life play game

Chapter 237 The foreign party B is too impolite

Chapter 237 Foreign Party B Is Too Disrespectful (Part [-])
Early the next morning, before six o'clock, Zhang Jian woke up.

I don't know why, but I always feel restless.

So after a simple breakfast, he immediately drove to Changteng Entertainment headquarters.

At this time, he has not officially started work, but Zhang Jian is an executive after all, and he came to his office unimpeded all the way.

Sitting down on the large office chair, he hurriedly opened the locked drawer, took out his mobile phone, opened the software skillfully and set it up, and wanted to check the reply from the hacker.

"It should be... a success, right?
"Even if you can't destroy all the source codes of Studio 404, you can at least destroy some of them...

"But there is currently no news about the damage to the game "Dippo Wulin", is it because everyone is still sleeping?

"It's also unlikely. If the source code is really damaged, players will definitely find out immediately."

At this time, Zhang Jian was in a very complicated mood, and he couldn't guess how this matter was going.

He didn't receive the news at first, and he was a little complacent, thinking that there should be some drama, right?After all, if ATE thinks there is nothing to do after just looking at it, he must be notified as soon as possible.

He was not notified, which means that the hackers felt that there was something wrong with this virtual space, and they must have started to try to invade.

But why is there no news after that?

Zhang Jian thought for a while, and sent a message: "Did it succeed?"

As a result, the message was sent, but it was prompted to reject it.

"Huh? What's going on!
"Foreigners are too impolite. How can we say that we are also Party A, and we are regular customers. Should we let me know if things are done or not? Why did you delete my contact information directly? It's unreasonable!"

Zhang Jian was a little unhappy, what happened to this hacker, he was too unprofessional!

Looks like things mostly didn't get done.

Zhang Jianbai threw [-] knives, but it didn't have much impact on him. Anyway, he didn't pay for it himself, and he could find a way to transfer it to Changteng Entertainment's operating expenses. This rich hacker is not willing to make a move, so it's not a bad loss for him.

It is equivalent to spending [-] dollars to buy a lottery ticket. Of course it is very profitable if you win, but if you don't win, you have no other losses besides the [-] dollars.

I looked at the time, it was still early for work.

Zhang Jian didn't have a good rest because he kept thinking about hackers, and he woke up very early in the morning. Now that a big rock has landed, he feels drowsy gradually.

So I came to the large leather sofa in the office and prepared to lie down for a while.

The bosses and executives of many companies will boast that they work more than ten hours a day, but they will not say that they sleep when they want to in the office.

Zhang Jian lay comfortably on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to check the latest news of "Jiangshan Fengyunlu" and "Double Wulin" habitually.

However, as he brushed, he suddenly sat up from the sofa, and his drowsiness disappeared into the sky again.

Because he saw a message: the official platform once again warmly celebrated the major achievements in fighting hacker crimes in the deep virtual space of "Taiqing"!

Zhang Jian instantly felt that the situation was not good!

At this point in time... Doesn't it mean that the ATE group of hackers I was looking for yesterday were caught by the authorities?
Zhang Jian hurriedly continued to watch, the more he watched, the more chilled he was.

This is more than just being caught, it's a blood loss!
According to the official statement, this time not only destroyed the virtual space of six overseas hackers, but also arrested criminal gangs that provided springboards and support for hackers in the country in the early hours of the morning, arresting more than 30 people in total!
How many people are there in ATE?

Although this kind of hacker organization can be regarded as famous and powerful, but in fact, they don't have many people in the country.

The reason is very simple. These criminals in China are actually almost like spies. They are a group of 50 people walking around. It is actually quite troublesome to develop.

And once caught, a large group of people may be caught, and a certain line may be completely paralyzed!

ATE has been arrested by more than [-] people before, and now more than [-] people have been arrested...

Zhang Jian is highly suspicious that there may only be a few dozen criminal gangs left in the territory of ATE who can provide them with a springboard and support...

Coupled with the loss of these virtual spaces, ATE can really be said to have lost all of its underpants this time!

Zhang Jian suddenly understood why Pavel directly deleted his contact information.

If it is him, he will delete it too.

This is really a loss!
Zhang Jian even felt that he was making a lot of money. He spent a hundred thousand dollars to watch such a big fun...

But then he wished he could slap himself, it was already this time, what else was there to think about!
In the future, if I want to find ATE to hack others, I am afraid it will not work. I have to change to another hacker organization!

Looking down, Zhang Jian couldn't laugh at all.

"The official...has released the video at that time?"

Although the official also commended the 404 studio before, saying that the virtual space built by the 404 studio based on the game blueprint of "Walk with Darkness" created great difficulties for these hackers during the intrusion process, but how did they create great difficulties? of?Did not say.

Netizens have speculated that the maze in "Walking with Darkness" may have played a role, but after all, the official did not say, these are just speculations.

But this time, there is a video!

Although it is still early in the morning, this video has already received 10,000+ views, and more than 1 people watched it again at the same time. It is estimated that by noon or night, the number of views will easily exceed one million!

And these traffics will obviously be transferred to "Dippo Martial Arts".

What's worse, why are so many people complaining about Changteng Entertainment?

This matter has nothing to do with our Changteng Entertainment!

Cough cough, although I did find the person, but I didn't leave any clues. The money was transferred from a foreign account, and the authorities couldn't check it.

But the netizens are obviously not stupid. Although there is no evidence, they still point their fingers at Changteng Entertainment!

"Hackers blow up servers? Don't think about it, Changteng Entertainment must have done it!"

"This is to directly destroy the source code of "Double Martial Arts"! It's so vicious!"

"Wait, why do you think the hacker was hired by Changteng Entertainment?"

"Is there still a need to guess? Anyway, every time something bad happens, just look for Changteng Entertainment!"

"Think about it, ATE has already suffered once before, but why did it still come here? Someone must have bought it!"

"...This guess is too forced, but when I think about Changteng Entertainment, I think it's actually quite reasonable."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, just spray Changteng Entertainment! Resolutely don't watch their crap movies!"

"Let Changteng Entertainment give an explanation, why did you hire a hacker!"

Seeing the comments of these netizens, Zhang Jian was speechless.

With no evidence, why do these netizens believe that Changteng Entertainment did it?Why!

Although it was indeed Zhang Jian who did it, seeing this scene, he was still a little nervous.

Seeing that the daily box office of "Jianghu Fengyunlu" seems to have dropped again, Zhang Jian couldn't hold back anymore.

"It's really weird, how is it possible? ATE is considered a top-level hacker, how can a small company's virtual space be overturned twice? If you can't crack it, won't you run away?"

With doubts, Zhang Jian clicked on the video to view it.

(End of this chapter)

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