life play game

Chapter 283 Finalizing the Plot Framework

Chapter 283 Finalizing the Plot Framework
Lu Zhixing became interested: "Huh? Tell me about this in detail."

This second solution instantly reminded him of a very classic game he had played before called "The Legend of Heroes of the Three Kingdoms".

This is a fairly classic game launched by Heluo Studio, which has produced classic works such as "The Legend of Jin Yong" and "The Legend of Wulin Heroes", also known as the "Trilogy".

Of course, the popularity of "Heroes of the Three Kingdoms" is much lower than those two works. On the one hand, it is because the theme has been changed from martial arts to the Three Kingdoms. On the other hand, because the research and development funds of Heluo Studio at that time were very limited, so " The volume of the game "Three Kingdoms Heroes" has shrunk severely.

Many cities in "Legend of Wulin Heroes" are still prosperous and lively, but in "Legend of Heroes of the Three Kingdoms", they become deserted. There are even only three or five NPCs in a city, and players can run in a few steps. Out of town.

But even so, "Three Kingdoms Heroes" can still be regarded as a very good game.

Especially in terms of plot.

The second plot framework that the plot designers of Studio 404 came up with happened to coincide with the plot framework of "Three Kingdoms Heroes", and there are many similarities.

Liu Bo continued to introduce: "So, the player's mission is to find the famous generals and three protagonists of the Three Kingdoms while slaying demons in the chaotic world of the Three Kingdoms, so that they can return to their respective positions and correct the chaotic time and space.

"Compared to the first option, this second option has advantages and disadvantages.

"The disadvantage is that we can't directly connect the various events in the chronological order that everyone is familiar with. Major events such as the eighteenth princes' fight against Dong Zhuo, the battle of Guandu, the battle of Chibi, etc. will not appear in the order that everyone is familiar with. in the plot.

"Then some famous classic scenes may not be restored. In other words, even if they are restored, they will not follow the original script.

"The advantage is that our degree of freedom in the plot will be greatly improved!
"Since this is a story that takes place in a chaotic time and space, many generals will also have a demonized image, so if we adapt some classic plots, the players will be more tolerant.

"At the same time, we don't need to be limited to the original time and space anymore. Many major events can happen in the same time and space. Wherever the player goes on the big map, the corresponding event will be triggered. In this way, the player's degree of freedom will increase. higher.

"Moreover, when players experience the plots of these generals, we can also describe these generals more, instead of simple facial makeup design."

This is actually not difficult to understand.

The original plot of "Three Kingdoms" is a framework, but it is also a shackle.

If the first plan is followed, then the Battle of Chibi must be before the Battle of Guandu, and in the Battle of Guandu, Guan Yu's deeds of beheading Yanliang and Zhu Wenchou must be similar to those in the novels.

So, what role can players play in this process?

At most, it only allows players to enter battlefield levels such as Baima and Guandu, fight side by side with Guan Yu, and finally kill the two bosses, Yan Liang Wen Chou, and that's it.

It is almost impossible to have too much interaction between the player and Guan Yu. Naturally, the plot of these generals is very thin.

But according to the second option, the degree of freedom is very high.

It actually shifts the key points that trigger these big events from time to space.

Time is dead. Although there are different timelines in "Sword Shadow Liaoyuan", the time travel in the timeline is relatively restrained, and the degree of freedom is not so high.

The space is alive, and players can freely choose where to go first and where to go later.

For example, the Battle of Guandu and the Battle of Chibi can happen at the same time. As for why Boss Cao can appear in Guandu and Chibi at the same time?This can be completely explained by theories such as space-time distortion.At the same time, this approach can also enrich the game mechanics.

Players can choose which side to trigger the event first according to their actual situation.

If you fight the battle of Guandu first, you may be able to give priority to improving the favorability with Guan Yu, and then you can use Guan Yu as a powerful boost when you go to the battle of Chibi;
On the contrary, if you fight the Battle of Chibi first, you can complete the plot of fire attack and borrow arrows to improve your magical powers.

And there will be a certain connection between events and events. Every time a major event is completed, it will have an impact on the remaining major events in the world.And this provides players with a high degree of freedom and a certain degree of strategy.

In addition, the second scenario allows players to have more opportunities to interact with these generals.

For example, in the original plot, Guan Yu's killing of Yan Liang and Wen Chou had clear causes and consequences. First, Zhang Liao persuaded him to surrender, then Guan Yu repaid his favor, and finally he passed five levels and killed six generals, etc.

Throughout the plot, the main characters are Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Zhang Liao and other characters. As for the players?

At most, it's stuffed in as an errand, and it won't have a strong sense of presence.

But if the second method is used, then the whole plot can be greatly changed.

For example, in the new plot, Guan Yu did not meet Liu Bei and was still in Xie Liang's hometown, but Yuan Shao's army arrived and the people were in dire straits. The protagonist's task was to find Guan Yu, find a way to complete a series of preparations, invite him to come out, and finally kill him again. Yan Liang's feat of killing Wen Chou.

Of course, this is just a simple example, and the specific details of the plot need to be carefully considered.

But in general, under the second plot framework, these plot stories that happened in the Three Kingdoms can be combined in the same time and space, and the plot stories that belong to each general can be tailored according to the characteristics of each general.

Compared with the original fragmented plots, these plot stories are more conducive to showing the character characteristics of these generals, and at the same time, they can also make players feel more involved.

It is indeed more difficult to produce, but it is obviously better in terms of plot expressiveness.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhixing made a decisive decision: "Yes, we will follow the second plot framework!
"In this way, our plot story can be divided into several iconic plots and three different timelines.

"The plot story is mainly carried out in the current timeline, and the past and future timelines will be interspersed during the period.

"Each plot has a corresponding theme, and there will also be some connections between plots."

During the Three Kingdoms period, according to the administrative divisions at that time, it can be roughly divided into thirteen states, namely: Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, Bingzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou, Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Yizhou, Yongzhou, Liangzhou, and Sili.

In these states, there are many important cities and battlefields.

Various major events in the history of the Three Kingdoms are dismantled and redistributed to these states. At the same time, corresponding military commanders are arranged as NPCs. The classic events that occurred in each state are used as the theme, allowing players to correct history one by one.

According to the progress of the plot, wars between different forces will also break out between states.

At the same time, at different stages of the plot, when the player chooses to travel to the past or future timeline, there will be corresponding changes.

This approach is much more interesting than the first step-by-step approach.

(End of this chapter)

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