The end of the world begins with failing an exam

Chapter 483 The palace hanging in the sky

Chapter 483 The palace hanging in the sky
The news that Chen Bofu was seriously injured and his strength declined was known to the whole world. The Moonlight Hermitage was indeed contributing to this. After all, it was a good thing for everyone that the old madman was seriously injured, and it could also make countless losers. Shaken faith.

Are deep space resuscitators scary?


But at present, his strength is nothing to major organizations and sects.

All he had to do was send out high-level descendants to kill him with great certainty.

The only difficulty is how to find him.

Oh no.

In fact, there is another difficulty...

Chen Bofu.

Although there is no force behind Chen Boxu, judging from his strength, he can be regarded as a force by himself.

At first.

When Chen Bofu and Randolph traveled around the world.

There was a lot of fighting and killing along the way.

Especially the lunatic Chen Boxu.

He is not like other people who are hesitant to look forward and backward, hit when he encounters something he doesn't like, and kill anyone he doesn't like... As for the force and background behind the other party, these are all nonsense in Chen Bofu's eyes!

"The worst case scenario is death. My happiness is the most important thing!" This was Chen Boxu's mantra when he first traveled around the world.

without any exaggeration.

All the major organizations and sects in the world today have dealt with Chen Boxu, and they have dealt with Chen Boxu in a hands-on and practical way, so they know very well what kind of strength this old madman has, and they know even more about his character of retribution.

Offend him?

The premise is that you must be sure that you can kill him.

Once you are not sure, or let him run away when you do it, then just wait, big trouble is coming!

A moving humanoid scourge.

This title is no joke.

Therefore, without absolute certainty, no one is willing to offend this old lunatic first. He doesn’t understand what it means to take a step back and the world will be brighter, let alone what it means to be a man who knows the current affairs. If he really makes him anxious, anything could happen. occur.

In the words of a certain deceased "sage".

Chen Bofu is a fucking lunatic!
Why is it that the hunt for deep space resuscitators has always been loud but not rainy?

Yes, the reason lies with Chen Boxu.

Even though [Moonlight Hermitage] has been publicizing that "Don't be afraid because Chen Bofu is seriously injured and his strength has dropped.", many people still choose to keep a low profile and wait and see. No one, including the alchemists of the research association, wants to do anything without absolute certainty. Under the premise, he rashly sent people to die.

The Priory said he was seriously injured?

Who would believe it.

If he recovers from his injuries, wouldn't it be the same as asking for death if we go to trouble his grandson?

Do you really think that everyone with Sequence Seven can have a [-]-[-] draw with him?
"It took a lot of effort for the outside world to believe that Chen Bofu was seriously injured. After waiting and watching for such a period of time, the old man's low profile really gave many people confidence, especially those losers... Therefore, Chen Bofu's recovery of strength cannot be spread outside. .”

"Then we will tolerate the losses we suffered this time?"

"You won't suffer any loss if you go out to have sex?"


Recalling the conversation between the Pope and himself, Bishop Sati suddenly realized how stupid he was.

Remind outsiders that Chen Bofu's strength has recovered?

This is not beneficial at all!

Since we have suffered losses before, it is better for everyone to suffer losses once. What’s more, the Hanging City’s heritage is richer than that of the Hermitage. Taking this opportunity to make them suffer a big loss is like this. .

"Let's wait and see."

The Pope on the throne slowly closed his eyes and said calmly.

"We will wait for new news from the research meeting to determine the next step..."



Compared to the malicious "peace" of Yongye City, the atmosphere here in Hanging City is much more lively.

After hijacking the signal to determine the coordinates.

[Turing Research Association] also decrypts the information contained in the signal.Maybe it's because the signal is too blurry.

What was decrypted was only an incomplete message.

To be precise, the research association only decrypted four words.

Chen Jing.

Deep space.


When Jiutian Yingyuan Palace went to the target point to investigate, the research association was unable to determine whether the information was really related to Chen Jing. They lowered the space-based weapons below the "pollution layer" in the hope that there would be no chance of success. A one-shot mentality.

since this time.

They have made attempts like this more than once.

But they are almost always useless.

After all, news about deep space resuscitators is widely circulated around the world. Occasionally, communications mixed with "deep space information" are hijacked, and most of them are sent by "friendly forces."

But definitely not this time.

The reason is also very simple.

First, the source of the signal is not within the coverage of "friendly forces".


When Jiutian Yingyuan Palace crosses the "pollution layer".

High-definition video captured simultaneously through the camera.

Everyone saw Chen Jing's accomplices.

Lawrence, Lane.

We even saw a criminal who had long been wanted by the research association... Hassad!


In the hidden place of Hanging City.

The ancestral home Lihentian is located in the digital virtual space.

Countless alchemists were summoned by the "Tianzun".

This includes Li Mobai, a rising star who is regarded by countless predecessors as Turing's successor.


At this moment, Li Mobai was like other alchemists, sitting cross-legged in the endless front courtyard square, looking at the live broadcast on the holographic screen in the sky. Under his calm expression... he was filled with uncontrollable uneasiness and anxiety. .

When he heard from his master that the Research Institute had found traces of deep space resuscitators, his first reaction was to contact Chen Jing for confirmation, but unfortunately he was unable to contact him due to system maintenance. In the end, he could only rack his brains to think of other ways to try.

But before he could come up with a solution.

Turing's summons is here.

Since this time was a call for all the alchemists, Li Mobai had no choice but to refuse. He could only follow his master and other brothers to start the fugue, enter the digital virtual space and come to the Ancestral Court of Lihentian.

"My dear disciple, this is a war that will be recorded in history..." The old Taoist sat next to Li Mobai, looking at the picture on the holographic screen, with a fanatical expression on his face, "When the picture The spirit destroys the deep sky... This can prove that our choice is correct... Since our way is the way of the higher good..."

"Where is the deep space resuscitator?" Li Mobai asked calmly, his pupils tightened as he kept scanning the buildings in the picture, wanting to find that familiar figure, but definitely not wanting to find that familiar figure.

"Maybe in the house."

The old Taoist laughed loudly, recited "Blessings and Turings", and then raised his hand to point to the building on the screen.

"Jiutian Yingyuan Palace is conducting breath detection on the target building. If nothing unexpected happens, the final sanctions will come soon..."

The old Taoist was talking to himself and did not notice the strange twinkle in Li Mobai's eyes.

"We will destroy it all."

The old Taoist said softly, full of confidence in the Jiutian Yingyuan Palace hanging high in the sky, and firmly believed that its final sanction could destroy the source of the disaster in deep space.

"Can final sanctions really kill deep space resuscitators?" Li Mobai asked expressionlessly.

The old Taoist didn't hear any other meaning, let alone the trace of fear hidden between the lines of Li Mobai's emotionless words.

"of course can."

The old Taoist said with a smile, his expression becoming more and more enthusiastic.

"Child, the next era... is destined to be the era of Turing!"

(End of this chapter)

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