The end of the world begins with failing an exam

Chapter 461 Even a mortal can kill the Creator

Chapter 461 Even a mortal can kill the Creator
Before seeing the hint given to him by Mu.

King Huang had no idea what those creators wanted to do. He only knew that they seemed very anxious and kept using projections to ask the Deep Space Familia to bring him messages and ask him to return to the other world immediately to answer some questions...

So Huang Wang only felt a little strange, and he didn't know what the creators wanted to do to him. Maybe he was just asked to answer a question.

But after seeing Mu’s prompt.

But Huang Wang suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because he discovered that the timing of the Creator's suspension of the exam was too coincidental, just at the moment when the mystery of deep space was about to be solved!
One second before the exam is terminated.

He had just sensed that there seemed to be something hidden in the cracks of deep space, and was about to tear apart that dimension to take a look, but it turned out that the Creator had asked Yagertos to bring him there...

"Go and find the answer. That's the answer we both need. If you go out now, they will only kill you because you have touched the biggest taboo in the universe..."

Mu once again used the projection to send a message to King Huang.

And it was this message that directly made King Huang make up his mind. No matter how urged the creator from the outside world, he decided to go and take a look in the gap between dimensions, because his intuition told him...the ninth promotion sequence was hidden there. The ultimate secret!

He didn't know what the so-called answer was.

But he knew how far he was from sequence nine.

Even though King Huang is already the most powerful creature in the world, Sequence Nine still feels terribly far away to him, as if it is as difficult as evolving from an ant to a human.

So when I sensed that the answer was related to promotion sequence nine.

King Huang couldn't think anymore, not to mention Mu urging him.

"What the hell is it..."

Chen Jing stared intently at the figure of King Huang standing in the deep sky and flashing continuously.

In fact, he didn't know what Huang Wang was doing. He only saw Huang Wang tearing open the space in front of him with a wave of his hands. In the endless dimensional turbulence... Huang Wang stared at the light spot in the distance in a daze.

That spot of light was strange.

Like a ball with dazzling light.

But if you look closely, it looks like a rhombus geometry.

It rotated quietly in the vast turbulence of dimensions, like some kind of prop used for hypnosis. Chen Jing just stared at it for a while and then felt that his brain was dizzy and his consciousness became inexplicably blurred.

at this time.

Huang Wang, who had always had his back turned to Chen Jing, suddenly turned around and saw the audience hundreds of millions of years later as if through deep space.


King Huang saw him.

Chen Jing firmly believed this.

Because the look in Huang Wang’s eyes made it very obvious...

I saw you, you don’t have to hide it.

"How did King Huang find me???" Chen Jing only had this doubt in his mind, and felt a little horrified for no reason. After all, to him, this was just a memory of others, a video documentary from hundreds of millions of years ago.

So how could the people in the documentary find me, the audience, through the "screen"? !
Just when Chen Jing was about to seek "his" help, Huang Wang, who had been staring at him intently, suddenly turned around and let out a long sigh.

next second.

King Huang's body turned into countless golden light particles and poured into the dimensional turbulence.

It's not like he entered on his own initiative.

Instead, it seems to have been sucked into the dimensional turbulence.


This space wound opened between the dimensions quickly healed, and the deep space became empty again, like a place of death without any signs of life.

"Did King Huang discover us just now?"

Hearing the slightly horrified voice of "him" in his mind, Chen Jing nodded subconsciously and said it seemed so.

"That look is very determined... He may have seen us..." Chen Jing murmured, "What on earth is going on... How could he see us hundreds of millions of years later..."

Although "he" had completed the exam in another world and could be considered well-informed in the true sense, this kind of thing was really beyond "he"'s imagination, and he couldn't even understand how King Huang did it.

"Did you see the luminous body hidden in the dimensional turbulence just now?" "Yes."

"That thing is weird."

As he spoke, "his" voice gradually trembled, as if he had discovered something terrible.

"That is the traceable origin of deep space. I have sensed its existence before, but no matter how hard I look for it, I can't find it. In addition to the unique aura of deep space, it seems to also carry something else. thing……"

Just when "he" was telling this almost forgotten past event.

The scene in front of Chen Jing's eyes changed rapidly.

Switched directly to the outside world.


"The king has not responded to our calls."

Yegetos stood at the forefront of the deep space undead army. He carried the cross sword that had been blessed by the Yellow King on his back, and looked at the phantom giants standing in the mountains thousands of kilometers away.

Hearing this, the surrounding immortals looked at each other in confusion, with particularly nervous expressions on their faces. They seemed to be afraid that something might happen to King Huang, because this kind of disconnection had never happened before.

Just at this time.

The projection in front of Jegertos and the many undead species changed again.

From those few words urging them to contact King Huang, it suddenly turned into a countdown, and the threat from the Creator also followed.

"If the countdown ends and King Huang still doesn't show up, then we will start clearing this plane of creatures..."

When the countdown starts.

The old kings who were divided on the east and west sides of the army gathered around. The fastest person among them was the tall and thin cunning god Tilingtur, who was dressed as fancy as a clown.

"Yegthos! Where is your king?!"

"could not be reached."

"Stop joking! We can't contact him at this time! We are all going to die!"

"Yes, Yagertos, as a close associate of the Yellow King, you must have a way to contact him, right?!"

"I have tried all methods, but I really can't contact you. The connection between the family members seems to have been disconnected..."

The countdown to zero is getting closer and closer, and this feeling of panic is gradually spreading.

"Yegetos! You must think of a way quickly! If it doesn't work, ask Noto and the others to go back to deep space to find the Yellow King first!"

"We can't open the door to deep space."

"Damn!! If King Huang doesn't come, everyone will die!! You should also know the seriousness of this matter!!!"

"What's the noise..."

A giant in armor walked out of the crowd, speaking in an extremely impatient tone.

Seeing this guy whose armor was as scarlet as blood, all the old kings couldn't help but quiet down, because everyone knew that he was a madman, and that the man who yawned next to him...

"Moore, as the King of War and the Father of Slaughter, you should know that we have no chance of winning against those creators. No matter how dissatisfied we are, we can only do what they say first... We must find the Yellow King!"

"What are you afraid of?"

The man who spoke was standing next to Moore, looking decadent and yawning.

"The worst case scenario is death. What are you afraid of?"

Hearing what he said, the other old kings almost laughed in anger, but few of them dared to laugh in front of him. After all, he was a famous madman and a rotten man, a humanoid who only knew destruction and killing. Disaster.

"It's almost zero..."

Yegetos looked at the countdown in front of him silently. Although he appeared extremely calm in front of everyone, only he knew how panicked he was, because he knew the consequences of not being able to contact the Yellow King... The threat from those creators was absolutely No joke!


Where on earth are you...

(End of this chapter)

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