The end of the world begins with failing an exam

Chapter 531 The Umbilical Cord of the Buddha Mother

Chapter 531 The Umbilical Cord of the Buddha Mother
Chen Boxu originally planned to fall out directly, because after listening to Chen Jing's story, he suddenly felt like he had been tricked by these thieves.

Although Chen Bofu had always thought highly of them, at least he felt that these monks were quite shameless and couldn't do things like stabbing people in the back...

"You don't necessarily want to harm us." Chen Jing finally persuaded the old man who was about to get angry. "We can just ask Erga directly during the banquet."

Facts have proved that the old man still listened to his obedient grandson. At least for the time being, he was persuaded by Chen Jing.

However, Chen Bofu's overall vigilance has reached an unprecedented height, and it seems that he no longer has any trust in the temple.

When following the elder to the [Buddha Mother Hall] for the banquet, Chen Jing was also chatting quietly with the old man, expressing that he did not understand the customs here in Jizhou City.

It's possible to hold a banquet and have late-night snacks in the middle of the night, and the place for late-night snacks can actually be placed in the main hall of the temple dedicated to the Mother of Buddha...

Think about it.

Both Chen Jing and the old man felt that the purity of this group of monks' faith was too low, and could not even compare to the group of monks in Yongye City.

After all, judging from Chen Jing's understanding of the monks, if someone dares to say that they want to go to the church where they worship Gheluo for supper, it is estimated that those monks will turn against you directly.

Arrive at the banquet hall.

Chen Jing found that it was even quieter than during the day.

Except for Ega who was sitting in the main seat, the other elders did not show up...

"Where are your younger brothers?" Chen Bofu walked in first without hesitation, and while asking questions in a rude tone, he carefully looked at the environment in the hall, as if he was wondering whether the temple was planning an ambush and a sneak attack, "I haven't even eaten yet. If you don’t come, where will you die?”

"They are getting ready." Erga smiled and warmly greeted Chen Jing and the others to take their seats.

Hearing the dull sound coming from behind, Chen Jing subconsciously glanced back before taking his seat, only to find that the palace door had been closed.

Compared with the last time they came here, the [Buddha Hall] seemed darker at this moment. Only the candle in front of the seated statue of the Buddha was still swaying silently, and the other ever-burning lamps had been extinguished.

After taking a seat.

Chen Jing smelled the aroma that hit his nose, lowered his head and took a casual look, only to find that the delicacies in the temple were very similar to Chinese dishes in the real world, and the exquisite presentation was almost as good as a state banquet...

“The meat is good, quite fresh.”

Chen Bofu was already using his chopsticks at this moment. He picked up a piece of meat as thin as a cicada's wing and had a scarlet color, then put it into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

"This meat still has some residual energy...where did it come from?"

"Picked from the tree," Erga replied with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Chen Boxu's chopsticks immediately stopped in mid-air, but he quickly put it on the plate, took a piece, and continued to eat slowly.

Only Chen Jing didn't move his chopsticks and looked at Ega in surprise... Picked from a tree?
"I have heard before that there are many strange things growing on the holy mountain of your temple. Among them is a strange tree that can grow 'human fruit'. The fruit is three feet long and two feet wide, and looks like a fat man. Like a doll..."

As he spoke, Chen Bofu paused, and a mocking smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Not to mention, this thing looks meaty but is actually vegetarian. You, the vegetarians in the temple, are really practicing eating..." Chen Bofu saw that Chen Jing didn't move his chopsticks, so he took the initiative to pick up a piece of fried and delicious food for him. Scarlet Pulp said, "Ega, aren't you a little rude if your disciples and disciples don't come to accompany you?" "Actually, I won't let them come." Erga sighed, "I am the only one who can talk to you about business. "

"Well... Speaking of which, I just have something to ask you." Chen Bofu was not afraid that these bald donkeys would poison his food, so he ate and chatted on his own, "My grandson went to meet me underground in Jiju Capital before. As for the Buddha Mother, he found something strange about the Buddha Mother..."

Chen Bofu spoke in an extremely relaxed tone, as if chatting with an old friend about trivial matters. He recounted the scene Chen Jing saw in a few words.

Hearing Chen Bofu say that Chen Jing saw those strange threads, Erjia was obviously stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Jing with a suspicious look.

"I didn't expect that I really underestimated can actually see the Buddha Mother's umbilical cord?!"

"The umbilical cord?"

Chen Jing and the old man looked at each other, but this was the first time they heard about this thing.

"Actually, I don't want to hide anything... This is not to harm you... From a certain perspective, this is a gift from the Buddha..."

As Erjia spoke, he raised his hand and waved it gently. As the candlelight in front of the Buddha statue swayed left and right, the "umbilical cord" rooted in Chen Jing's chest instantly appeared... Chen Jing and the old man could only see it. About half a meter, it seems to be translucent, and it is looming near the end, which is very unreal.

"Jihui is the territory of the Buddha Mother. All creatures that appear here will receive the gift of the Buddha Mother and are connected to the Buddha Mother's body through the umbilical cord, thus receiving a steady stream of vitality..."

According to Erga.

This is actually one of the biggest secrets of the temple, and of course it can also be regarded as the secret of Jiju City... The umbilical cord of the Buddha Mother is not only a supreme gift, but also the cornerstone of this troubled land.

"The vitality of the Mother Buddha is endless, so it is not stingy about it. Any creature connected to it through the umbilical cord can receive the 'nourishment' continuously delivered by the Mother Buddha... Therefore, in Jiridu City, even the smallest Ordinary human beings can always maintain a 'blissful state' of full qi and blood, free from all diseases, and their life span is much longer than that of humans in the outside world."

"No harm?" Chen Jing asked.

"I'm curious?" Chen Bofu sneered.

Erjia took the initiative to ignore Chen Boxu's complaints and smiled and said to Chen Jing that of course there was no harm in it. This was a generous gift that the Buddha's mother would give to the world only because of her compassion.

"A generous gift to the crab..." Chen Jing muttered, and suddenly raised his hand to grab the looming "umbilical cord." Under Erga's disbelieving eyes, he grabbed the tail end of the "umbilical cord" and slowly pulled it away. Withdrew from his body.

"This thing should be two-way... Since the Buddha Mother can give the world infinite vitality... naturally it can also be taken back with benefits... and if something happens to the Buddha Mother's body... I am afraid that the entire Jishi City will be affected. All living things will be affected..."

"You...can you touch the umbilical cord of the Buddha Mother?" Erjia felt that he could not see through this deep space resuscitator more and more, because the Buddha Mother's umbilical cord did not exist in a physical state, even as the leader of the temple, he None of them can be touched.

"It's just a trick to play with the laws of dimensions, but no wonder it can pass through the seal and come to the outside world..."

After Chen Jing took off the Buddha Mother's umbilical cord with a normal expression, in an instant, a new umbilical cord appeared out of thin air. Just like the previous one, it was pierced deep in his heart and only half of it was left outside...

This immediately left Chen Jing speechless. He thought to himself: Why can't this thing be shaken off like a curse?
Chen Boxu on the side was also stunned. He couldn't help but look back at Erjia, and he was already thinking about whether to slap his big mouth with his left hand or his right hand first.

"Ejia, it would be a bit shameless for the Buddha Mother in your temple to play like this. Isn't this just like a cow that doesn't drink water and forces its head to be pressed... How can you rush to apply dog ​​skin plaster on people!?"

(End of this chapter)

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