Chapter 2 Development Caused by Boiled Mutton
Roger became the village head, he himself was very confused, he felt that he became the village head without doing anything.

He wanted to do something for the village to give back to the village, but now the village is living a relatively rich life because of the water circulation system, so he doesn't know what to do.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any good solution, so he came to Mu Zhe.He also discovered that this kid was smarter than him, and it was thanks to this kid that he was elected as the village head before.

After Mu Zhe knew that Luo Jie had come to look for him, he pondered for a while, and finally came up with an idea.

When Roger saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously, but in an instant it turned into a gratified smile of his old father, thinking: "This kid is really smart, and he has the demeanor I used to have."

Mu Zhe didn't know about Luo Jie's psychological activities, and after repeatedly deducing whether his plan would be successful, he finally confirmed it.After the time travel, he not only found that he could not forget his photographic memory, but also his thinking was much more flexible than in the previous life. He looked through the difficult problems in the memory of the previous life, and found that those problems that he thought were rare and abnormal in the previous life, now he can have a solution to the problem at a glance.

In his previous life, at least he had to be a genius in a certain Chinese youth class.

Mu Zhe sighed more than once that the world of Xueshen is different from the world of ordinary people. The world of Xueshen is so unreasonable.

Back to the topic, after Mu Zhe made a plan, he murmured with Uncle Roger all night. Early the next morning, Roger was still dubious, but he still followed what Mu Zhe said.

Luo Jie went to find out where there was a lamb seller. Mu Zhe saw that he was still not confident when he left, so he went to the blacksmith in the village in advance and made a copper pot with a strange shape.That's right, it is the copper pot used to make hot pot.

After coming to Douluo Dalu for three years, Mu Zhe found that although the recipes here are similar to those in his previous life, there are still some differences. Obviously, there is no hot pot in Douluo Dalu.

Mu Zhe bought the seasonings needed for the hot pot, and went to slice the beef and mutton that Roger bought earlier. When Roger came back after buying the lamb, the hot pot was ready.

When Roger took a bite of the boiled mutton, he immediately said that there were fewer sheep to buy.

Roger harvested a total of 20 lambs and more than [-] adult sheep.Because there is very little mutton needed in Tiandou City.

Mu Zhe told Roger not to worry, and they didn't really want to take root in this industry.After all, he wanted the villagers to live a better life. He asked Roger to buy sheep, but he only asked him to play a guiding role.

The villagers in Lanxi Village have just enjoyed the first bonus of the water circulation system, and now every family has some spare money. Roger’s pioneering reclamation of water channels has a certain prestige in the village, and the villagers are very optimistic that he can lead everyone Toward a better life, I also believe that if Roger takes the lead and calls on everyone to spend part of their savings to raise sheep, there is a high probability of success.

Yes, raising sheep, Mu Zhe's second plan is not to open a hot pot restaurant but to raise sheep.The method of making hot pot can be easily copied by others. If they open a hot pot shop, they will not be able to withstand the large amount of money injected by the greedy nobles.

Raising sheep is different. With more hot pot restaurants, the demand for mutton will increase linearly. However, there are few sheep raising around Tiandou. Lanxi Village collectively raises sheep. The scale of sheep raising is large and the number of sheep is large. Someone came to buy sheep.

And this is Mu Zhe's plan to get rich. First, he invented hot pot to stimulate market demand, and then he raised sheep on a large scale to earn dividends as a supplier.

The fact is just as they thought, the villagers raised sheep for a year, and Mu Zhe guessed that there were enough sheep, so he asked Uncle Roger to open a hot pot restaurant in Tiandou City.The hot pot restaurant was full on the first day it opened, and there were so many customers. Some people even brought their own tables and placed them outside the shop to eat hot pot. The oil irritated people on the road even more. Even if people in Douluo Dalu had never eaten hot pot, who would want to try it after smelling the aroma.

So in just three days, someone came to Lanxi Village to ask how to sell the sheep. Mu Zhe knew that it was imitators, but this was in their favor, so he sold them to them at a price slightly higher than the market price.

The price was determined by Mu Zhe after careful consideration. Although Lanxi Village controls 80.00% of the flocks around Tiandou City, the market price can be said to be determined by them, but he will not set it too high.

After all, this is a contradictory world where the behavior tends to be ancient and the soul guidance technology is somewhat similar to modern civilization. They are just a group of weak villagers. The profit is still small, and they can keep it. No matter how high it is, there must be greedy nobles Hungry.What would happen then, Mu Zhe did not dare to imagine.

Now the price is just right, contented and happy.Even so, Mu Zhe was actually full of depression at the time, but he also knew that people should taboo to be too greedy at any time, let alone when he was still so weak.

In this way, the second step of Lanxi Village was very successful, and the income of the villagers increased by nearly six times on the original basis.This made Lanxi Village the wealthiest village around Tiandu.Even the Cheng Si who came to Lanxi Village to collect grain and taxes was shocked, and quickly reported the matter to his superiors.

His boss is the elder Zong who is in charge of Tiandou City's finances, and he was also very surprised to hear about this. The tax revenue of Lanxi Village tripled at the beginning, but it doubled six times in two years, how could it not be surprising.

Elder Zong talked about this matter in a court meeting. The ministers in the court were very surprised, but no one paid special attention to it. For them, a small village does not deserve much attention. At most, they think it is The year is good, the harvest is good, or the city secretary has squeezed out more muddy legs.They all thought that when they returned to their fiefs, they would also raise taxes.

Some people think that this is an opportunity, and this person is the first prince Xue Qinghe, who is also Qian Renxue at this time.

Xue Qinghe asked Emperor Xue Ye for instructions on the spot, and went to Lanxi Village to investigate.

Emperor Xue Ye felt that the left and right were just the surrounding areas of Tiandou City, and a visit would give him an image of the royal family being close to the people, so he agreed.

The ministers also thought that the eldest prince was doing this to brush up his political achievements and create people, and they all praised the eldest prince's holiness.Some ministers exchanged glances with officials with whom they had a good relationship, and they all conveyed a message: After the assassination, the eldest prince has indeed grown a lot.

On the other side, the second prince Xue Ze, who had not been killed by Qian Renxue, was resentful, and was crushed by Xue Qinghe again.

The screen turns.

The villagers of Lanxi Village were very excited when they learned that the First Prince was coming to investigate.They may never have thought that they would have the opportunity to meet such a "big man" in their lifetime.

Luo Jie was also very excited. At the same time, as the village head, he had to accompany Xue Qinghe to visit the entire Lanxi Village, so he inevitably felt nervous. He found Mu Zhe again to find a solution, this was the first time Mu Zhe saw this big man so at a loss.

Mu Zhe could understand Roger's excitement, and while helping Roger prepare his speech, he also lamented that in such a huge Heaven Dou Empire, it was actually an undercover agent who actually did practical things.

Mu Zhe has been here for five years, and he has also heard about the deeds of the eldest prince Xue Qinghe in recent years, so he can guess the purpose of Qian Renxue's coming here, to gain a good reputation and compete for the crown prince.

But no matter what Qian Renxue's goal is, she is indeed making some efforts for the lower level personnel of Tiandou Empire.Her achievements cannot be ignored just because her purpose is impure.

The subsequent visit went smoothly, and Luo Jie used Mu Zhejiao's "Selection and Cultivation Method of Waterway Cycle Ecology" to deal with Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue is also satisfied with the "selection and cultivation method of water cycle ecology" that she wanted most. After all, sheep are very common. As long as you bring the hot pot there, it will benefit the local sheep farmers. It requires certain skills, and how to plan waterways and drain water is all knowledge.

Qian Renxue even wanted Roger to become an official in the Water Conservancy Department, but Roger refused.He didn't know what knowledge about water conservancy. Mu Zhe told him not to reveal that he had come up with it. Although Luo Jie didn't know why, he agreed.

Mu Zhe predicted in advance that Qian Renxue would want Luo Jie to become an official, so he thought of a way out for him in advance, and Qian Renxue dispelled the idea on the grounds that he cared about the villagers.

During Qian Renxue's inspection of Lanxi Village, Mu Zhe also accompanied him all the way. Because of his handsome and cute appearance, Qian Renxue patted his head and killed him.Mu Zhe was completely dumbfounded at the time.

In his previous life, he had a good impression of the role of Qian Renxue, and after coming to the Douluo Continent, he also fantasized about finding Qian Renxue to be his wife after being invincible.So this time I came to accompany him with the mentality of getting acquainted in advance, who knew that he would be killed by a pat on the head.

I was patted and killed by my future wife, what should I do?
Others thought that his bewildered expression was because he was overwhelmed by the sudden favor of the eldest prince, so they laughed.Only Mu Zhe felt a [-]-point critical blow in his heart.Depressed in his heart, he swears that he will touch it back a thousand times, ten thousand times in the future.

It was also after that inspection that Roger felt that their identities were different, and the clothes they wore must match their identities, so he went to Tiandou City to order two sets of clothes.

It took a total of a month to get the two sets of clothes, and it wasn't until yesterday that Roger solemnly handed them over to him.What Mu Zhe is wearing now is specially customized by Luo Jie, and there will be a set of the same style, which will be reserved for changing and washing.

Mu Zhe still clearly remembered that after the tailor had measured him again, he was puzzled and astonished when he heard Roger's production requirements.I really don't know what he was thinking at that time, the expression on his face can be so complicated.

Mu Zhe was already powerless to resist and could only accept it.

"It's a matter of life and death now, are you ready, Xiaolan?" Mu Zhe looked at the approaching village entrance and the crowd that had already flowed in just after seven o'clock, Mu Zhe lifted the blue scale fish to his eyes with a serious expression on his face asked.

"Ready? Okay, let's rush!"

Regardless of the white eyes of the blue scale fish, Mu Zhe directly made the decision for it, looked ahead, and thought: "Two streets, if I run faster, no one will be able to see it."

Swallowing, Mu Zhe's eyes gradually became sharper.

"Come on!"

With a cry, Mu Zhe let go of his girl and ran forward.

(End of this chapter)

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