Time flies in the world of film and television

Chapter 638 Chen Nanxing's Condition

At dusk, the sky is full of sunset glow, and a round of red sun is on the tea mountain behind Daishan Nursing Home, sprinkled with sunset glow all over the sky.

As soon as Andy got out of the car, he took the things he had prepared and went to find his younger brother Xiao Ming. After Han Tao and the others exchanged pleasantries with Dean Xiuyuan, they went straight to the small courtyard where Mr. Chen was.

Now the Daishan Nursing Home has a large scale. In addition to the conventional areas, there are also hot springs, foot art, training, and cultural and sports centers. Some high-level or better-conditioned people can also live in single-family Chinese-style courtyards and villas.

In particular, Daishan Nursing Home is surrounded by the sea on three sides. In the hospital, you can enjoy watching the sunrise through the window, listening to the sound of the waves while lying in bed, and experience the charm of the sea without leaving home. sex sanatorium.

After some greetings, Mr. Chen didn't make any detours. After all, Han Tao's identity was there, and he respected himself very much. Although the two of them didn't have much contact, they were very temperamental. Coupled with the relationship between Han Tao's grandparents, one old and one Small can be regarded as forgetful friends.

Therefore, after everyone sat down, Mr. Chen looked at a few people, and said straight to the point: "Miss Chen, although Xiao Han told me some of your basic conditions, our national doctors can only confirm the disease after hearing and asking, so I still have to I observed it myself, if you don’t mind, I’ll give you a pulse.”

"Mr. Chen, you are too polite. Speaking of which, I am still in the same family as you. You can call me Nan Xing or Xiao Chen. This time, I will cause trouble for you old man!"

Chen Nanxing did not hesitate, and while politely responding to Mr. Chen, he put his hand on the pulse pillow brought by a young lady. This girl is Mr. Chen's granddaughter, and she is a graduate student at the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. If she has time, she will come back and talk to Mr. Chen. study.

"Okay, change another hand!" Three or four minutes later, Mr. Chen asked Chen Nanxing to change another hand, and stretched out three fingers again to rest on Chen Nanxing's wrist:

"Miss Nan Xing, before the diagnosis, did you often suffer from sore back, loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea?"

Chen Nanxing nodded, and replied: "Yes, Mr. Chen, I have had this symptom for more than half a year, especially in the past two months, my appetite is not very good, and I always feel nauseous, and my back is sore from time to time. pain."

Mr. Chen withdrew his right hand, ended the pulse diagnosis, and continued with a firm tone: "Apart from nausea, did you first feel a dull pain in the upper abdomen area, and then developed a sore back, accompanied by loss of appetite and dry mouth?" Bitter, have you started to lose weight recently?"

Hearing Chen Lao's words, Chen Nanxing couldn't help Han Tao, Han Tao is really good, and the diagnosis result is similar to Chen Lao, so he nodded and said:

"Mr. Chen, you are very right. These are the symptoms. I always thought it was because I was too busy with work. I didn't expect to have such a terminal illness. After a round of chemotherapy in the hospital, I feel that it is better to die. It is too painful."

"Don't be pessimistic at a young age. Your condition was discovered early, and it's not a terminal illness!"

Chen Lao comforted Chen Nanxing in a gentle tone, and then continued under the expectant eyes of Xu Hongdou and Chen Nanxing:

"Traditional Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine for your situation. There is no such thing as pancreatic cancer in the intermediate level. In the dialectical method of Chinese medicine, you have the syndrome of stagnation of qi and blood.

As for the cause of the disease, it should be that you travel all year round, have irregular diet, and finally lose the spleen and stomach. If you actively cooperate with the treatment, there is still a high chance of recovery. "

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I will definitely cooperate actively, but I have always had a question. The doctor said that my condition is pancreatic disease. Why do you and Han Tao say that I have a problem with my spleen and stomach?"

"Let Qianqian answer this question for you, I'll go and think about the prescription!"

Hearing Chen Nanxing's words, Mr. Chen smiled slightly, and instead of responding to her personally, he motioned for his granddaughter to answer. In fact, this was also a test of his granddaughter's basic theories.

Chen Qian also understood what grandpa meant, and she had been fascinated by it since she was a child, and she was not stage-frightened, so she said directly:
"Sister Nan Xing, the most important characteristic of Chinese medicine in treating diseases is to seek the source of the disease, to find the essence of the disease and treat it, so Chinese medicine has never been to treat the head for the headache, and treat the foot for the foot!

We do not advocate random surgery to remove organs. In our traditional Chinese medicine, the human body is like a machine composed of many parts.

The normal work of each component is a normal life activity, and various external manifestations of life activities, such as breathing, heartbeat, complexion, emotion, joint movement, etc., must be based on the normal work of internal organs and meridians.

The internal viscera of the human body are centered on the five zang-organs, through the meridians and external bodies, such as tendons, arteries, muscles, skin, bones, and organs, eyes, tongue, mouth, nose, ears, etc. Which one, or which one has a lesion, will cause the overall imbalance.

And the so-called disease of a certain organ is by no means its own problem, but your problem appears on the pancreas.

In the theory of Chinese medicine, the pancreas belongs to the spleen, and the spleen governs the movement and transformation, so if there is a problem with the spleen, the movement and transformation will fail. Once the movement and transformation are blocked, there will be no nutrition and insufficient blood production, and the liver stores blood. Insufficient blood will lead to insufficient liver blood and blood stasis.

However, if the blood stasis stops for a long time, there will be pain in the upper abdomen area, which will gradually affect the lower back, resulting in pain when lying on the back, and you can sleep well with your legs bent before lying on your side. This is the manifestation of pancreatic disease with stagnation of qi and blood. . "

Except for Han Tao, Xu Hongdou, Chen Nanxing, and others were confused by Chen Qian's words, but they felt powerful, so Xu Hongdou restrained himself from asking:
"Doctor Chen, can Nan Xing's symptoms really be cured without surgery or chemotherapy?"

"You can just call me Xiaoqian. I haven't graduated yet and I haven't got a medical license, so I'm not a doctor!"

Chen Qian shook her head in embarrassment, and continued to explain: "Sister Hongdou, no one can guarantee this, but since my grandfather said that there is a high chance of being cured, as long as Sister Nan Xing actively treats it, it is fortunate that it was discovered early. The sooner a disease is treated, the better it will be cured.”

"Yeah, fortunately I discovered it early, and fortunately there is a national master like Mr. Chen who is willing to pick me up as a patient. After I was diagnosed, I wrote a suicide note. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet Han Tao and Mr. Chen, otherwise I really wouldn't know what I am. What should I do!"

"It's not that serious, it's just a matter of little effort."

Han Tao shook his head, looked at the watch on his wrist, and continued: "It's getting late, Mr. Chen needs to pay attention, and everyone is exhausted. Let's stop talking for today, and let's not bother Mr. Chen."

"Brother Han, then I will just you and the two older sisters. I guess Grandpa will have to think about a prescription for Nan Xing's situation. You guys go to bed early after eating, and we'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Mr. Chen can call you anytime if you have anything to do, I'll be here."

After finishing speaking, Han Tao got up to leave, Xu Hongdou and Chen Nanxing also got up to follow, Chen Qian smiled and walked them to the door, then waved goodbye.

"Don't send it away, go back, tell Mr. Chen not to be too tired, don't worry about this matter, Nan Xing and the others will stay here permanently, Mr. Chen can adjust the prescription at any time."

Han Tao urged Chen Qian again and again, emphasizing that Mr. Chen should not be in a hurry, because traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to individual treatment, and the prescription and dosage should be changed at any time according to the change of the condition.

After all, each patient's constitution is different, so Chinese medicine does not mention the name of the disease, and many treatments are not universal.

Even the classic prescriptions have to be dialectically added and subtracted. The reason is that the characteristics of different constitutions are also different. If the medication cannot be different from person to person, big troubles are likely to occur.
Even the same symptoms, but different constitutions have different prescriptions. If the deviation of the constitution is not understood, the doctor will often have deviations in treatment or health care.

What's more, it will lead to the opposite. This is a huge gap with Western medicine. It doesn't mean that you can eat whatever you have when you catch a cold, or cut it off if you have a disease, and then undergo chemotherapy, etc. These are two completely different directions.

After all, the living human body is an indivisible whole, and its internal conditions cannot be directly dissected. Therefore, external and local manifestations such as tissues and organs can be used to reflect the functional status of internal organs, so that correct diagnosis and treatment can be made.

Therefore, when Chinese medicine sees a doctor, it never advocates dismantling a certain organ or tissue, only seeing the part, but treating the person as a whole.

For example, dizziness and vertigo after getting angry, the location of the disease is not the head and eyes, but the liver as a whole, and the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin goes up from the soles of the feet to the liver, up to the eyes and the top of the head, so the treatment can completely treat headaches To treat the feet, take the Taichong point, an important point of the foot Jueyin liver meridian, to relieve liver fire and take effect.

Another example is the red, swollen and painful gums, which can often be treated by the Neiting acupoint on the foot, because the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming connects the feet, stomach, and gums as a whole during its circulation.

Therefore, the key to treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine is to start from the whole, connect the essence of the disease through what you see, and seek the root of the disease.In fact, Chinese medicine is not slow in treating diseases. As long as the right medicine is prescribed, the disease can be cured.

The reason why Chinese medicine is declining now is because of the frequent wars in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Western medicine surgery is indeed unique in dealing with trauma, but Chinese medicine also has surgery, but it has declined.

Otherwise, for 5000 years in China, how did the common people treat diseases when there was no western medicine?Isn't it all cured by Chinese medicine?

Let me talk about a very simple question. For sprains and ankles, Western doctors take a film and go home to raise them.

However, traditional Chinese medicine bone setting directly solves the problem. After the bone setting is completed on the spot, you can go to the ground.

Another example is TCM first aid. For myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, no matter acupuncture or Xinnao Enema Decoction, it can be used to treat coma caused by acute cerebrovascular disease, and it has a very good effect on awakening.

However, in the past hundred years, Chinese medicine has suffered from development difficulties. The reason is that, apart from the loss of some technical prescriptions caused by the turmoil, the suppression of Western medicine has dominated, and even the Chinese Medicine Code is made by Western medicine.

This has led to many houses being unusable. For example, aconite blindly medicine, because it is poisonous, the Pharmacopoeia requires that it should not exceed 30 grams, but many Chinese medicine prescriptions reach [-] grams. The reason for such prescribing is because other medicines can counteract sterilization. Pay attention to the monarch, his ministers and his assistants.

(Sorry family members, this article is a bit too much, and I feel a lot when I write about traditional Chinese medicine. The above is my personal opinion, please don't get too deep into it!)

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