Douluo's fancy development blue silver grass

Chapter 264 Waves form between tiny waves

The fierce battle all night was like a sharp double-edged sword, which not only exercised the will and strength of the children and students, but also exhausted the strength contained in every inch of their muscles.

When the blazing sun quietly shone on the windows outside the safe house, the exhausted children sank into the soft beds of the safe bedroom one after another, enjoying the rare rest time and trying to restore the almost bottomed-out life energy.

However, in this silence, Dai Mubai was sitting alone on the edge of the bed, unable to close his heavy eyelids.

His mind repeatedly replayed the serious and tired face of Principal Flanders, as well as the intricate symbols on the secret letter he held in his hand when he revealed the truth to everyone.

Those mysterious patterns seemed to have magical power, deeply imprinted in his memory, awakening a dusty past event.

Going back to the distant memory, Dai Mubai once accidentally glimpsed similar symbols in the family's ancient study. They belonged to the Xingluo royal family that was once thought to have disappeared with the wind in the previous war.

At this moment, these familiar symbols reappear, no doubt like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Joy and worry intertwined in his mind. On the one hand, these clues seemed to indicate that family members who might have been killed in the war might still have a glimmer of hope;

On the other hand, he couldn't help but worry about the possibility that the Xingluo royal family might be the mastermind behind this bizarre incident.

According to folklore, the Small Reincarnation Academy led by Mu Zhe has shown powerful enough to subvert the world and rewrite history.

It is said that in the world-destroying battle against "gods", the scars left on the earth by that battle still exude a terrifying momentum, leaving the local area barren of grass.

If the Xingluo royal family is really involved in this, it will undoubtedly lead to disaster and seek death.

Dai Mubai knew very well that his vision was limited by a narrow window of information, and his understanding of the entire incident could only be based on surface phenomena and a superficial analysis.

As for Qian Renxue, who was sitting in the Tiandou Imperial Palace, her analytical perspective on things was on another level.

"Your Majesty, the detailed analysis report on those attackers has been delivered to your terminal. The tails of those hateful masterminds have finally been revealed."

Qian Renxue sat elegantly on the luxurious chair that was exquisitely carved and inlaid with gold and jade. She adjusted her posture in a posture that was both majestic and relaxed, and gently waved her hand to signal the intelligence officer to leave.

Her hands were as crystal clear as mutton-fat white jade, and she was holding her chin at the moment. Her deep eyes shone with the light of a wise man, and she was deep in thought.

The information before us, even though it is only trivial details

——The traces of dust on the hem of the attacker's clothes, the mud and moss stained on the trousers, and even the worn lines on the sides of the boots,

But these details are like pieces in a puzzle, each piece accurately pointing to their hiding place:

Soto City’s intricate underground water network system. However, in Qian Renxue's eyes, this only revealed the tip of the huge iceberg of that mysterious organization.

What really made her eyes light up and her heart filled with surprise and surprise was the mysterious scroll presented by Shrek Academy.

With her keen insight and profound knowledge, she could see through the secret symbols on the scroll at a glance. They were derived from the unique codes of the Star Luo Empire's intelligence department.

Although the Tiandou Empire still has many difficulties in interpreting such codes, if it can be used to reveal the true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, it will undoubtedly be a major breakthrough.

For Qian Renxue, understanding where the enemy is coming from is like finding the key to solving a puzzle.

Once we grasp the specific sources of hostile forces, we can formulate highly targeted strategic deployments based on their past action patterns and strategic tendencies.

After all, in the long-term open and covert struggle with the Star Luo Empire, the Tiandou Empire has already developed a set of effective counter-espionage methods, which can calmly deal with these hostile spies lurking in the dark. No matter how cunning and covert they are, they will Nothing to hide from.

"This Imperial Fighter Division is really an unexpected blessing. It seems that our last hope of recovering the precious food that was secretly transferred will probably rest on this group of brave men."

This rare good news was like the spring breeze blowing away the gloom, allowing Qian Renxue, the imperial commander who had been in a state of high tension for a long time, to finally temporarily relieve his tense nerves, and feel a sense of relief and expectation in his heart. Deep in the palace, instructions signed by Qian Renxue personally were sent out from the core of the Tiandou Empire like secret orders, quickly touching the intelligence network of this huge empire.

It was an old system, but it carried iron and blood. It was starting up with difficulty at the moment with a creaking sound, as if a giant that had been sleeping for a long time was slowly waking up.

Within the imperial intelligence agency, the rusty gears began to rotate slowly but firmly under the drive of power, shaking off a large amount of rusty residue with each revolution, symbolizing that the old age and stagnation of the past were giving way to new actions.

Although this process seems slow and arduous, when the operation of the entire system gradually becomes more and more majestic, it is enough to scare all the rats who secretly spy and attempt to destroy the peace of the empire.

I felt an unprecedented sense of oppression and fear, as if I was facing a lion that was about to show its sharp claws.

The water in the spring river is a prophet; but when the severe winter cold wave in the center of the Heavenly Dao Empire begins to surge, this cold breath is like an invisible vein that communicates with the bracelet along the official road, quietly advancing from north to south, and its influence quickly spreads to all directions. .

Amid this cold current, Soto City’s underground information exchange center, the Ditch Rat Tavern, was the first to feel the arrival of winter.

The once bustling and lively scene no longer exists, replaced by a quiet, depressing air and a tense atmosphere.

The reasons are complex and intertwined, including the food crisis caused by Rhodes and others, and the panic caused by the elusive spying that currently permeates the city.

The guests who were chatting loudly in the bar have put away their usual boldness and become cautious in their words and deeds. Everyone's self-conscious mood filled the entire bar like a thick fog and took over the dominant position.

Zhao Wuji, who was entrusted by Principal Flanders to collect all kinds of intelligence, felt as if he was being licked by tongues of fire.

He sat in this tavern, known as the oldest in Soto City, for a whole day, but failed to gain any valuable intelligence information.

Even the intelligence brokers who were extremely active on weekdays and shuttled among all kinds of people seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

Relying on Zao Wou-Ki's profound strength, he can easily capture those sounds from the complicated and various types of sounds, which are clues to important events in conversations that are deliberately lowered.

At this moment, the intelligence agency of the Tiandou Empire, which has not been exposed for a long time, is going all out to detect a group of mysterious figures and find out all the clues.

After Qian Renxue's reorganization, the intelligence organization was revitalized and executed orders from the Tiandou Palace with even more frightening efficiency.

People who have experienced the empire's iron-fisted methods are all terrified by this, fearing that they will become victims of the imperial hawks and dogs used to establish their power, so they try to keep a low profile as much as possible to avoid getting burned.

"This kid Qin Ming, didn't I just praise him this morning that he is much more mature and stable than before, and he is reliable enough to be entrusted with important tasks." Zhao Wuji muttered softly, with disappointment and helplessness written on his face.

"I didn't expect that at the critical moment, it would be a useless showmanship, and it would cause me some trouble. I submitted a piece of information to the top, and actually provoked these scoundrels from the Tiandou Empire."

He picked up the so-called glass of wine. The liquid was turbid, obviously mixed with at least 60% water, and the taste was bland.

Zhao Wuji drank it all in one gulp and slammed the cup heavily on the wooden table, which was polished by years and heavily patinated, making a dull sound.

Afterwards, he casually took a few coins as a drink. Although he was extremely dissatisfied with the poor quality drink, he did not show it.

The communication bracelet on his wrist suddenly flashed a weak blue light. It was a signal from the agreed intelligence officer, telling him that the meeting point had been changed.

Zao Wuji briefly glanced at the bracelet, and after confirming the information, he quickly stood up, put on his cloak, blended into the increasingly dim sunset, and walked towards his new destination.

He knows that in this world full of variables and dangers, time is everything, especially for Shrek Academy, which is on the cusp of the crisis, every second counts. (End of chapter)

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