed before, I remember ordering 12c, right?"

"Mr. Xie, welcome!"

Hearing Xie Hongzu's words, Yang Ke who ran over greeted him, and then said:

"Suosuo said that you chose type C, right? This is the best type of apartment in Dongli. You can choose from the eighth to the fifteenth floor."

Xie Hongzu took off his glasses and said with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Yang, I have already made my choice, and I want 12C, I don't want to look at anything else."

"Mr. Xie, I suggest that it is good to choose the eighth and ninth floors, and the numbers are auspicious. Of course, the fifteenth floor is better, the air quality is better on the higher floors, and the view is wider!"

Hearing Yang Ke change the subject, Xie Hongzu understood that he also bought no less than twenty houses and knew what was going on, so he frowned and asked, "What's going on, did you sell it?"

Zhu Suosuo nodded apologetically: "Yes, I just sold it, I'm sorry Mr. Xie, I..."

"It's okay, let's sell it, let's contact you later, goodbye!"

After all, Xie Hongzu put on his glasses with a forced smile, said goodbye in an unnatural voice, and then turned and left directly.

At this time, Xie Hongzu felt uncomfortable, aggrieved, and a little frustrated. That night he drank with Zhu Suosuo in the model room. He admitted that it was for sex at first, but the later chat made him feel like a long-lost bosom friend.

Especially when he asked her to help in the end, Zhu Suosuo played the role of his girlfriend perfectly after he just confessed a few words.Even if he knew that Zhu Suosuo had a boyfriend, he still didn't give up the chance of dating.

However, he couldn't accept hearing that the house he was looking forward to was bought by others, because what he was looking at was not the house at all, but Zhu Suosuo, and in his own position, Zhu Suosuo was no longer a mere salesman.

Therefore, in Xie Hongzu's heart, it was his own goodwill to persuade his mother to settle in Dongli's house for Zhu Suosuo's sake. Now it seems that Zhu Suosuo, who was drinking and talking with him one day, was just pretending.

He told her so much from the bottom of his heart, including his grievances and dissatisfaction with his mother, but Zhu Suosuo still valued his own money.

And Xie Hongzu felt that besides himself, Zhu Suosuo also had a lot of customers, otherwise he would not have sold it by such a coincidence. This proved that he was cheated, and in the final analysis it was a transaction, and he was played like a clown, so he had no intentions at all. I was looking at other things, so I had no choice but to leave without looking back.


(End of this chapter)

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