Elves: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 187 Secret Research - The Beginning of Evolution

Chapter 187 Secret Research - The Beginning of Evolution (Two in One)

"What are you three doing!"

Miss Junsha saw that the three Pokémon she sent out were all in a daze at the moment, even though the bureau has always asked to be calm and calm in the face of any situation, she couldn't help it now.

In the stable environment for a long time, it's okay for Dr. Yamanashi to be attacked and disappear. Now if the Yamanashi Research Institute is attacked in a grand manner while it is still under blockade, she can really take the initiative to report her resignation.

"What are you still doing there, stop it for me!"

Hearing the yelling, the three Pokémon began to flap their wings vigorously to resist the strange power that enveloped them.

I don't know if it's because of the strong force that broke free from the shackles, or because the distance between the opponent and them is getting farther and farther, but the strength suddenly weakened a lot after struggling twice.




The three bird Pokémon who had regained their freedom and felt the anxiety of their trainers tried their best to chase after the silver-white dragon.

But Ms. Junsha found that although the other party was big in size, his speed was not inferior to her three fast flying Pokémon.

You can't catch up with the opponent if you go on like this.

"Bibi Bird, use Tailwind, Mukehawk use Lightning Flash, and Bidiao use high-speed movement!"

The slowest Bibi bird flaps its wings to bring up the airflow around it, and uses the wind to reduce flight resistance for its companions while increasing its speed.

With the help of this wind, Bi Diao and Mu Keying, who were using speed moves at the same time, sprinted behind the blue-eyed white dragon in tandem.

At the same time, the energy of the flight system in the whole body began to condense, as if it was about to launch an attack.

But in the next second, the all-round oppressive feeling that had disappeared struck again, and their figures without any preparations were disturbed, and their speed dropped sharply again.

The blue-eyed white dragon glanced back in disdain.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Yamanashi sitting behind silently looked at Aoyagi.

Regarding this, Qingliu patted her forehead in embarrassment.

With such strict security around the research institute, Qingliu was not too surprised to have two level 30 flying Pokémon that could keep up with the speed of the blue-eyed white dragon.

But it seems that the other party suddenly wanted to rush over to block the way without any discussion, which caused the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to fail to control the smoothness of the flight, and caused himself to be a bit dissatisfied with the three Pokémon. Use Longwei to tease them for the first time.

Perhaps in the face of other Pokémon of the same level, Mukehawk and Bi Diao can join forces to easily defeat them, and the blue-eyed white dragon may not necessarily beat them steadily, but the move of "Longwei" is too buggy, unexpected and defenseless It is easy to get tricked under the circumstances.

"Okay, don't overdo it, it's time to land."

Seeing that the blue-eyed white dragon had vented his anger, Miss Junsha on the ground seemed to be in a hurry, Qingliu said seriously.

The blue-eyed white dragon didn't respond as if he didn't hear it, but his speed slowly slowed down and landed towards the ground.

As soon as it landed, a wind speed dog led more than a dozen Katy dogs to surround the whole area.

Miss Junsha and a group of police officers followed closely behind.

But Miss Junsha, who was still very ugly when she came, opened her eyes wide in surprise after seeing Dr. Yamanashi coming down from the dragon's back.

"Doctor Yamanashi, you..."

Yamanashi nodded in response, and said, "Miss Junsha, thank you for your hard work."

"No...no...this is my responsibility, but my carelessness in my work has caused the current situation. I am very sorry for that."

Miss Junsha bowed to apologize.

"It's not your fault. I've lived a stable life for too long. Even I didn't expect someone to attack me, an old man."

Dr. Yamanashi waved his hand in response.

Speaking of the attack, Miss Junsha's expression became very solemn, and she quickly said: "Doctor, please rest assured that all nearby areas have been sealed off, and King Juye is also on his way. No matter who the other party is, this time absolutely Can't run."

"Miss Junsha, if possible, it is recommended to bring tools such as an infrared detector as a spare. If I am not wrong, the other party should have a special spaceship capable of stealth."

Qingliu interrupted and reminded.

Miss Junsha was taken aback for a moment.

A spaceship capable of stealth?
No wonder they were able to touch here without anyone noticing, and until now their radar has not detected any information.

But... who is this person?
Can what you say guarantee the accuracy of the information?

After politely nodding in response, Miss Junsha looked at Dr. Yamanashi with an inquiring look.

"He saved me from those guys. Although I haven't seen that invisible spaceship, you can believe what he said as if it was me."

Dr. Yamanashi said slowly.

Hearing this, the eyes of Miss Junsha and the surrounding policemen couldn't help but widen, and they all looked at Qingliu with curiosity and doubt.

It is not so simple to regard his words as Dr. Yamanashi himself, the amount of information and trust revealed in it.

And..."Being able to rescue Dr. Yamanashi from criminals with stealth spaceships" is enough to show that the opponent's strength is not simple.

Then, this silvery-white giant dragon that played with Bi Diao Mu Keying one after another should be the Pokémon of the boy in front of him.

Qingliu also did not expect Dr. Yamanashi to say that directly in front of people.

To the extent that he said this, if his delicate and handsome face didn't resemble Dr. Yamanashi with a beard, he might have been directly regarded as an illegitimate child.

No, maybe the illegitimate child and the savior's buff are stacked together, and they don't have such a heavy weight. After all, age and seniority are a big problem.

As for the reason for Dr. Yamanashi to say this, after Aoyagi thought about it for a while, I am afraid that Rogia sent himself to this place on a special trip.

However, this also shows sideways that what Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Oki learned or obtained in Rogia is probably more important than what I imagined, so that Dr. Yamanashi has to give himself this "special treatment".

So what exactly is this thing?

What is the decisive connection between Lugia sending me here, and Dr. Yamanashi telling me not to chase the wood pear that I can catch with a high probability, but to go back to the research institute first?

Qingliu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the tall and well-proportioned Miss Junsha, who was wearing a very standard feminine police uniform, offered a hand.

"We're meeting for the first time. I'm Miss Junsha from Zhensha Town. If it's convenient, please tell me all the other party's information so that we can make specific arrangements according to the situation."

After Aoyagi stretched out his hand to shake hands politely with the other party, he turned his eyes slightly to look at Dr. Yamanashi.

After the other party nodded, Qingliu told everything about Muli, the spaceship she "guessed", and the Pokémon Hunter.

Miss Junsha listened carefully while arranging the actions of the police behind her, but when she heard Pokémon Hunter, she murmured to herself with some doubts: "Hunter J? It seems that there is no such person on the most recently updated arrest warrant... There is a hunter K, whose criminal methods and behavior are quite similar, but he is very old and has disappeared for a long time, is there any connection between the two..."

After a short thought, Ms. Junsha thanked Qingliu for the information very politely, and said that she could directly tell the nearby police officers if she needed help or supplements, and then left in a hurry.

Dr. Yamanashi is also surrounded by a group of researchers who rushed here in a hurry.

After hearing that it was Qingliu who rescued Dr. Yamanashi, all the researchers turned their eyes to Qingliu.

"My name is Aoki, and I am Dr. Yamanashi's deputy!"

Aoki strode forward, and after a short self-introduction, he bent down and bowed, and said in a solemn tone: "Thank you very much for your help, you can come to me for anything in the future, as long as I can do it, I will do my best do it!"

As soon as the words fell, other researchers also made the same actions.

"thank you very much!"

"thank you very much!"


A thank you sounded in my ears, and Qingliu was also surprised by this solemn attitude.

At first he wanted to explain, but after seeing Aoki's gloomy complexion, the dark circles around his eyes, and the gratitude mixed in those tired eyes, he finally nodded.

"They are my assistants who have been with me for many years. Although they are a little older than you, their personalities are relatively straightforward, so don't be too polite."

Dr. Yamanashi explained slowly.

And after having the title of "the mentor's lifesaver", Qingliu then felt the enthusiasm of these researchers from the heart.

Along with that, part of this enthusiasm was also transferred to Qingliu's Pokémon.

Of course, Qingliu also felt that their researcher soul was activated.

"It's all... Pokémon I've never seen before."

"This silver-white giant dragon is so handsome, Qingliu, what's its name?"

"Just now, I thought some evil organization was preparing to launch an attack. Such a large body and such a cold tone make it feel oppressive."

"Not only it, but also this little dinosaur..."

"Not only are the horns very sharp, but the muscles of the limbs are also very developed. Wow...the biceps and triceps, the density and lines are simply scary. How come they feel stronger than Haoli's muscles."

"It's unbelievable what kind of training such a petite body has gone through to achieve such a level."

"Compared to those two, this plant is not ordinary. Is it a brand new species?"

"The one on the head should be some kind of tropical flower. Below the head, it looks a bit like a prickly pear or a cactus. And... can this tentacle be stretched at will? A natural vine whip?"

"The body structure is very similar to that of the Frog Seed. Is it a mutant or a distant relative of the Frog Seed..."

The researchers opened their eyes wide and watched the three Pokémon around Qingliu back and forth. From time to time, they lightly raised their hands to signal the Tyrannosaurus to show them a little, and at the same time they kept mumbling.

To Aoyagi's surprise, the shy Balumon was a little shy about the researcher's discussion and request, and the Tyrannosaurus had an indifferent attitude, but the arrogant Blue-eyed White Dragon was not very happy at this moment, but He didn't just turn his face away and leave.

"Maybe it's because they have been staying together for research. They are more obsessed with Pokémon like me. I'm sorry."

Dr. Yamanashi stood beside Aoyagi and said.

"It's okay, getting in touch with other humans is also a good experience for them."

Qingliu replied.

Dr. Yamanashi heard the words, looked at the three Pokémon surrounded in the middle, and said after a long silence: "If I remember correctly, some time ago, Sirona said that she found information about new Pokémon, and the two registered are just Are there two of them?

"Gyrannosaurus...and...the blue-eyed white dragon."

Hearing Dr. Yamanashi's accurate reading of their names, Qingliu was not surprised, and said: "Yes, it is because of Miss Sirona's help that I can travel with them so swaggeringly."

"What about the one that's left?"

Dr. Yamanashi's eyes fell on the somewhat shy figure.

"Its name is Baru Beast, because it was not there when I discussed with Miss Sirona about registering Pokémon's identity information, so it was not registered at that time."

Qingliu explained.

"Since this is the case, let's register by the way later. If you are here, you can provide some more accurate information as the illustration data. It just so happens that you can also learn more about their physical conditions through testing."

"That would be troublesome."

Qingliu quickly agreed.

When I didn't register before, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Aoyagi didn't go to the Pokémon Center very much, and I didn't have the ability and channels to learn the specific information of the tyrannosaurs. The height and the like are all based on visual perception, physical condition, Apart from the panel, there is no way to understand the health of the body in detail.

But if the test can now be carried out at the Yamanashi Research Institute, a top-ranked research institute of Sinnoh, it will definitely be able to know accurate information.

While solving the household registration problem, maybe I can also clean up the minor problems left over from the previous battles that I didn't notice.

"There is nothing troublesome or troublesome. Helping them detect is also a prerequisite for the next series of measures."

While speaking, Dr. Yamanashi picked up the briefcase in his hand, and his eyes became extremely solemn: "Only by knowing the detailed physical conditions can I be sure whether they are really eligible and...the necessity of this experiment."

Qingliu heard the words and glanced at the briefcase.

Since the other party took the initiative to talk about this issue, Qingliu also took advantage of the opportunity to raise his own questions all along.

"Dr. Yamanashi, it's convenient to tell me what's in it now, does it have anything to do with Lugia bringing me here?"


Dr. Yamanashi turned around, limped forward with some difficulty on his injured leg, and at the same time slightly looked sideways.

Knowing that Dr. Yamanashi was trying to keep others from hearing, Aoyagi hurriedly followed and walked side by side.

After walking to a slightly open place, Dr. Yamanashi's deep and cold voice sounded.

"You know that the main direction of the Pokémon I study is evolution?"

"Yes, you are an authority on the theory of Pokémon evolution."

Upon hearing this, Dr. Yamanashi shook his head and said, "It's just what others say. The evolution of Pokémon is too esoteric, and I'm only at the entry level until now."

Qingliu didn't answer the words, but listened quietly.

Soon, the voice sounded again.

"Evolution is a very common phenomenon that occurs in Pokémon when the level is sufficient, external stimuli meet the conditions, or the bond and emotion between the trainer and the trainer change drastically. It is not evolution in the traditional sense, but similar to Biological 'perversion'.

"Because of this, I always think that evolution is to let Pokémon get rid of its own hidden defects and become more complete, until the evolution stage is completely completed and becomes its own perfect existence.

"This is also the reason why the legendary Pokémon, a perfect creature, has no evolution phenomenon. I have always believed so firmly, and I have gone further and further on this road, until... I heard a piece of news,
"In the Alola region, a legendary Pokémon with a complete evolution chain was discovered!"

(End of this chapter)

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