life play game

Chapter 286 "Meaning"

Chapter 286 "Meaning"

After hearing the word "useless", Li Rushan looked serious and tried to hold back his smile: "Okay, keep talking."

Is speedrunning useful?Strictly speaking, it's really useless...

After all, there is a joke in the speedrunning circle: "What's the "meaning" of playing like this?"

This meme is mainly because many speedrunning anchors often try an evil way over and over again for several hours in the process of challenging speedrunning. New viewers who don't understand speedrunning often ask such questions when they see it.

There's really no answer to this question.

Yeah, what's the point?It doesn't really make sense.For those speedrunning experts, the experience of speedrunning is actually a pure jail. They often have to play with high mental intensity for an hour or two. If they make a big mistake in the middle, they will abandon all their previous efforts and start from scratch.

And continuous practice and continuous imprisonment are just to improve the fastest clearance time by a few seconds.

For some people, it’s really hard to understand what the “meaning” of this is.Perhaps this is one of the reasons why speedrunning is so niche.

So when Li Rushan heard this, he became somewhat interested.

Making a website for a niche, meaningless gameplay?Hmm, sounds good!
Lu Zhixing introduced: "Considering that our current games, "Walking with Darkness", "Doubu Martial Arts" and "Sword Shadow Rebellion" are all very popular among speedrunning players, we should set up a speedrunning website to give back to them. It makes sense.”

Li Rushan nodded seriously: "Well, it makes sense!
"So, what is the difference between our speed-tolling website and this speed-toking website abroad?"

Lu Zhixing thought about it seriously: "If we want to talk about the essential difference... there is no.

“If we have to talk about the differences in details, it’s probably that there are fewer games on our website, fewer people, and the early section structure is less complete?
"Of course we also have a huge advantage, that is, our website will definitely be a purely Chinese community in the early stage, and it is very friendly to domestic speedrunning players. They no longer have to study the English rules of foreign speedrunning websites!"

Hearing this, Li Rushan almost laughed out loud.

Does co-authoring mean that we are completely backward?
But when you think about it carefully, it is actually very reasonable. There are more speedrunners in foreign countries than in China, and the speedrunning website started earlier, and various functions have been completed quite well.

Lu Zhixing wants to build a domestic express website. Even if it can refer to the experience of foreign websites, there will always be some omissions.

What's more, foreign speedrunning communities can operate so well thanks to a group of hardcore speedrunning players who serve as community administrators.

They are top speedrunning players themselves, and they usually spend a lot of time discussing the details of speedrunning rules and reviewing whether the videos of new records are compliant. It can be said that they have made great contributions to the development of the speedrunning community.

However, there are too few speedrunners in China, and it will be difficult to gather such a group of professional reviewers in the short term.

As for, Chinese websites are more friendly to domestic speedrunning players?
This is indeed a good thing for domestic players, but it is not of great significance.

How many speedrunners are there in total in China?

Basically, domestic players who play speedrunning have already memorized the rules of the speedrunning community by heart, and they all have the ability to speak English.Establishing a Chinese community and Chinese rules will at best make them more comfortable, and there will be no essential difference.

The biggest benefit of the Chinese community is that the threshold for ordinary players to enter the speedrunning game has been greatly lowered, but it returns to the original problem. The speedrunning game itself is too niche!
So whether to lower the threshold or not, it seems... is not that important.

In short, in Li Rushan's opinion, this is definitely a very reliable project!

“Okay, great! This is exactly the project I need!

“How much does it cost to build this website?
"Oh, actually it doesn't matter whether it's money or not. I mainly want to contribute to the players' speedrunning career so that more players can experience the fun of speedrunning!"

Although he said that money was not important, the little fat man's eyes were still full of expectation.

Lu Zhixing coughed twice: "As for the website... the cost is certainly high or low.

"If the standard is low, just do it casually. As long as it has video uploading and ranking functions, hire some auditors, and discuss with foreign speedrunning websites to synchronize their data. It doesn't cost too much. Can do it decently.

“If the standards are high, there are so many areas that can be improved.

“For example, we can connect the website with our games, and build timing software, tickers, necessary plug-ins, etc. into the game. At the same time, we can automatically generate speed-passing videos, and players only need to make simple edits to automatically upload them.

“You can spend money to hire some top speedrunning experts to settle in. You can also encourage these speedrunning experts to produce some professional explanation videos on speedrunning routes to help novices get started. You can also hold a speedrunning competition to provide everyone with generous rewards, etc. .

"As long as the situation is open, there is actually a lot that can be done!"

Li Rushan was very happy: "Okay! What Mr. Lu said makes sense!

"We have always followed the high-quality route, how can we have a low standard? That is disrespect to all domestic speedrunners!
"Speedrunners are speedrunning and imprisoned day and night. They can beat a single evil path hundreds of times just for the one-second or two-second improvement. Is it easy?

"If we just fool around with making a website, wouldn't that chill them! We absolutely can't do that kind of thing!

“So we must open up the pattern, and since we have to do it, we must do our best.

"I think Mr. Lu's nonsense, Oh Bu Qi's plan is very good. We can directly invite the top domestic speedrunning players to settle in, and then hold speedrunning competitions every now and then, and cooperate with major video websites and live broadcast platforms to strive to achieve Everyone participates!
"By the way, the software side also needs to keep up. We make speedrun timers and various plug-ins ourselves. Anyway, as long as it can improve the experience of speedrun players, we will develop it!
“In short, our initial goal is to make this speedrunning community perfectly support all our own games, and our ultimate goal is to continue to expand to other games and strive to make our speedrunning community the best speedrunning community in the world!
"When the time comes, let all foreigners come to chew on Chinese rules!"

Lu Zhixing almost couldn't hold his breath with a "pop": "That's no need, we still need to develop a multi-language version."

Li Rushan nodded: "Yes, we will develop a multi-language version and find more translators. We will strive to gain a foothold in China and go global!"

(End of this chapter)

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