The end of the world begins with failing an exam

Chapter 510 Kakosha of the Western Continent

Chapter 510 Kakosha of the Western Continent
Humans are creatures that are good at blaming others for their own mistakes.

Whether they are normal people or ancient descendants.

They all seem to have this characteristic.

The alchemists in Hanging City are notorious for being petty and vindictive.

In addition, they are also famous for being arrogant, and judging from Li Mobai's description, these alchemists are actually a bunch of bastards who think highly of themselves.

In the eyes of outsiders, these alchemists never regard ordinary people as human beings, but the actual situation is even more exaggerated than this... In the eyes of these alchemists, except for the Turing Familia of the Research Association, other creatures are garbage. They are all lower races that will be abandoned by the avenue of evolution sooner or later.

This includes the monks from [Moonlight Hermitage].

If it weren't for the huge threat of deep space, the alchemists of the research association would never form an alliance with those monks.

Because from the bottom of their hearts, the alchemists despise those useless people playing with the moonlight, and those bullshit Gherro...

A waste that has been floating in the sky for so many years and has never come down, how dare he call himself a god?
To know.

Turing and Buddha Mother came to the world a long time ago.

While these two families were developing rapidly, Gehro was still hiding in the sky playing tricks!
"Tianzun, I suspect that the monks from the monastery have concealed a lot of information from us, which is why today's operation failed..."


"The information the Priory gave us is completely inconsistent with what we saw today... This is deception! A naked deception of our allies!"


"I suggest you put aside the conflict with the Deep Space Resurrectionists for the time being, and go to the Priory to ask for clarification first. I believe everyone has heard the old saying that when fighting against foreigners, you must first make peace with yourself, leaving such an unreliable ally behind. …Who dares to rest assured?”

When the old alchemist who spoke finished speaking, everyone looked up at Turing, waiting for the true god on earth to make the final decision... If Turing had given a clear instruction to find trouble with the Hermitage, none of the alchemists would say anything. Without saying a word, I'm afraid the war between Hanging City and Yongye City will start today.

"Actually, some time ago, I received a tip from Yongye City, saying that Yongye City seemed to have been hit by some external force... but how exactly was it hit and who was injured? This information is being kept secret by the Priory."

"Tianzun, do you suspect that Chen Jing and his group did it?"

Turing did not answer. After thinking for a moment, he changed the topic.

"The monastery has not replied to our letter. They have neither rejected the alliance proposal nor agreed to the alliance..."

"A bunch of losers." Someone sneered.

"Do not."

Turing's huge face is constantly squirming, tens of thousands of pixel squares are rapidly changing their positions, as if they are in some kind of computing state, and the strangely protruding eyeballs are faintly glowing.

"In the old days, there was neither hatred nor conflict between the Buddha Mother and Deep Space. Moreover, after the Deep Space Resurrectionist appeared, no information related to Deep Space was sent from Jiridu... Maybe they just don't help each other. "

"Isn't that just a wallflower..." the old man next to the Turing Altar said.

"You do not understand."

Turing shook his head slowly, his tone calm but helpless.

"They just don't care about anything. Who loses or wins has no impact on the Buddha Mother. What's more, judging from the information we got, Chen Jing is not the kind of madman who is keen on conquest. If he is smart enough, he should Build a good relationship with the temple..."

The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested.

When Turing said these words, the alchemists present...especially the older people who had helped the research association develop step by step, all began to look at each other.

According to what Tianzun said, the temple is probably not a supporter of the Anti-Deep Space Alliance, and there is a high chance that it will move closer to Chen Jing's side... But now the situation is not clear enough, and the temple does not clearly support the deep space resuscitators. "Tianzun, how about we go talk to the higher-ups of the temple?"


"They can best help us. If they don't want to, it's okay to not help each other..."

The old alchemist who spoke turned around and looked at everyone. The yin and yang fish in his eyes kept rotating. His arms, as clear as white jade, exuded a soft light, and patterns like talismans were circulating under its bionic skin.

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, we must not fall out with the temple. If we accidentally force them into the deep space team... we will be in big trouble!"

"It's enough for you to worry about these things." Turing lowered his eyes and said calmly, "You are the president, and it is up to you to decide these small things. I have more important things..."

When the "Wandering Meeting" in Lihentian is coming to an end.

Everyone in the Western Wasteland has lost their patience, especially Chen Jing's grandfather Chen Boxu. He always looks restless and extremely worried.

On the rooftop of the walled city.

Chen Bofu sat on the edge of the ruins of the building, raised his hand to pick up a piece of broken stone and threw it downstairs. When he heard the muffled sound of falling to the ground, he picked up another piece... The old man kept repeating this boring action, as if Consider this a pastime.

"Don't smash it."

Lawrence slumped to the side half-dead. Although Qiao Youning, a miracle doctor from the monastery, helped treat his injuries, these few hours were not enough for him to fully recover.

"You've almost built a small hill downstairs. It's really a waste of time..."

"Old man, are you too cowardly to come and take care of me?" Chen Bofu frowned and looked back at Lawrence, "Isn't it because I haven't beaten you in a few days that your skin is itchy again?"

"Grandpa Chen, Ajing will be fine."

Qiao Youning was standing next to Chen Boxu.

She also cared deeply about Chen Jing's only relative, fearing that the old man would not be able to think too hard and get into trouble.

"Ajing won't do that kind of unsure thing, and both Yergetos and Baiaji are fine. Maybe he is still busy."

Although Chen Bofu knew that the little girl was trying to comfort him, it had to be said that it had some effect. At least Chen Bofu felt a little better.

"Why hasn't he come back yet..." Chen Bofu grabbed his snow-white afro, with a worried look on his face, "I should have stayed there and waited for him... I shouldn't have listened to that bastard..."

"He is facing an ancient god."

Hearing this voice, Chen Boxu subconsciously looked back and saw Gu Shenxi standing in the corner of the rooftop, looking in the direction of Chen Jing.

"Dealing with the ancient gods is not that easy. It is normal to spend a little more time."

"Why don't you help me go take a look..." Chen Boxu looked at Gu Shenxi longingly, "You are my dear grandson's good friend, please help me!"

Hearing this, Gu Shenxi could only helplessly shake his head.

"I told you, I can't leave Xi'an University... huh?!"

Gu Shenxi was suddenly startled and suddenly looked downstairs, his tone becoming excited.

"That kid is back!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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