Chapter 108

Gu Panyan's life is back on track.

Wang Ge seemed to have really subsided.

The small advertisement at the door of the house was cleaned up, and no aunt or aunt would tell her anything about Wang Ge when she went out.

Even the phone has become dead silent.

After she warned Wang Ge and blocked him, it seemed that overnight, Wang Ge, who was still everywhere, suddenly disappeared from her world without a trace.

Her whole world became quiet again.

It's so simple to draw a line with someone. It was like this when she drew a line with her parents, and it's the same with Wang Ge now.

Gu Panyan was no longer a sentimental little girl. After realizing this, she didn't feel sad or worried about gains and losses, but suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette.

She hasn't smoked for a long time.

The cigarettes I bought before were in the drawer of the apartment in Changchuan. When I packed up and left last time, she threw them into the trash can.

There is no smoke in her house now.

She is too lazy to go out to buy again,

It's good to end like this.she thought.

She never lacks the courage to love someone firmly, nor does she lack the courage to leave her lover gracefully.

No one can live without anyone who leaves. She has gained enough motivation from this love to support her to live well.

Every experience is an asset, and all scars will eventually become armor.

Everything that doesn't break her will eventually make her stronger.


On the night when Wang Ge returned to Changchuan, Gu Panyan finally made a decision.

So be it.

There has been at least one experience of loving and being loved.

That's enough.

It's time to end.

While love is strong.

While the relationship is still beautiful.

Before going to bed, she thought so.

This idea continued until the next morning, when Wang Ge called her to get up and eat.

Tell her to get up and eat...

When hearing Wang Ge's voice, Gu Panyan was in a daze.

She stared blankly at the man wearing an apron who appeared in her room early in the morning, and once suspected that she hadn't woken up.

It wasn't until Wang Ge stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes that she realized, frowning and asking, "Why are you here?"

"Can't I come?" Wang Ge blinked.

"Didn't I not let you come?"

"This one……"

Wang Ge scratched his head, "I originally listened to you honestly, didn't do anything, and didn't come here to find you."

"Then why are you here now?"

"Because today is Valentine's Day!"

Wang Ge took out his phone and showed it to her.

August 22, the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, is the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet in mythology.

"Although you are considering whether to break up with me, at least we haven't broken up yet." Wang Ge said confidently, "Of course you should spend Valentine's Day with your girlfriend."

Gu Panyan frowned.


"Okay, okay, even if you're still mad at me, at least get up and have a meal first."

Wang Ge didn't give her a chance to speak, so she left the room and left the room.

Only Gu Panyan was left holding his forehead, feeling a little headache.

Why is it Valentine's Day?

She reluctantly accepted the reality, got dressed, and got up from the bed.

Walking out of the room and coming to the living room, Wang Ge was holding two bowls of steaming porridge on the dining table.

The living room also seemed to have been carefully cleaned and was spotless.

I don't know when this guy came.

Gu Panyan glanced at it twice, then looked away, and went out to wash up.

While eating breakfast, she remained silent.

"Today is Valentine's Day, Yanbao, don't look so sullen."

Wang Ge scratched his head, and asked cautiously, "Why don't you save a file first, and after we spend Valentine's Day happily, you can read the file and continue to be angry?"

Gu Panyan stared at him without speaking.

Seeing her like this, Wang Ge scratched her hair, and took out a beautifully wrapped box from her pocket: "This is a gift I prepared for you."

He opened the box, and inside was a string of bright silver chain-shaped bracelets, which seemed to match the pair of earrings on her ears.

Gu Panyan still didn't say a word, Wang Ge took her hand and carefully helped her put it on.

The silver bracelet complemented her fair wrist, making it more delicate and beautiful.

Gu Panyan did not refuse, glanced at the bracelet on his wrist, then turned his head to look at Wang Ge, with a slightly hoarse voice: "I didn't prepare a gift for you."

She didn't even realize it was Valentine's Day.

After all, she had never had such a holiday.

"It's ok."

Wang Ge leaned over and hugged her, "You are already the best gift God has given me."


Gu Panyan didn't refuse his hug, nor ignored the sweet talk of this scumbag, but asked, "Do you have any arrangements?"

"We climbed the mountain last time, how about we go to see the sea together this time?" Wang Ge asked.

Gu Panyan was silent for two seconds: "OK."

There was nothing to clean up. Wang Ge had already arranged everything. As soon as the two of them left the house, there was already a car waiting.

Changchuan is an inland city and does not rely on the sea, so if you want to see the sea, you have to go to other cities.

Wang Ge had already booked the tickets, and the two boarded the plane again.

Along the way, Gu Panyan didn't say much, and there was no mood swing in those peach blossom eyes that seemed to be able to seduce people's souls.

On the contrary, Wang Ge leaned on her wearily: "Yanbao, I'm so sleepy, I need to sleep for a while..."

He rushed back from Haisha overnight last night, made a series of arrangements, went to Gu Panyan's house to cook and clean, and slept in the car for a while all night.

Although he has the blessing of [Courage of Happiness], so that he will not be too tired, but it is still inevitable to feel sleepy.

Leaning against Gu Panyan, with the familiar aroma lingering in his nose, Wang Ge soon fell asleep.

Gu Panyan stared at him for a while, and found that this guy seemed a little more handsome than before.

illusion?Or is it a rare occasion for him to dress up properly?
Gu Panyan didn't want to delve into this, so he turned his head and looked out the window.

The light blue sky is close at hand, and the white clouds are floating in the distance.

A scumbag murmured in his sleep in his ear: "Yanbao, hehe, Yanbao~"

Gu Panyan turned his head and took a look. This guy seemed to be having some sweet dreams, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and his saliva was about to flow out.

So obscene.

Gu Panyan curled her lips, took a tissue and wiped his saliva, thought for a while, then found out her phone and took a picture of him.

Wang Ge's appearance is still very good, with a high nose bridge and sharp-edged face. He doesn't need any beauty and filters to set off, and he is already better than most people.

The smile shown in sleep is even more childlike, sincere and beautiful.

If Sleeping Beauty were a man, she would probably look like this.

Gu Panyan looked at it for a while, and used this photo to replace the previous lock screen wallpaper.

(End of this chapter)

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