Douluo's fancy development blue silver grass

Chapter 128 Spiritual Inheritance Halo

Chapter 128 Spiritual Inheritance Halo
Facing a stunning beauty hugging you and acting like a baby.

What would you do?
One more premise, this beauty is still someone you have a crush on.

And she also has a clear affection for you.

How would you choose?

Mu Zhe didn't know what happened to others, but he really couldn't stand it.

So after being swayed by Yang Yuning a few times, Mu Zhe took all the tricks.

Just like when he was a child, Mu Zhe told Yang Yuning the secrets of the "god" in this world in detail.

From belief to authority to god position, Mu Zhe explained every step of becoming a god in this world very clearly.

Yang Yuning also unveiled the various veils attached to the "God" in Mu Zhe's narration.

Yang Yuning does not have all kinds of secret inheritance like Bibi Dong, and she has some understanding of God in her heart.

In fact, the image of God in Yang Yuning's heart mostly comes from the various stories Liu Xueqing told her when she was a child.

The few impressions that impressed her the most may be "angel gods sweep away evil", "angel gods help the weak", and "angel gods are omnipotent".

She was weak, and she once prayed to the angel god in her heart, praying that she and her mother could live a happy life in the future.

Therefore, in Yang Yuning's heart, "God" has various natural and lofty images.

It wasn't until Mu Zhe told him that she didn't know that "God" was not so unattainable.

If she follows the method Mu Zhe said, with her current talent, the probability of becoming a god is very high.

For the first time, Yang Yuning felt that the realm of "God" in the past was so close to her.

After that, Mu Zhe also told Yang Yuning about the effect of the "Fengshen Bang" he designed based on this.

As the name suggests, "Fengshen Bang" was created by Mu Zhe after imitating the innate spiritual treasure "Fengshen Bang" in the prehistoric world, and it is a tool to help people in the Douluo world become gods.

However, the actual similarity between the two is just the name and function.

The principles are quite different.

Becoming a god requires a god position, and the condensation of a god position requires the fusion of "concepts" and beliefs to form authority. Mu Zhe is not yet so capable of capturing "concepts" in the dark, and creating a god position out of thin air.

So Mu Zhe took a different approach. He classified all the knowledge and principles he had learned into different categories to form a halo of spiritual inheritance.

Then mark these inheritance halos with the meaning of reincarnation, and store them in a list.

In fact, it doesn't matter where it is stored, even if it is stored in a stone tablet, these spiritual auras will not lose their effect, and it is just Mu Zhe's evil taste to store them on the list.

The most important function of these inherited spiritual halos is to help those who get the halos understand the knowledge of Mu Zhe attached to it.

Legal knowledge and conceptual knowledge are not so easy to understand.

The laws are already considered relatively high-end knowledge, and learning the laws requires a corresponding talent.

Up to now, the Little Reincarnation Academy has not offered law courses, because the law knowledge is too difficult for current students to understand.

Without the corresponding talents, learning the rules is like elementary school students reading advanced mathematics, and they can only read in a cloud.

Yang Yuning was able to independently study the ice method because after a nirvana, her own talent for ice was greatly enhanced, so she was able to understand the law of ice so smoothly that even Mu Zhe felt inferior.

After all, his own ice talent is not very high, and he has not obtained the corresponding soul beast origin or directly ate the star anise black ice grass to improve his own ice talent.

Purely relying on learning ability, he can't stack up to Yang Yuning who relies on talent.

Learning the law requires too much talent!

So in order to avoid this situation, Mu Zhe came up with the method of inheriting the halo.

With Mu Zhe's aura of inheritance, the Lord of the Halo will easily understand the relevant knowledge that Mu Zhe has already understood.

And the Lord of Halo will save a lot of time to learn and research related knowledge on the basis of Mu Zhe's understanding.

The effect of the halo is not only that, it is two-way.

The thoughts and knowledge generated by the master of the halo during the learning process will also be transmitted to the mind of Mu Zhe, the master of the list of gods.

The idea of ​​a halo of spiritual inheritance was conceived by Mu Zhe a long time ago.

The idea of ​​the list of gods came about after Mu Zhe learned about the world's system of becoming gods.

Mu Zhe found that the halo of spiritual inheritance he envisioned was fully in line with the "conceptual" knowledge that forms authority.

He can completely regard these "auras" as the carrier of beliefs and collect the beliefs of living beings, so that it is easier to attract the hidden "conceptual" knowledge to form real authority.

And with authority, it is easier to condense the god position.

As long as the master of the halo reaches level [-], his spiritual power and soul power will undergo transformation, and then he will use his spiritual power and soul power to link his authority to form his own god position.

The more difficult thing is to collect beliefs.

But Mu Zhe soon had an idea.

He intends to imitate the "Yun Dynasty" mentioned in the novel of his previous life.

In the end, the real apotheosis is carried out with humane beliefs, so that this "bang list of gods" will become the real "bang list of apotheosis" in Douluo Continent.

After listening to Mu Zhe's narration, Yang Yuning immediately asked Mu Zhe for the "Inheritance Halo" of the "Law of Ice".

In fact, this aura of inheritance has lost its enlightening effect on her, and she just wanted to pass on the knowledge in her mind to Mu Zhe more clearly.

As for the convenience of apotheosis after Mu Zhe formed the Yun Dynasty, it was not as important as the previous function of the halo in her heart.

Mu Zhe didn't talk nonsense, and immediately gave Yang Yuning the "Aura of Inheritance" of the "Law of Ice".

Mu Zhe didn't mention a hidden effect of the halo.

The imprint of reincarnation hidden in the halo will be printed on the host's true spirit.

Mu Zhe didn't design this imprint to have the monitoring and influencing effect like dealing with the Rakshasa God. It only has one function, allowing Mu Zhe to find her in the cycle of reincarnation.

"What are you showing off this time, tell me!"

The scene of Mu Zhe telling her about the "Feng Shen Bang" flashed in his mind, and Yang Yuning said to Mu Zhe cooperatively.

"Ahem~, turn around and you'll see it."

Being pierced by Yang Yuning, Mu Zhe lightly coughed twice.


"Just this big hockey puck?"

"This is also worthy of your showing off? When did you become so low?"

Yang Yuning obediently turned her attention away, only to see a "big hockey puck".

She was puzzled, but she also knew that Mu Zhe would not just use a big ice hockey puck to fool her, there should be some mystery in this ice hockey puck that she couldn't see, but this did not prevent her from dissing Mu Zhe.

After staying with Mu Zhe for a long time, she naturally learned some strange words.

"This puck is just an appearance."

"The real mystery lies within."

As he spoke, Mu Zhe waved his hand, dispelling the soul power that kept the energy of the ice puck running.

The ice ball began to slowly dissipate, revealing three ice-blue "runes" inside.

"what is this?"

Yang Yuning looked at the three runes that were still faintly emitting a cold air and asked.


Mu Zhe said beside him,
"This is a kind of 'code' that I found from the soul ring to compile the rules of energy operation in this world."

"The reason why our soul rings can have a fixed energy flow route is because of these 'runes'."

"Each rune represents a function."

"These three are icing runes, but the focus of icing is different."

"That ice ball is the final form of the energy movement formed after I activate these three runes."

"I just did a test, and the three ice-condensing runes are already comparable to the sixth soul skill of a soul master."

"And I have found six different ice runes so far, do you want to see its power with your own eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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