Chapter 197 Sending the Advance Army to the Wa Kingdom to Depart!

"Remember this thousand-man team. When you get to the place, you'd better not play tricks. My Ming's sergeant is not brought to you to fight for power and profit."

"If the important event is delayed, I will use you to light sky lanterns."

It should be outside Tianfu.

After the discussion in the imperial study room last time, the benevolent prince Zhu Biao finally agreed to bring a thousand guards to the envoys of the Yoshida family.

And each of these thousand guards is an elite specially trained during this period of time.

Not only can he skillfully use the latest flintlock guns, grenades and other hot weapons, he is also an elite cavalry and infantry fighter.

And the leader who leads these people is a young general: Zhang Yu.

After warning the envoys of the Yoshida family, Chu Ze came to Zhang Yu's side.


Seeing Chu Ze walking towards him, Zhang Yu didn't call him an adult, but respectfully called him Mr.

This time, he was able to lead the team to the Wa country as the advance party, thanks to Chu Ze's word that he identified him. Zhang Yu can be said to be full of gratitude to Chu Ze at this time.

When he saw Chu Ze walking towards him, before Chu Ze came close, he jumped off his horse and came to Chu Ze and bowed.

"Zhang Yu, you must remember on this trip, these Japanese people are unreliable, so be vigilant."

"When you take this group of brothers to a foreign country, you must ensure the completion of the mission and the safety of the brothers."

"Be careful along the way, and try to remember the route. In the future, when the army marches in, you may need to guide them."

"When you get to the place, use your brain more, don't be used as a gun."

"There are still things that should be said and should not be said, and I have a good idea in my heart."

"If the situation requires it, you can make up your own mind."

Chu Ze was very confident in Zhang Yu's fighting ability.

After all, in later generations, in the battle of Jingnan launched by Yongle, Zhang Yu shined brilliantly and was quite famous.

Chu Ze was very relieved to let him lead the team as the advance.

"Sir, please don't worry, your subordinates can issue a military order. If something goes wrong, Zhang Yu will come to see you."

"It's not that serious. After arriving in Wa Kingdom, if the Patriarch of the Yoshida family is unwilling to cooperate, then take advantage of the situation and push those bastards up."

"If something unexpected happens, the priority is to ensure the safety of the brothers. Prepare for the follow-up army. This is the most important thing."

After explaining to Zhang Yu again, Chu Ze took out an imperial decree from his sleeve.

Then it was secretly handed over to Zhang Yu.

"There is His Majesty's seal on the imperial decree. After we go, if the head of the Yoshida family is willing to cooperate with us, write his name on it. If he is not willing, you can write one on it yourself."

"You will be in charge on your behalf, and the vassal's will will be read out there."

"If there are accidents in the entire Yoshida family, Wuxi will keep his hand and kill them all, regardless of age."


After listening to Chu Ze's explanation, Zhang Yu accepted the imperial edict he handed over with a solemn expression.

After explaining everything, Chu Ze looked at the envoys of the Yoshida family again.

These guys swallowed subconsciously when facing Chu Ze's gaze.

"What are you still doing stupidly? Let's go when you're ready. Do you still want me to see you off?"

"No, no, it's really troublesome, sir!"

"Yes, yes, we're going, we're going!"

"This general also asks you to open the way."


Zhang Yu looked at the Japanese envoy who nodded and bowed in fright just by Chu Ze's words, and a contemptuous smile flashed across his mouth.

After saluting Chu Ze with a solemn face, he got on his horse.

"set off!"

Looking at the gradually marching army, Chu Ze, who was just outside the city gate, couldn't help flashing a frenzy in his eyes.

He didn't know how long he had been waiting for this day.

After watching them leave completely, Chu Ze returned to the city contentedly.

However, he originally planned to return to the palace to return to his life, but he was "encountered" by someone on the way.

"You just go back and report back to His Royal Highness, I won't go."

After Chu Ze noticed the familiar figure not far ahead, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then told the palace guards around him to return to their orders.

And he himself walked in another direction with his personal guards.

Although Chu Ze said that his official position was not high, the palace guards also knew that his status was extremely special, so they did not question Chu Ze's order.

After saluting to Chu Ze, they followed Chu Ze's arrangement and drove towards the palace together.

As for Chu Ze, after wandering around the bustling streets of Yingtian Mansion for a while, he seemed to have unknowingly stopped before a very high-end restaurant.

"Arrange for the brothers to go in and eat something. I have been running with me for a day today, and the brothers have worked hard. You can eat and drink whatever you want! Today is all on my head."

Looking at the high-end restaurant in front of him, Chu Ze waved his hands generously to the guards behind him.

After finishing speaking, he led everyone directly into the restaurant.

After letting the guards make arrangements by themselves, he walked silently to the private room on the second floor of the restaurant.

And in the aisle, after discovering that Chu Ze had set foot on the second floor of the restaurant.

Xiao Er, who had been waiting outside the aisle, hurried over to say hello

"Sir, this way please!"

The little girl didn't ask him what he was going to do, and directly led Chu Ze to a private room. After knocking on the door twice, there was a slight coughing sound from the private room. .

After hearing the voice, the waiter in the shop led Chu Ze to push the door in.

And when Chu Ze stepped into the private room, Xiao Er also hurriedly withdrew, and closed the door smoothly.

"Nephew Chu Ze, you seem to be quite busy recently!"

"Look at what you're talking about, Uncle Hu! I'm just hanging out and helping out with errands occasionally."

Chu Ze looked at Hu Weiyong who was sitting in the private room, as if he didn't notice the gloomy look on his face at this moment.

He smiled and sat directly opposite Hu Weiyong.

And Hu Weiyong looked at Chu Ze who was still smiling and seemed to be very close to him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Before he could speak, Chu Ze spoke to him mysteriously.

"Uncle Hu, I reckon, I might be promoted again recently!"

"Uncle Hu must also know that some time ago, I, Ming Dynasty, sent a group of people to the country of Wa, and those envoys were slaughtered."

"But this time, the Wa kingdom seemed to know that it was wrong or something, and sent another group of envoys to Daming. This time, I was the one who arranged the whole process."

"Now this matter has come to an end. After this matter is settled, my nephew, I'm afraid I will have to move again!"

At this time, Chu Ze seemed to be a little proud of his spring breeze, as if he was full of ambition and forgot about his actions.

The words are full of showing off.

He didn't notice at all that Hu Weiyong, who was sitting opposite him, had an extremely ugly expression at this moment.

"Nephew, I'm afraid you have forgotten something, right? The two of us seem to have some business dealings with the Japanese country. Have you forgotten about it?"

"Ah? This shouldn't affect it.. I heard from the Japanese envoys that the territory of the Japanese country is in chaos! They came to surrender this time, and they deliberately asked the prince for a group of guards to protect themselves from the kingdom of

"Nephew, you must have been tricked by someone."

Hu Weiyong looked at the surprised Chu Ze, and shook his head slightly.

Then he looked at Chu Ze with a strange expression.

"Don't you know anything about the situation in Wa Kingdom?"

"Where can I find out?"

In response to Hu Weiyong's question, the corner of Chu Ze's mouth twitched slightly.

"It's not like you don't know about my situation, Uncle Hu. You have basically never left Jinling City."

Regarding Chu Ze's answer, after Hu Weiyong stared sharply into his eyes for a long while, he seemed to have dispelled his doubts.

Then, he shook his head helplessly.

"Nephew, do you know that our business is mainly aimed at the four great families of the Japanese kingdom, and these four great families are the Oda family, the Mitian family, and the Matsushita and Inoue families."

"And the one you mentioned, who beheaded my Daming envoy, was a member of the Oda family."

"And this time it is the Yoshida family who came to Daming as an envoy. Although the surnames of their Japanese country sound weird, Zhitian and Yoshida both have the word Tian, ​​but in fact, these two families are completely different. family."

"The Yoshida family, it's a small village at all."

"What kind of envoy talk did you have this time, did you give them benefits? The other party also promised to belong to the Ming Dynasty, and then pay tribute every year?"

"Is Your Majesty very happy after hearing this? Very happy. Overjoyed, he gave the other party a reward?"

Although what Hu Weiyong said basically didn't happen at all.

But Chu Ze looked at the swearing Hu Weiyong, but he didn't disturb the other party's interest.

No matter what he said, Chu Ze nodded.

Whether there is or not is not important at all.

"Hey, I guessed it would be like this. Your Majesty is being tricked."

"You, maybe you will be implicated this time!"


Chu Ze looked at Hu Weiyong who was seriously analyzing beside him, and he didn't know how to start a conversation for a while.

While Hu Weiyong looked at Chu Ze who was so shocked that he didn't know what to say for a while, but his eyes suddenly became sharper.

"Nephew Chu Ze, you probably didn't disclose anything about our business?"

The reason why Hu Weiyong suddenly arranged for someone to bring Chu Ze here today is actually because he heard about what happened in the Ministry of Rites.

What he is most worried about now is that Chu Ze accidentally leaked the secret between them.

If at this time, let Zhu Yuanzhang know that Hu Weiyong, the prime minister of the Ming Dynasty, actually had business dealings with the people of the Wa Kingdom who beheaded the envoys of the Ming Dynasty.

Then I'm afraid Hu Weiyong's life will have to be accounted for here.

Therefore, when it was learned that an envoy from the Wa Kingdom had arrived in Daming, and Chu Ze was in charge of it himself.

Hu Weiyong's heart was almost in his throat.

"Uncle Hu, what you said, since it's a secret, how can I tell it everywhere! the territory of Wa Kingdom so complicated? Isn't our business?"

"It's fine as long as you don't talk about these things. Business matters don't matter."

"Your Majesty's arrangement for the Yoshida family's 1000 guards is a little troublesome. If these people are buried there after they arrive in Wa Kingdom, I'm afraid Your Majesty will be angry!"

"Hey, don't worry about this, Uncle Hu. I personally selected the team leader this time. He is a young general named. This kid will be very troublesome. I told him before I left. Don't make trouble for me after the side, let him take the people there, just eat, drink and enjoy, the time is almost up, and then withdraw the people."

"With such a small amount of military salary every month, why go all out when the mountains are high and the rivers are far away?"

"As long as there is danger, let him take people to retreat as soon as possible."

"It's almost time, and I will also lead people to retreat. Just get the credit."

After Hu Weiyong heard Chu Ze's cunning words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help pointing at Chu Ze with a smile.

"You, you, you are getting more and more experienced now! If you arrange it like this, then I can rest assured."

"Over there, just let him panic. The goods that uncle brought this time have sold for a good price!"

"Besides, the gift uncle brought to you has also been delivered. After I go back, I will arrange for someone to deliver it to you."

Hu Weiyong's so-called goods include armor, weapons, metal and other materials that are most popular in the war-torn Japanese country.

Selling each of these things privately is a capital offense.

And precisely because of this, the profits brought by these things are also quite terrifying.

Besides these things, there are also some special things that Chu Ze prepared for Hu Weiyong.

With just one transaction, Hu Weiyong made a lot of money.

And through this transaction, he has also successfully linked up with almost all the forces in the Wa country.

When Chu Ze brought this matter up to him, Hu Weiyong refused at first.

But when Chu Ze proposed, if in the future, Hu Weiyong could use these business contacts to make all the forces of the Japanese country depend on him.

In the future, if the whole Wa country is not doing well, it will have to listen to him.

Hu Weiyong was also completely moved.

The smoothness of this first transaction also made Hu Weiyong gradually approve of Chu Ze's idea for him.

It's just that what Hu Weiyong didn't know was that among those things Chu Ze had prepared for him.

Most of them have been tampered with secretly.

Especially those armors or weapons, which were sprinkled with smallpox pathogens.
Whoever puts on these things is not far from death.

Under Chu Ze's intentional pandering, the meeting between the two of them can be described as having a very happy conversation.

Even when Chu Ze was about to leave, Hu Weiyong still insisted on pulling him, telling him not to go back, and he took Chu Ze to a good place to be chic and unrestrained.

(End of this chapter)

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