life play game

Chapter 235 Where did these AI come from!

Chapter 235 Where did these AI come from! (two more)

Seeing this building, Pavel heaved a sigh of relief.

"Phew... this place looks relatively open, there shouldn't be any ambushes."

Hackers used to have PTSD in small dark houses, but in dark places, narrow places, corners and other places, there must be "ordinary citizens" ambushing and waiting to intimidate them.

But this sculpture art gallery looks much more reassuring. Like many art galleries, its ceiling is high and the hall is quite open. Although there are various post-modern sculptures in it, there are many design blind spots. But compared to those narrow areas before, it is already considered a comparatively high place.

"Quickly pass through!"

For Pavel, time is running out, he must get the key of this virtual space as soon as possible, and evacuate after stealing the virtual space, the longer the time is delayed, the greater the possibility of being traced back by the official.

A group of people quickly passed through the art gallery and walked to the back door.

However, after only two steps, I heard a hacker exclaiming from behind, "What..."

He only had time to say a word before his voice stopped abruptly.

The hackers looked back, only to see that the hacker was locked by the throat from behind by a person who appeared out of nowhere!

The man had tattoos that extended to his arms and the back of his hands, his fingers were like dead branches, and he looked powerful.

If you are a player of "Unique Martial Arts", then you will recognize it immediately at this time. This is the boss of this chapter of the Sculpture Art Museum, Fang Tailai who is good at capturing.

It's just that at this time, he didn't appear in the game, but appeared in the virtual space.

"Bang bang bang!"

The hackers fired immediately, but Fang Tailai dragged the hacker directly to the nearby sculpture, and all the bullets hit the live targets, which did not pose any threat to Fang Tailai.

On the contrary, the hacker folded another one.

Another hacker chased after him, but in the blind spot behind the sculpture, Fang Tailai directly pushed the hacker who was shot forward, blocking the hacker's muzzle, and then stretched out his hand to grab the wrist holding the gun .

"Bang bang bang!"

The hacker fired several shots, but none of them hit Fang Tailai. Instead, Fang Tailai's claw-like hands clasped his wrist tightly, and with a sudden pinch, the hacker's pistol fell to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Fang Tailai took advantage of the opportunity to move the hacker in front of him, locked his neck with his left hand, and blocked two bullets again.

Then, he pushed the hacker who was shot forward again, and he quickly backed up, escaped from the side door of the sculpture art gallery, and quickly evacuated.

A serious question lies in front of Pavel and the hackers, should they pursue or not?

This tattooed man is obviously different from other ordinary citizens, he is more threatening!

At most, those ordinary citizens are hiding in the dark, inserting their eyes and kicking their crotches. Although they have caused some troubles for the hackers, as long as they take a little precaution, there should be no major problems.

But this tattooed man seems to be a kung fu master, especially when he is in close range, the lethality of the moves is quite impressive!Whether it is to capture the gunman or lock the throat, these hackers have a high probability of overturning the car.

If you just let it go, then this person will definitely follow, and the next time, he may launch an attack in a more insidious position.

But if they chase after them, these hackers are far less familiar with the surrounding terrain than he is. Even if they chase and kill them, it will only make one AI less in the virtual space. Is the time wasted worthwhile?
The muscles on Pavel's face twitched. Obviously, facing this dilemma, he couldn't make a decision immediately.

And at this moment, the hacker beside him discovered something even more terrifying.

"Boss, I found that there seem to be several similar buildings on this route!"

Pavel frowned, and hurriedly checked the route again.

A green string of data streams faintly appeared in his eye sockets again, which contained a lot of information, including a rough topographic map of the route.

He clearly saw that the sculpture art gallery where they were located at this time was indeed very prominent on the map, occupying a large area, which could be clearly distinguished from those dense urban buildings.

But this is not the only large-scale building. The further you go, the more similar buildings there are. There are as many as five or six at a glance!

"Could it be that there is such a person in every building?"

Pavel couldn't help but have such outrageous thoughts.

Where did the owner of this virtual space get so many outrageous AIs!

In the eyes of hackers like Pavel, an AI that is good at ancient martial arts, proficient in grappling, and fighting skills far beyond ordinary people is far more mysterious than an AI that is loaded with live ammunition and holds a sniper or an automatic rifle.

Because the latter is very common in most virtual spaces, and it can be done with the current AI technology, but the former is almost never seen, because there is no such person in reality!

How did this AI come about?

Is the enemy behind him similar to him?Still stronger?

Pavel quickly made up his mind: "Don't worry about him, everyone keep going, don't stop! These AIs are just hiding in the dark and attacking, it will be very troublesome for us to chase, why not hurry to the location of the key! "


Soon, another 10 minutes passed.

After killing an enthusiastic citizen who tried to sneak attack again, Pavel loaded the pistol panting, and at the same time counted the number of hackers behind him.

Before he knew it, there were only three people following him!

Pavel realized that he had made a serious mistake.

He thought that the future AI could not be stronger than the tattooed person, but later he realized that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake!

This tattooed person has been tracking them, and sneak attack when he finds an opportunity. The citizens are also trying their best to attack these hackers in some sinister corners. They even cooperate with each other. The citizens can block each other's guns and cover their retreat.

What's worse, there is really a very powerful enemy hidden in each of the following landmark buildings!

Some of these people are good at boxing, some are good at kicks, and some use weapons, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very familiar with the terrain, they can use various props in the field, and they are very good at fighting!

Although the guns are fast beyond seven steps and accurate and fast within seven steps, but in the case of a sneak attack, facing a group of kung fu masters who are proficient in fighting, the small pistols of the hackers are really quite weak.

The key is that hackers are also high-attack and low-defense. After being hit, it is a fatal move. This group of people is elusive, and hackers are hard to guard against. Doesn't help at all.

Pavel looked at the time, and it was almost 25 minutes, and they had only walked about two-thirds of the distance, and the last third, they still don't know how long it will take.

"Forget it, withdraw!"

Although he was very unwilling, this operation was bound to fail, and the risk of being discovered by the authorities was too high if it continued, so Pavel decided to evacuate 5 minutes earlier.

However, at this moment, Pavel once again showed a shocked expression: "Our path has been traced? When exactly..."

However, before he finished speaking, his whole person had quickly turned dark, and all the hackers disappeared into the virtual space.

(End of this chapter)

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