The end of the world begins with failing an exam

Chapter 306 Residents of Black Star

Chapter 306 Residents of Black Star
Yan Que, who has completed the sequence promotion, has obviously changed more than Kai Nan. His long black and smooth hair has become as pale as moonlight, and many white spots of light have appeared in his irises.

"Successfully promoted?" Chen Jing asked.

Yan Que nodded and hummed, walked to Chen Jing and Kui Nan, holding the metal long staff tightly in his hand.

"I saw the Moon God." Yan Que whispered, although her voice was very soft, but the trembling tone was enough to prove the excitement in her heart, "The real Moon God!"

"Algoya?" Chen Jing looked at her curiously.

"Yes! She is the real moon god! Gehero is a false god!" Yan Que seemed to be immersed in the dreamy scene she had seen before, and the delicate, elegant and holy figure still appeared in front of her eyes, "Moonlight sequence The source of it is her! It's not that ugly monster Ghero at all!"

"Have you obtained any new powers?" Kui Nan walked up to Yan Que excitedly, putting his hands on her shoulders, "I have obtained an incredible ability!"

"I'm not bad." Yan Que's cold face showed a smile, and he blinked at Kui Nan and said, "I can control the original moonlight, and the moon god left me a relic..."

Saying that, Yanque slowly drew out the long sword hidden in the cane.

The blade that was originally as smooth as a mirror became uneven, like some kind of rough-made stone utensil, and the dark surface was very much like the moon rock of Ghero's body.

"Moon worm." Yan Que said softly, raised his hand and flicked his index finger lightly, and the layer of moon rock on the sword began to squirm continuously.

At this point, everyone discovered that this layer of moon rock-like material was not rocks, but insects the size of sesame seeds.

"Fuck, are you directly upgrading your equipment?" Kui Nan stared at the long sword in Yan Que's hand, staring at the long sword in Yan Que's hand, staring at it with envy, but she couldn't help showing off, raising her hands in front of Yan Que's eyes shake.

"You also have relics?" Yan Que was taken aback.

"Hmph, it's not the same as anyone else." Kui Nan snorted.

At this moment, the last giant cocoon in the underground cave also burst open.

Tsukano Kushiro walked out from inside in a particularly embarrassing condition, his face was so dark that it looked as if he had been smeared with two lumps of ashes.

He was coughing as he walked out, and his clothes were covered with a thick layer of black dust.

"It seems that everyone is going well! That's great!" Kushiro Tsukano walked to the side of the crowd, seeing that Kai Nan Yanque, who was promoted to the sequence with him, was safe and sound, he was happy but also a little depressed, "Why do you look so much better than me?" I'm your promotion ceremony very simple?"

"I'll just go in and post it for a while and then come out." Kui Nan replied truthfully.

"I'm similar to her, but there are many more pictures in my mind, like watching TV, and I come out after watching it." Yan Que nodded in agreement.

Hearing the answers of the two of them, Kushiro Tsukano couldn't help but sighed, his expression becoming more and more depressed.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him like this, Chen Jing couldn't help being a little curious, "Your promotion process was very difficult?"

"It's hard."

Tsukano Kushiro pointed to his head, and when he said these words, he looked scared.

"I saw many swords slashing at me. Maybe it was some kind of illusion, but the pain was real. In the end, I came to a red-burning stove, and many iron filings flowed along with the flames. I jumped on..."

"Hey, why are you so unlucky!" Kui Nan complained, "We are all old descendants of the same sequence, but your promotion is so much more difficult than mine. Did you offend the ancient god at the source of the sequence?"

"No way!" Tsukano Kushiro was taken aback, not expecting this possibility, "I don't even know him!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this..."

Chen Jing turned his head to look at the corpse-crying Zerg that kept climbing up the wall in the pool, and the more he looked at it, the more disgusting he felt.

"The highest bugs in there are only Sequence 4, and most of them are Sequence 3. Which of you will deal with them?"

"I me me me me!"

Kui Nan ran over bouncingly with her hands raised, as if she was afraid that Chen Jing would not let her go, and just after saying this, she jumped into the dry pool.

"I'll try it too."

Yan Que lightly waved the stick sword in her hand, and then the moonlight flashed, and the giant crow that was inseparable from her appeared in the white light.

The giant crow is different from the previous shape, the feathers around it have become as white as moonlight, and the body has become much larger than before.

When Yanque also jumped into the dry pool with Kai Nan, Tsukano Kushiro also finished his warm-up preparations.

"Aren't you going to play?" Tsukano Kushiro asked Chen Jing.

"You just go."

Chen Jing sat on the stone brick by the edge of the pool, looking tired, and yawned for a long time while talking.

"I don't like bugs, it's disgusting to be next to these things..."


Tsukano Kushiro smiled, and shook his arms violently, and a pair of shining thin long knives appeared in his hands.

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, isn't that what the saying goes?"

Accompanied by Tsukano Kushiro's laughter, he leaped forward, turning into a black light falling from the sky and falling into the swarm of insects.

As it turned out, the bugs were starving.

When the three of Kui Nan and the others rushed into the swarm, the worms that had climbed up the wall almost immediately turned around, sweeping towards the three of them like an overwhelming zerg tide.

"Yan Que has been promoted from Sequence 4 to Sequence 5, and Kui Nan has now been successfully promoted to Sequence 4. Tsukano Kushiro should be an old descendant of Sequence 3..."

Chen Jing sat lazily on the edge of the pool, with golden holy light beating faintly at his fingertips, ready to support them at any time.

"You said that I probably have to wait until the sequence number before I can kill that bastard Ghero?"

"Sequence 7."

"Just be the same as the old man?" Chen Jing felt a little surprised, "Don't you need to be promoted to Sequence 8?"

"The deep space sequence is different from other sequences. Sequence 7 is enough. Even at sequence 6, you can ignore Ghero's influence and rush into Eternal Night City to play around."

"He" spoke with a hint of arrogance, but the feeling of calmness and narrating the facts was convincing.

"The Yellow King was able to overwhelm an era with the deep space sequence, of course you can too, don't underestimate the power from deep space..."

When "he" said this, bursts of red and white light of different colors lit up at the bottom of the pool.

The white color comes from the moonlight of the sparrow.

And that disturbing scarlet light like blood comes from Kai Nan who has turned on the state of "Enchanted".

After the sequence is promoted.

Kui Nan's power "obsession" seems to have aroused all the violence in her heart.

compared to the other two.

She acted like a total beast.

Chen Jing couldn't help but look sideways at that violent and crazy aura.

Especially when she saw that she had smashed a dozen or so crocodile Zerg into a pulp with just one punch, Chen Jing felt that it was really not an ordinary old descendant's fist.

"Hahahaha! I am invincible and spicy!"


 The first update is coming~
(End of this chapter)

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