life play game

Chapter 257 We want to help you defend your rights!

Chapter 257 We want to help you defend your rights!
Zhang Jian was full of confidence, thinking that Lu Renjia had no reason to refuse at all.

My movement data was used by other companies for profit. Anyone with a normal mind would be a little unhappy, right?

What's more, there is no need for Lu Renjia to come forward at all, and Changteng Entertainment directly arranges all these things, and you can get a lot of money while lying down, why not do it?

Of course, this money may not be able to be obtained, after all, from a legal point of view, even if 404 Studio does not give money, it is still legal and compliant.

But Zhang Jian's calculations are very strong: as long as this negative public opinion is incited, then for 404 studios, no matter how they deal with it, they will lose!
If you give money, it's a small loss; if you don't give money, it's a big loss!

Even if Studio 404 does not give money, it would be a better result for Changteng Entertainment.After all, the compensation is given to Passerby A, and Changteng Entertainment cannot get it, but if it does not pay compensation, then Changteng Entertainment can continue to incite public opinion and benefit from it.

However, what Zhang Jian didn't expect was that Lu Renjia's expression seemed a little weird: "This...Mr. Zhang, I don't think it's necessary."

Zhang Jian was surprised: "Why is it unnecessary?"

Lu Zhixing didn't know how to explain it for a while, so maybe I want to tell you that Lu Renjia is actually Lu Zhixing?Is it the boss of 404 Studio?That seems a little impolite...

And Lu Zhixing doesn't really want to throw away this vest now.

Because Lu Renjia's reputation is really not very good, he kicked so many eggs in the virtual Jinghai, and how much hatred he caused!

Besides, in fact, Lu Zhixing's goal has already been achieved. Through this activity, Changteng Entertainment exploded its gold coins, and also succeeded in attracting "Done Step Martial Arts", so why continue to mix with Changteng Entertainment.

According to his own plan, it's time to get out in time to work on the next game.

So of course Lu Zhixing didn't want to accept Zhang Jian's fault, but the real reason couldn't be said.

He was silent for a moment: "The behavior of the 404 studio is compliant after all. The Jinghai Research Institute does have the right to retrieve all the data in the virtual Jinghai. We don't need to force it."

Zhang Jian was surprised, how come Lu Renjia was aggressive during the martial arts competition, and he seemed to be a person who didn't suffer at all, but at this time he was cowardly?

Oh, I see, it's because Lu Renjia doesn't understand these things in business, so he instinctively doesn't want to get into trouble.

Zhang Jian patted his chest: "Mr. Lu, don't worry, Changteng Entertainment is a professional in this matter! You only need to nod, and we will handle everything. You just need to wait for the compensation."

However, no matter how Zhang Jian understood it with reason and moved him with emotion, Lu Renjia was completely indifferent.

In the end, after a few words of evasion, he went offline directly.

Stop breaking up with him!

This made Zhang Jian a little embarrassed. He looked at Wei Qicheng who was also not knowing what to say, and fell silent for a while.

"Mr. Zhang, then... let's forget about it?" Wei Qicheng asked tentatively.

Zhang Jian shook his head resolutely: "Forget it? How can I forget it! How can I forget such a good opportunity!
"The activities have been completed, and the enthusiasm has risen, but all the follow-up enthusiasm has been handed over to 404 Studio? Why! We must grab these enthusiasm back!"

Wei Qicheng was a little helpless: "But Mr. Zhang, what should Lu Renjia do if he doesn't express his opinion?"

Zhang Jian sneered: "Could it be that if Lu Renjia doesn't speak up, we can't defend our rights?"

Wei Qicheng: "Huh?"

Zhang Jian stood up and took a few steps: "It's best if Lu Renjia is willing to come forward, but if he doesn't want to come forward, we can also handle the matter!
"Anyway, we directly created public opinion on the Internet, saying that the 404 studio directly used Lu Renjia's data for commercial purposes, but did not seek Lu Renjia's consent in advance, and did not give any compensation.

"At that time, right and wrong will have their own opinions. Is it important whether Lu Renjia cares?"

Wei Qicheng suddenly said: "Huh? It seems to make sense!"

As long as this matter breaks out, there will definitely be netizens complaining for Lu Renjia.

With Lu Renjia's character, it is unlikely that he will speak out.And even if he stood up and said he didn't care, so what?He doesn't care, but netizens will.

Netizens will only think that Lu Renjia does not fight or grab, and has the demeanor of a master, but this is not the reason for the 404 studio to prostitute others.

The best result at that time is that Studio 404 responded quickly and sent money to Lu Renjia as soon as possible.

But Zhang Jian judged that Studio 404's response would not be so fast.

And even if the 404 studio paid the money, they would get on the bus first and then make up the fare. Changteng Entertainment can continue to create public opinion and say: "Look, if there is no condemnation from netizens, will the 404 studio not pay the money?" gone?"

In short, as long as this negative public opinion can be stirred up, no matter how Lu Renjia expresses his opinion, no matter how 404 Studio responds, Zhang Jian's goal can be achieved.

It's just a difference in the size of the results.

It's no wonder that Zhang Jian is full of self-confidence. In his opinion, this is obviously a business with no cost and no profit.

Changteng Entertainment has spent so much money, and finally spent some money to buy a trending search, buy some hype, how much is this?

It's nothing more than a hair on Jiu Niu's body.

But although the money is small, it is of great significance. It can be said that spending a small amount of money to accomplish big things.Not only can the previous sunk costs be recovered, but there is also hope for a small turnaround.

It's just that Wei Qicheng groped for a long time, but he always felt that something was wrong.

I was inexplicably anxious.

What is wrong...

In fact, he didn't know what to say himself, but he vaguely felt that Lu Renjia's attitude was abnormal, and it didn't seem like a normal person's reaction to such a thing.

But Wei Qicheng didn't dare to assert that there must be something wrong with this. After all, passer-by A is not an ordinary person, and his personality is unique.

Therefore, Wei Qicheng is not easy to persuade.

Zhang Jian finally made a decision: "Okay, then it's settled! Go buy a trending search immediately, find some trolls, and stir up the popularity of this topic!

"I heard that Studio 404 doesn't work on weekends? Very good, then use this weekend to catch them off guard!"



Monday, October 4.

The employees of Studio 404 came to work in the company on time.

Yao Wenyang always came early. He stretched his waist and walked to his work station. As usual, he was going to make a work plan for this week and think about the plan of transplanting "Diplo Martial Arts" to PC and console .

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the work station, he saw the figure of a little fat man.

"Mr. Li?"

Yao Wenyang was a little surprised, wondering why Mr. Li came so early?

I saw that Li Rushan was staring at the computer screen intently, his expression was not very good.

Apparently, Li Rushan has been observing the box office data of "Unique Martial Arts" during the weekend.

From the downturn on the first day of release, to the counterattack on the second day, to the take-off on the third day, to the complete explosion on the weekend...

Li Rushan's mood can't be said to be like a roller coaster, it can only be said to be like bungee jumping, there is no going up, only a very fast fall.

Originally, Li Rushan still had a little luck, thinking that there might be some errors in the box office estimation algorithms of various ticket-buying apps, so today he came to the company early in the morning to check the background data.

As a result, after seeing the specific background data, his heart became even colder.

The box office estimation algorithm of the ticket-buying APP is no problem, even conservative!
The major theaters have already increased the schedule of "Unique Martial Arts". After all, these theaters also want to make money, who would have trouble with money?
Even if Changteng Entertainment's "Jiangshan Fengyunlu" gave more box office revenue, so what?There are so few people watching!
In terms of popularity, "Dippo Wulin" completely overwhelmed "Jiangshan Fengyunlu". After comprehensive consideration of the theaters, they still have to give "Dippo Wulin" more films.

Movies... also want to make money!

Li Rushan originally thought that everyone has already played the game, or at least passed the plot once, so is there any need to spend money to go to the cinema to watch it again?

No matter how you look at it, it's impossible for this movie to explode, right?
But never expected that the reality is so cruel.

Even the popularity of the movie has in turn led to the popularity of the game. Many viewers who did not know this game before became interested in the game after watching the movie. Into the game began to suffer.

The popularity and sales of games and movies are spiraling up, and we can't hold back!

(End of this chapter)

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