Chapter 41 What about the promised hour? (The leader of Guali Maomao rewards and adds more)
Lu Zhixing lay down in the VR game cabin, and after a while, he gradually entered a half-asleep and half-awake state just like wearing a VR helmet before.

When he woke up again, he had come to a pure white space again.

"Foreigners, welcome to the deep virtual world of 'Taiqing'!"

Compared to my first experience with a fifth-gen VR headset, there are some noticeable differences this time around.

There is no longer the logo of the Changteng Group or any company in the front view, nor is there a magnificent landing hall, and it has always been in this pure white state.

Moreover, the welcome word here is no longer "the virtual world of 'Taiqing'", but has become "the deep virtual world of 'Taiqing'".Although there is only one more word, the meaning is completely different.

"This should be the illusory space used for testing?"

At this time, there is nothing in Lu Zhixing's field of vision, except for his own body that is exactly the same as in reality, and only when he gazes at the top of his field of vision will a prompt like [Level 1 internal test permission: available resource quota 300/300] be displayed.

He tried to use gestures to call up the resource interface, but found that there was no response.

This shows that the traditional editing mode has no meaning here, only imagination is needed here.

Lu Zhixing first tried to imagine the cup he often drank water from, including its size, color, pattern details and so on.

Then, a vague, cup-shaped object that seemed to have been mosaiced appeared in front of him.

"...This thing is far from what I imagined."

Lu Zhixing reached out and tried to touch it, and found that it had no tactile sensation at first, but as he imagined, it began to have a tactile sensation similar to glass, and it became clearer and more real.

Lu Zhixing worked hard to imagine various details in his mind, and tried to compare the difference between this cup and the image in his mind. After two or three minutes, a cup that was 3% similar to his impression finally appeared in his hand.

But I can still feel that it is not real enough, but I can't figure out where it is not real.

I looked up at the available resource quota and found that it has changed from 300 to 299.99.

Obviously, if it is just a cup, the amount of internal testing resources consumed is negligible.

Lu Zhixing can't even determine whether the resource it consumes is 0.01, or does this thing display at most two decimal places?

"It seems that my talent is not bad?"

Lu Zhixing remembered that Professor He Cheng said that some people could not imagine anything in the virtual world at all, and what some people imagined was quite different from what actually appeared.

There are very few people who can really create some usable resources just by imagination.

And Lu Zhixing felt that the cup he created should be considered as "usable", right?Although it is a very simple and familiar thing, as long as it can be successfully created, it has surpassed many people.

Lu Zhixing concentrated again. This time, he imagined a chair that already existed in his mind.

This is an ordinary wooden chair that he obtained from the school guard room when he collected materials before.

In the next second, this wooden chair appeared directly in front of Lu Zhixing!
Size, structure, texture, color... It can be said that all the details of this chair are exactly the same as the chair in reality!
Lu Zhixing stretched out his hand to touch it, and then sat down again. There was also nothing inconsistent with reality.

"Sure enough, my conjecture was correct! The material obtained through the life-playing game is clearly in my mind, so I can imagine it here without any errors!

"That's easy, let's get to work!"

Lu Zhixing immediately began to concentrate and began to carry.

At present, all the materials of the two games "You in Eyes" and "Ordinary Life" are basically in his mind, and Lu Zhixing immediately carried them out according to the order of the contents of these two games.


At the same time, Wang Yang randomly found a chair in the research room and sat down, took a cup of coffee from the automatic coffee machine next to him, drank it, and tried to strike up a conversation with Chi Yue.

"Recently, I heard from the team leader that the speed at which you move materials out of the virtual world is getting faster and faster? It's amazing. If this continues, you will be emptying out all these things."

Chi Yue didn't raise her head: "Yes."

Wang Yang: "..."

Everyone in the research team knows that Chi Yue is a topic stopper. No matter what you say to her, it is normal to get a one-word answer. It is more precious to get a two-word answer. The answer is that it can only be said to be extremely rare.

If there is more than one sentence, it means that the sun is coming out from the west.

Wang Yang tried to chat with her because he had nothing to do, and as expected, he got a normal one-word answer.

The art of the research team has an important task to transfer the material of the deep world of "Taiqing" to reality. After all, the resources in the deep world can only be used to make VR games in a closed system, and cannot make regular VR games. Can't even make PC, console, and mobile games.

If you want to use these materials in computer and mobile games, you must carry them out.

However, this handling can be helped by AI algorithms, so it is much more convenient to move than to make it from scratch in reality.

A very important part of Chi Yue's work is to move these materials.Because she needs to use the equipment here frequently, she was assigned to manage the laboratory by the way.

Wang Yang was very confused about how to survive this hour.

However, at this moment, he saw that Chi Yue's hand that was manipulating the digital drawing board stopped, and a very rare expression of surprise appeared on his calm face.

Chi Yue is wearing a MR (Mixed Reality) helmet, which is not fully wrapped, and can see both the virtual world and the real world.

She looked at the virtual world first, and then at the direction where Lu Zhixing was in the real world, the shock on her face became more and more obvious.

"Who is he?"

Wang Yang was stunned, this was the only time he heard Chi Yue speak more than five words!

"He is... an undergraduate student at the School of Game Design, Jinghai University, and the proud student of Professor He Cheng. What's wrong? What happened?"

Wang Yang was also startled by Chi Yue's reaction, and subconsciously stood up.

Chi Yue pointed to the computer screen beside her: "Material!"

Wang Yang probed and found that the resource list of the deep world of "Taiqing" could be seen on the computer screen.Although I can't see the specific resources, but from the list, it seems that these resources are growing rapidly!
Is this what Lu Zhixing did?Is he wasting resources to make up the amount?

This was Wang Yang's first reaction.

He has never seen such a fast speed. How can anyone come up with materials so quickly?It must have counted!

An ordinary junk material also needs to consume resource quotas, which is too wasteful!

But after thinking about it, it didn't feel like it.

Because these materials can be counted, it shows that they are not outright garbage, but have a certain degree of plasticity.And judging from Chi Yue's expression, what she sees in the MR glasses is by no means ordinary material.

"The material is very good! Very good!"

Chi Yue randomly opened one of the materials, and then began to draw with a hand-painted board.

Following her call, the rudiment of this resource appeared on the MR glasses and the computer screen simultaneously: at first glance it was just a vague outline, but with the completion of AI functions, Wang Yang also gradually realized that this is actually Jing Hai. The North Gate of the University.

"Is the degree of completion so high?"

Wang Yang was even more surprised, because the material extracted from the deep world of "Taiqing" will lose a lot of details after losing the supplementary mechanism of the human brain.The details of these losses are the part that needs to be perfected during Chi Yue's handling.

Therefore, the higher the accuracy of the initially extracted materials, the higher the accuracy of the original resources in the deep world of "Taiqing".

And judging from the situation of this resource, its accuracy in the deep world of "Taiqing" should be the top batch, the kind that can confuse the fake with the real!
"Did you choose the one with the highest accuracy on purpose, or did you choose it randomly?"

Wang Yang also looked at Chi Yue, and Chi Yue's expression told him that it was probably the latter.

Now Wang Yang understands why Chi Yue asked "Who is he?"

If Wang Yang came to ask, he would ask, "Is this f---ing human or not?"

This kind of situation has never happened after the establishment of their research team, no, it should be said that after the emergence of virtual reality technology in the deep world of "Taiqing"!
When the two were in shock and couldn't extricate themselves, the door of the game cabin opened.

Lu Zhixing got up in a daze and asked, "Didn't it be agreed to use it for an hour?

"Why did I get ejected after only 10 minutes since I went in?"


PS. Add a new chapter, and I will pay attention to the rhythm problem later.Ask for a monthly ticket, recommend a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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